The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3954, millions of years

"I can't believe that he still has a more genius brother, one of the universe, and cultivating the nine floors." Hey, muttered again, "Daren believe that there is also a talent surpass Three thousand real gods, only eight levels, just blend more than two hundred ways, and he has also come to gravity mainland. And let me make a good time, can you find him. "

After that, he returned to the manor and sat in a knee in a secret room.

He began to spend crazy.

If you want to calculate, some special information must be obtained.

Now he get this information.

"Long Yong, Hunting God, the universe, the three poisonous, the dragonfly," "

His finger kept pulling.

Gradually, his brow is deeply awkward because there is less than too much information.

However, he still causing it, and Long is really coming here, and it is very talented.

Then it tried to calculate Zhang Bin.

What makes him a bit shocking is that it is not enough, it is a blurry, as if there is no such a shock beast in the world.

"It seems that the dragonfly is a treasure that is very magical, it can block everything. Let God have inverted, this is a little incredible."

Hey muttered in the mouth, his face is full of not a letter.

He is not known, Zhang Bin does have a magic weapon that can block all-in-one - not destroyed. However, God can still be able to calculate him, the beast can also.

However, the last time, Zhang Dong once again appeared, showing the gods, shielding Zhang Bin's information, so that any god and the beast also could not present him.

Otherwise, how can Zhang Bin can kill the four parties in the hunger mainland?

Even the robbery has become very common.

" ..."

As a stop, he went out, there was no shadow.

Of course, it is going to find a long.

Such genius, he really wants to kill, then won the house.

Otherwise, in his own cultivation, it is possible to cultivate five million era, and may not be able to fusion 1000 roads, then never climb the cliff, go to the beast.

Underground cave, white light flashed.

Zhang Bin appeared in the same way as ghost.

His face has a strange expression, and it is also muttered in his mouth: "This time, it is not an adventure? I have got 50 new attributes of the blood, and I am listening to the many secrets of the mainland. Even Also gave a powerful enemy. "

Of course, this adventure is still his wisdom.

If he doesn't feel deep into the mainland, it is very dangerous, he will not only go forward on the edge of the abyss.

Then I don't even have a balance.

I have never had a adventure, and I may even encounter an incomparable beast. He may even escape.

He didn't think much, entered the light gap, sitting on a knee.

Take the blood, start crazy.

Time is like a white, the blink is millions of years.

Yes, the reality is millions of years.

Zhang Bin has finally been the end of the closed door, opened his eyes and stood up.

His face floated.

The cultivation is really not a step, it is simply difficult to incredibly.

When he fused 200 kinds of roads, blended another way, it was tough thousands.

As the basics of the Ascension.

Moreover, the more the road, the fusion world rules continue to improve the difficulty.

Therefore, only 50 kinds of roads are only spent too long.

"If it is not cultivated here, it may be more than ten times, or even hundreds of times, thousand times."

Zhang Bin muttered, he used a very shocking gaze to look at the verses on the stone wall.

These verses are now he still can't understand the mystery.

However, he can be sure, here is one of the blessings of the blessings.

"Gravity continent. There is still a lot of blessings? How is this possible?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "I don't know what other fual is like?"

He didn't have any delays, and he was able to laid up from the rock.

Perhaps because he is strong, there is a certain increase in the speed of hamart sneak.

Just two days and two nights, he appeared on the mainland of gravity.

Gravity is still extremely terrible, but it is much easier than before.

"I don't know, there is no kill Jin Yi?"

Zhang Bin is expecting in his heart, he continues to go to the manor.

Even if there is a lot of power, it is blended 232 kinds of roads, and he still doesn't have any grasp to deal with any of the beasts.

After all, it is more than two realm, and most of the more than 200 kinds of roads, strong and even more than 800 ways.

Soon, he found that the wood bridge is still very good to be in the abyss.

Nor did you find that there is any beast to latency here.

Zhang Bin even had an impulse to interrupt the wooden bridge.

If Jin Yi is not dead, it can't easily go back.

To not help, don't worry about Jin Yizhi before the end of this era.

Moreover, it can also make countless beasts only spend the abyss in a jumping.

That will certainly fall too much of the beast.

Perhaps you can reduce the pressure to the god.

However, Zhang Bin still didn't do this, because he worried that in the vicinity of the wooden bridge, he histed the super powerful beast.

After all, this is where the beast is entry and out.

It is best to hunt the beast.

You know, in the gravity mainland, like the terrain like the Seismic Manor.

So, I want to cultivate a lot of fruit trees just supply one person, or it is not easy.

Of course, if you are the top-level beasts, don't use a blade, it may cost countless fruit trees.

Other beasts don't even dare to enter, I would rather starve to death.

Zhang Bin was carefully bypass the wooden bridge, and slowly went to the manor.

What makes Zhang Bin secretly surprised that the manor is still, the fruit tree is still full of fruit.

Obviously, the dragonfly is still there.

"The seniors, the dragonfly came to visit."

Zhang Bin stationed on the edge of the cliff, located outside the array, said.

There is no response.

After a moment, I saw the Heart of Asia, and he looked at Zhang Bin with a strange look.

No words.

"It's a bit weird ..."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, tested and asked: "What is the last time I am talking about with you?"

"whats the matter?"

Asked faintly, the footsteps were slowly moving.

"Of course, there is something about the hurt."

Zhang Bin took a step, and the abyment was only half inch. You can in the abyss at any time.

"Puff puff……"

Among the two eyes of the streak, it was burst into the light of the dark, and the murder of the sky was shot to Zhang Bin's two eyes.

This attack is really sudden, the speed is too fast.

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