The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3686, Sanyihua to God

"Do not die of the god of the gods?"

The golden temple is suddenly stopped, and his face has also floated the colors. "How did you get this treasure?"

If you don't die, the giant is the top giant, and it is successful to cultivate the nine layers of the close.

The war is unable to fight.

And this three flowers are the most powerful magic weapons that do not die.

There is Herhwei name among the universe.

The golden temple is actually only a 2000 era, and the talent is certainly better than the unstead of Devil. After all, he uses two thousand elements to cultivate the nine layers of the top, and the demon is cultivated to cultivate the 4000 era to the top 9th floor. However, the Golden Temple is still a matter of being a matter, because the three flowers are too horrible, and they have never been defeated once they use them.

"Don't die, the god is my friend. She gave me all the treasures before she was falling."

Do not die. Devil lies.

Since I did Zhang Bin's , she would not use the outer number of unstead of Devil.

In the face of the horror genius of the Golden Temple, she did not dare to have anything more, of course, the most powerful magic weapon - three flowers.

In fact, there is an incomparable sharp god sword without dead devil.

It is also a very powerful basement.

But she certainly won't brighten the card.

"Very good, no wonder you dare to kill my son."

On the forehead of the Golden Temple, I floated 2998 days, along with his two eyes, equivalent to 3000 days, and the momentum of the earth destroyed is also emitted from his body. "But you still have to tragedy today." "

"Hehe, ..." Don't die, the gods have a contempt, "What is your son? Dare to arrive in front of me. Kill it will kill. It is like killing an ants. As for you, it is a A powerful antique. You have to be careful, don't blame me for your life. "

"Good domineering, is this the confident that the top giant?"

Everyone is secretly marked in your heart.

"I am nice, it is really good."

Zhang Bin is also very satisfied, and his face has floated a brilliant smile.

He is spent to take a lot of arrogance.

The return is also extraordinarily rich.

She made his hardships, washing his feet, massage him, giving him a strong enemy.

And is still a peerless beauty.

I am used to such a supreme service, no matter where it is going, I want to bring her.

In the future, I went to the gods and lacked her.

And this is not looking forward to it.

It's good to be a woman who is doing Zhang Bin, the woman will play greasy, but so faithful, deny, any man will not disappear, will bring it around.


The golden hall is roaring, and the god pot in his hands is raised.

Explosive white rays.

A water flow is taken out from the pot.

It has become a ice dragon, which is blocked, and the momentum of destroying the earth is unwilling to the Devil.

The cold breath is filled.

One of the heavens and the earth, the snow is falling.

Wanbu withered.

The surrounding plants have lost their vitality.

It is all frozen.

"Birth is like smoke, it is difficult to reproduce."

If you are smirk, the three flowers in the hands are shocked. The black flowers suddenly exploded the dark rays, just like the search lights on the ice dragon.

... ...

The horrible voice sounded, and the ice dragon inch was broken, and then it could be chemical into a powder, and finally disappeared in the void, as never existed.

"Good magical attack."

Everyone's eyes are on, and the face is full of shock.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is surprised to the extreme, his face is full of not a letter.

His eyes are also projected to three flowers, and there is no way to move.

Perhaps these three flowers are imperfect moments, may be asyed in their own Tibetan Tower.

"Dragon Tu God ..."

The Lord of the Golden Temple is clear.

The kettle of the hand is rapidly emits the ice dragon, one step, to the back, that is, countless ice dragon flew out, flying, covering the void.

Countless ice dragons pounce towards no demon gods, claws crazy bombardment.


The cold is hit.

The people of many observances continue to retreat continuously, they are all staminated.

Even Zhang Bin felt a death threat.

Have to go with the ancestors of the mountains and rivers, refund the shroud of the mountain gate.

Otherwise, they must be frozen and become a corpse.

"The students can't catch it, this life is in my hand."

The cold voice of the unstead of Devil sounded, the red flower suddenly bloomed, there was a girl with an unstead of Devil, and her two hands were together.

Suddenly the magical thing happened.

Countless ice dragons have been attracted by the mysterious power of horrible.

All quickly narrow, narrow, landing in her two palms.

A few drops of water beads.

"Amazing ..."

Everyone is secretly shocked.

Zhang Bin also saw the show.

Such a magical pass is not only the power of artifacts, but also itself has superior strength.

For example, Zhang Bin's Libra is very busy. If he uses it out of the Libra, it is not impossible to deal with the five-story giant, this is the more you set. But it is to deal with the six-story giant, but it is more necessary to deal with the nine floors of the crowd. This is because Zhang Bin's strength is too low.

If he cultivates the nine floors, use it out of the scale, then the fairy is invincible.

"Ice Dragon is in one, destroying the earth."

The face of the golden hall is a bit ugly, he is crazy.

Suddenly the kettle's cover suddenly bounces.

Countless ice dragons flew out, and the claws were covered with the void.

But instantly fused together, a few kilometers diameter ice.

Whether it is a black light to flow, it is still the ability to master the flowers, and you can't pay this ice dragon.

The ice dragon spits out a rich white mist, and the layered white clouds are stacked.

Exctends to eternal, all, all, frozen everything.

Everything is extinct.

This ice dragon with a horrible momentum, like the Dragon Tail of the mountains and the gods.


Hurricane whistling, heaven and earth shaking, sun and moon are light.

Among the heavens and the earth, only this terrible dragon-tail attack.

"Born, unlimited possibilities, destroy ..."

The voice of the unstead of Devil is a special ice cold, the safflower of the three flowers, suddenly blooms, suddenly bursting, as if countless sun appears.

It has become red in the world.

The red light is shining on the dragon claws that bombarded the ice dragon.


The singular voice sounded.

The dragon claws rapidly melt, just like the snow to meet hot water.

Just one moment, the dragon claw disappeared, it was chemically formed into a rain, falling in the earth.

Then the huge horrible ice dragon is also thoroughly melted under the illumination of red light.

You can't hurt the demonism.

Such fight, too magical and weird.

Everyone is very excited and excited.

And the war is so much, the Golden Temple and the undead devil are still not divided.

It seems that their strength is not big.

However, Zhang Bin is secretly taboo. He knows how strong it is, and it is easy to defeat the same way of cultivation to the 9th floor.

But the main battle of the Golden Temple has not occupied the wind.

I have been taking a defensive.

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