The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3728 Reunion

"I also study ..."

The cold ice cloud is also a smile.

She has been engaged in scientific research, and now she has taken over the dragon research room, specializing in the monster.

Also study how to improve the God of God.

"Every come to talk to the mother ..."

Zhang Yuan took over, followed by a group of women, mostly from the Sancha River.

Then she stood in the center of the martial arts, starting the mouth, if the river is blown.

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Xiaolong, Nan Shaojie, and Zhang Bin's numerous children, of course, did not dare to come, they ran in the legs.

The father was shaking his head. He walked out of the garden and walked into the vegetable field and started a vegetable. The face is full of leisurely.

Kunlun old man is also sitting on the grass, smoking a smoke, and his face is full of cozy color.

Zhang Bin fately came, see such a warm scene, his face is full of brilliant smiles.

He strives to practice, isn't it to guard your family?

Isn't it hoped that they can live happily?

If he is not him, they have already fallen as early as more than 100 million years ago.

Beautiful beautiful people, also made it early.

"Fu Jun ..."

Liu Rulan and Xiao Fang almost simultaneously discovered Zhang Bin, and they made a surprise shout.


Many beautiful women flew over, surrounded by Zhang Bin, joyful.

Only Liu Ruomei, flat flat mouth, continue to practice the sword.

It seems that I didn't see Zhang Bin.

However, look at it carefully, her eyes have been in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Mi, Zhang Father, Zhang Le, Zhang Bin's children also flew past.

It seems to be as lively in the New Year.

"My son, what is it?"

Zhang Qi asked with carefully.

He is also known now, Zhang Bin is the son of the universe, ending at this era, a trick to have a child with another universe, so he is only concerned about this.

"Just cultivated to the four layers of the road."

Zhang Bin said.

"The four layers of the road? So fast?"

The face of everyone has floated.

I used the worship to watch Zhang Bin.

Even Liu Ruomei stopped the practice of the sword, and his face was full of shock.

"Dad, what is your ability?"

Nan Shaojie asked excitedly.

He knows that Zhang Bin is able to kill the enemy.

The realm does not represent the combat power.

"The five floors of the crushing is very easy, it is to have a six-layer giant, and there must be some grasp."

Zhang Bin said confident.

The more powerful, the more family members will also be peaceful.

Of course, he will not conceal strength.

"Can you defeat the enemy two levels? How is this?"

Everyone is completely earthquake, a little dare to confuse.

After all, the realm of the realm of the coat is 100 times.

The more the two levels, the power production gap is 10,000 times.

This is incredible.

"Because I fused three kinds of roads, trial, thunder, sound."

Zhang Bin said, "A plus another plus one, producing some changes. Not equal to three, but far more than three."

He is not completely blowing, and these three roads are combined, so that his strength has indeed more than three times, this is what he recently discovered.

As for the top six huge amounts of the top, if it is used to use a zombie hunting team, many of the gods, many beasts. That is just as easy as tickle.

"What? I integrated three ways?"

Everyone is completely stupid, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Even the three teasing Malaysian flying in the news, Zhang Navy and others were stunned, and they did not wake up for a long time.

After all, they all know that cultivation of the road can only fuse a way.

"Ha ha ha ... I will know, my son is the super genius of the unrequited people before, I just got it. What kind of skyscraper, the Mono, Moon and my son, what?"

Zhang mother is joyful.

Xiaofang's parents are attached to the vow, saying how Zhang Bin has a small talent, how to make extraordinary ...

Hear Saman, I wish Dan smoke, let me know.

Even, even the Harmony Wang Beti, the sea of ​​demon, and looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of worship.

Only Zhang Le is smirk while licking.

Wu Zetian is also pumping in his mouth.

I have been lively for a while, Zhang Bin took them into the lightweight array.

Today, for Zhang Bin, the role of the light information is to reunite with the relatives.

"I don't let me go in. Oh ..."

Liu Ruoyme is a bit angry, and it is delicate.

She continues to practice the sword.

But it is not awkward.

After a while, she is also a sword, and the thief has sneaked into the glorque.

She found Zhang Bin, the sound said: "Within three days, if someone doesn't go to my room, I will ignore you."

"Hey, dare to threaten me? See how I teach you."

Zhang Bin said.

Liu Ruo Mei is white, and it will go.

The millennium went.

The outside world has only a year.

Zhang Bin finally came out of the lightweight array.

Look, he is more powerful, the breath is also restrained.

The real estate of his car has stabilized the realm, and the strength is also upgraded to the four-layer peak.

"Gong ..."

Until the Devil greeted it.

She won't enter the cultural array of cultivation, she has cultivated to the nine layers of the whole limit.

If you can't break through the god, the war cannot be improved.

It is useless to practice hard.

She pulled Zhang Bin to her room, and she started to give Zhang Bin to her shoulders. She also said: "I didn't take the master in a year, I am very uncomfortable."

Zhang Bin, nor did she know that she is telling the truth or a lie.

However, look at her happiness and happiness, it seems unlike lying.

In fact, the unstead of Devil is telling the truth.

Cultivating her point like this, no longer inch, but also powerful.

Almost can't find the same powerful friends.

It is very lonely.

Moreover, this era ends, if there is no accident, she falls greatly.

but. If you get the help of Zhang Bin, she may spend the difficulties.

I can even go with Zhang Bin to go to the gods.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is her most important person.

With Zhang Bin, let her feel relief and let her see hope.

Zhang Bin, naturally will not be wronged, but it will be very happy.

"Small silk, now I have steady realm. You can do it to break through the five floors. You talk about how I do it, can I break through?" Zhang Bin enjoys her massage while looking forward to ask.

"If you want to break through the five floors of the shadow, you can only go to the five-yang secretly cultivation." Don't die, "However, the Wuyang secretly masters in the hands of the hunting God, it is difficult to mix. Even if it can, it is very dangerous Listening, Milong is now in the second year, and the Wuyang secretly has many hunting team. "

"Wuyang secret is a hunting hall?"

Zhang Bin is anger, "" Does not allow other doctors to come into? "

"Wuyang Middle, there is also a name called the five-line secret. It has been cultivated by Jinmu Water and Soil. I have been cultivated in it. I have left a lot of legend. I have had more than a dozen entrances, but I have been destroyed by Hunting Temple, just left The next, it is in the hunting hall station. "Don't die," there is another secret, name is the secret of the sky, but it can make you breakthrough, but it is more suitable for the devil, not suitable for the fairy. Moreover, this secret belongs to the magic Tianmen. For other doctors, they want to enter, and they must pay a huge price. It may even be killed in them. "

(There is also one chapter, four o'clock, I've updated. I beg you for the recommendation, only one step in the 10th place.)

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