The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3953 deceives the blood

"I give you 50 new attributes of God."

After the end of the year, I took out a jade bottle and threw the past.

"I rely on, I am so easy to deceive 50 new attributes."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, he reached out, opened the jade bottle and found that it was a blood of a beast, but attributes were 231 kinds.

In other words, this beast fused 253 paths before.

Then Zhang Bin understanded that the other party will have more attributes of the blood, but it is not willing to take it.

"Thank you for your predecessors, I will try my best to practice. As soon as possible."

Zhang Bin put it out of a grateful look.

However, he is still not approaching, it will certainly be in the area of ​​the array.

If the other party wants to kill him, it is difficult to escape.

"Not bad, you are very vigilant. No wonder can come to the mainland of gravity."

As a sigh, "but too suspicious. My talent will not be subjected to your brother, it will not be passionate to you. Naturally, it is not interested in your body. What other, we are the same family, you can say it is my future generation. No matter, I will not hit your idea. I will only cultivate you. Let you become more powerful. In the future, we will join hands, you can go to the beast. However, the genius of Milong, I am Never let go. "

"Good wisdom, I have seen what I think in my heart."

Zhang Bin is darkly taboo, and the other party gives God first, only to break, it can really dispense the worry of Zhang Bin. If Zhang Bin is really a moment of the beast.

Unfortunately Zhang Bin is a fake.

He is the dead enemy of any beast.

Naturally, it will not relax.

"Seniors, are you most powerful in the mainland?"

Zhang Bin smiled, and the topic was transferred.

"Of course not. It is too much than my strong beast. Otherwise I can't live in such a remote place."


"What is the power of the most powerful beast?"

Zhang Bin asked again, and he also explained: "I have to inquire some news, let me have a preparation, come here, and I have the bottom."

"The strongest beast integrates about 800 ways."

Asahi, "To climb the cliff, you must blend one thousand ways."

"Is this horrible?"

Zhang Bin is a complete earthquake, and his face is full of not a letter.

The gravity mainland has actually blended more than 800 kinds of beasts, but they still can't climb.

Is this too difficult?

"Since there is such a powerful beast, how can you cultivate so many fruit trees here, do you have a beast to fight?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

In fact, it is the strength of taking the strength in the corners.

He really wants to cooperate with the Heart, to hunt the beast, but if the gap between the force is too big, it is not good, because the other party can kill him at any time.

"The rock here is very special, is very hard, it is the strongest beast and there is no way to attack, and there is a cave below. I am arranged below the market. The powerful beast is coming in, and it is necessary to have a huge impact. I may be able to kill them. So, here is very safe, no matter if I have it, I don't have a beast to invade. "He said.

Although it did not say strength, Zhang Bin still speculated that the dragonfold is also very powerful, which may fuse more than 700 ways.

So can deal with the strongest beast under the cooperation of the array.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin understood that he was too far away from the other party.

Cooperation, it will not talk about it.

"Seniors, you all have more than 500 era of the mainland. How can I not integrate a thousand? Is it because I can't get the blood of such a large property, or something else?" Zhang Bin tried to explore secrets.

"Oh ..." The streaks of the Sakae sent a singular laughter. "Do you think it will be so easy? Every way is the way, the body and the soul and the heaven and earth rules are integrated, the body and soul become powerful Some. The more powerful, the more it is also difficult. After you blend two hundred ways, the fusion speed is slow, even simply can't be fused. So, even the blood of thousands of properties There is no way to fuse, and it is already very impossible to blend five hundred kinds. At some time, use 100 era, and may not be able to integrate a way. Also, who can have so many blood practice? Just I give you the blood attributes, all I am integrated. Otherwise, that is absolutely not left. It will be cultivated slowly. "

"The 100 Epoch will not be able to integrate a way? I rely, this is too hard."

Zhang Bin is really stunned, shocked to the extreme.

At this time, he felt that he was too optimistic about the right.

After the original blend of 200, it will become very difficult.

It seems that I can only blend 200 kinds of roads, and then I will go to look for it, capture the height of God.

That may have a shortcut.

After a while, Zhang Bin was asking: "Is there any way to speed up the fusion?"

"Of course, there is."

Asa said, "In the gravity mainland, there are some magical places. If you can enter, you can speed up the fusion speed, and even get other benefits. But if there is no good luck, then how you can't enter. It can blend thousands of trees, climbing the cliffs, most of them have such a adventure. "

"Don't I enter the cave, there is a weird scripture, is this place? So, my speed is inexplicable?" Zhang Bin was darkly excited, but he said: "and Tianhui Do you have nothing to do? As long as Fu Yun is good? "

"This is also not allowed." He said, "It seems that there is no relationship with the Tianhui. As long as you enter the same blessing. The blood that has enough attributes will basically integrate thousands. However, can be good The beast who entered Fuitai is still very rare. If you want to integrate thousands, you still need a good talent, you also need a long time to fuse. "


Zhang Bin asked some questions.

Finally, he only went to the subordinates, "Seniors, next time I will come to visit you again ..."

After finishing, he launched a human shaped transfer array.

I saw that the white light flashed, Zhang Bin has no trace.

It seems that there has never been the same.

"Hey ... Zhen Tianzu actually appeared such a smart genius. Not bad. It is a matter of my future generation." The Dior is amazing, "Just a time less than one era, cultivation to eight levels. And So cautious. I gave him so good gods, and then told it so many secrets. It still didn't step into our manor. And he has been walking on the edge of the abyss, ready to jump into the abyss, start the human shape It is me, I didn't grasp him. "

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