The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3727 returns to Yuxian Dongfu

Even Zhang Bin heard the sound of the cow snake beast.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin is a creepy.

He immediately changed the direction and arrived in the continent with the fastest speed.

Flying, the pen is straight to the ladder.

"Finally arrived in the continent."

Two beautiful women shouted in their hearts, and their faces have also floated.

Because it is finally safe.

This time, the secret cultivation, Zhang Bin has encountered a terrorist crisis, but it also gains a huge income. It not only got five thousand zombies, including a zombie hunting team, and also made a transaction with the pertiance. Even he got a lot of jade grass and dragonfish, and he also got the blood and skin of the crocodile beast, and an egg and a small crocodile. He also fused his voice, and three kinds of roads were cultivated to the four floors.

His strength can be completely crushed most of the five-layer giant.

Therefore, Zhang was very satisfied with the trip to this Thenyin, still very satisfied.

Ladder Yunshan, Yuxian Dongfu.

Among the hall.

Zhang Bin is sitting on the dragon chair.

Shanhe old ancestors, no demon god, also appeared here.

Yuran and Pengo dreams talk about what happened to this time in the mission of this time.

It is a stunned.

Even the unstead of demon is also a surprise, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

Her face is full of excitement and exciting colors.

Of course, two beautiful women did not say Yu Wen Chengtian, because they didn't know both.

At that time, Zhang Bin shielded everything.

This plan is too important, Zhang Bin will not tell anyone.

After going to the gods in the future, he will not disclose it.

Of course, he also told Zhang Dong.

Zhang Bin also did not have any delays. He took out some treasures of this time, Cuiyu, Dragonfish blood, and crocodile blood and crocodile skin.

Then he said: "Do you two, is this crocodile blood and crocodile skin?"

"This is the blood and skin of the top beast."

When I looked at it, she was filled with shocking, "even, I have to be strong than I have no way, I don't dare to explore the sea, but I don't dare. I can't look back because I can't go up, if I can't go to the gods, it is falling. I have encountered many super horrible sea beasts, which have such a crocodile beast, I am even alive, not to mention countless? So, I can only escape. I don't dare to explore the ban on the fog area. The son, you actually have such a reverse blessing, you can get crocodile blood and skin. This blood is a super good treasure, which can make you impact Layer. However, due to power too horror, you can't take it now. In the future, you can try to take it after the eight floors, you can try it. "

"So much blood, there should be many people to take it."

Zhang Bin's face floated, "Shanhe old ancestors, you take some taking, see if you can make you break through the nine floors, if it can, the mountain river door is also a good look. The strength is greatly improved. Although it is not more than those top-level marties, it can also be said to be a strong small mate. "

"Well, I will try it right away."

The color of the mountains and rivers has floated.

His tacivism is very good, but it is not a good cultivation of resources, so the cultivation of thousands of era will cultivate the eight floors. If it is not a blessing of Zhang Bin, he gets the jade fairy fruit, he wants to break through The eight floors is also far away.

Now I have received crocodile blood, perhaps you can make him break through.

Can he not happy?

"What is this crocodile skin? Is there any big use?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The crocodile skin can refine the strong sterling character, and even kill the six layers of giant. Of course, I can refine soft armor, there is a strong defense ability. If it is true God to refine, I can refine super A powerful gods. "Do not die.

The principle of the god of the god is to seal the super powerful magic, and you can explode you after the excitation.

But no matter how it is difficult to seal the super horror, it is very impossible to kill the five layers or six layers.

Unless it is the skin of God and God, it is possible to kill the seven-story giant.

"Can you only hunt the six-story giant?"

Zhang Bin is a bit disappointing, but he also knows that the six-story giant is strong than the five floors of the five floors. Therefore, if you refine, you will have a sourcing of the six-story giant, and it is very bull.

He went for a while, say: "Then the refinement of ten strong sterling characters, the remaining will save, and then say it in the future."

If he cultivates the gods in the future, you can refine the rest of the skin, you can use it as a treasure treasure. Then his inheritance will not be broken.

This is an important thing.

Then Zhang Bin asked the situation in the continent.

The hunting hall has a big loss last time, no hunting gods entered Yushan Mountain.

So, this is very safe.

The Wan Moumen has broken the zombie door door, but there is still no hunting to the zombie goddess, because the zombie the ancestors flew away with the zombie door giant.

Abandon the mountain gate.

No one knows where the zombie the ancestors go.

Now the Wan Moul is looking for it crazy.

But there is no news yet.

In the co-continent, it is also circulating the Monoles in the murderer to kill 21 three-level hunting team, also destroyed the news of the beast god.

The relationship between the hunting hall and the Wan Moul is also very nervous.

However, the high-level high-level rivals of the Wan magic Gate also meet with the hunting hall, saying that it is not a skyscraper.

Suspected to be a zombie old ancestor.

Therefore, now the hunting hall is there a lot of giant, holding the export of the Tiantian secret.

Anyone comes out from it, you have to check.

This triggered a lot of garthesia.

The atmosphere is also a bit nervous.

There are many powerful martial arts to join together, and to deal with the horizon of the hunting hall.

This is a martial art, surrounding the garden.

Liu Ruoyi is teaching Liu Rulan, Xiao Fang and other beautiful swords.

"God, you are too stupid, this trick is not good. You look at it, I demonstrate it again."

Liu Ruo Mei Jiao said, and the sword in his hand danced slowly.

It seems that it is very skilled.

"Don't practice, let's play mahjong."

Xiao Fangjiao said.

"Okay, play mahjong."

Tian Bingbing, , Wu Zetian is smile and attached.

"I don't fight, the company is still something ..."

Liu Rulan touched the forehead.

Zhang Bin opened so many companies in the earth.

Part is also brought to the fairy world.

Also often produce mobile phones, computers, spacecraft, battleships, armor, and clothes.

However, most of them are refined with a means of refiners.

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