The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3958 killing the fish and beasts, enlightening ancient times


They shouted at the same time, and the magic weapon in his hand slammed into the octopus beast.

If it is outside the array, the octopus beast is going to avoid it, too easy.

But now is among the array, it moves that it is very difficult, of course, I can't avoid it.

Its face has floated fear and anger.

Its many tentacles are also trying to struggle.

I will beat these magic weapons.

Hey ...

Many magic weapons fly back.

However, the octopus beast is a scream.

Because Zhang Bin took the opportunity to go to another side, he embarked his bridge in the back of the octopus king.

It has been fully utilized and used to use the three gods to strengthen.


A loud noise.

Spark splash.

The octopus beast is directly smashed.

Blood fog is sprayed in your mouth.

"Kill kill ..."

The hound team took the opportunity to shout, crazy attacks.

And Zhang Bin also raised Jiu Ding, just like the wind and the rain.

Hey ...

The sound is continuous.

The octopus beast can't climb it, can't escape.

Can only dance your tentacles and strive to intercept.

But there are too many attacks, and its speed is slow, and you can't intercept all.

It suffered heavy.

Its two eyes flashed in fierce, and suddenly there were more than 6,000 eyes on his head.

This is a real killing.

And very sudden.

Even among the array, the soul attack will not be affected too much.

Power, speed is still terrible.

If you can kill Zhang Bin, the octopus beast can easily escape.

"Good ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. His forehead has also floated a lot of Tian Tian's eyes, bursting out the rays of gray, and shot two eyes of the octopus beast.

Then its body is gone, and enter Jiuzhou Ding.


Many soul attacks in Jiuzhou Ding.

Exploding a scarlet aperture.

But it is no hurt Zhang Bin inside.

Instead, Zhang Bin's soul attack. It has been shot on the two eyes of the octus of the animal.

Although it closed his eyes.

The octopus beast is also emitted.

The soul attack issued is completely annihilated.

Because Zhang Bin's soul attack is also very horrible.

There is too much soul attack that will not be subjected to the animal.

"Kill kill ..."

The hunter team took the opportunity to attack, and many magic weapons were in the body of the octopus.

Zhang Bin also jumped out, rushed over, crazy, put Jiuzhou on the head of the octopus beast.


The head of the octopus beast began to break, and the body was starting to collapse.

The mouth is also a burst of scream.

It continues to struggle, rebellion.

But there is no use.

Finally, its head was exploded by Zhang Bin.

Its soul is also killed by Zhang Bin.

"Hahaha ... we have won."

Jian Di, no demon god, and so on have sent excited shouts.

Their face has also floated ecstasy.

Such a powerful beast is also hunted by them.

Zhang Bin began to find the body of the octopus beast.

Soon he searched multiple space containers.

What surprised him is that most of the space containers have a blood pool.

And there is a blood in it.

He tested some, along with the blood of the chapter.

He found that there is 150 new properties in these contexts. If it takes cultivation, it can be fused 150 pathways.

Then he can fused to reach 382.

This is a huge gain.

This adventure is also very worthless.

Collecting the body and blood of the octopus beast, and all the people will receive the treasure tower.

Zhang Bin began to patrol in the manor.

It is not suitable for human beings. If it is discovered by a strong beast, it will open up to attack.

Of course it can't resist.

"Yes, this is a good tree, which is full of fruit, enough to support a god of beasts. It is a good place to kill the beast."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face has also floated a strange smile.

He went to the underground cave and cleared all the fragments.

I can't see any clues.

Then he started the humanoid transfer array, and immediately transferred to the underground cave.

He entered the glory and started to practice.

Jian Di, no demon god, wait for the giant to cultivate it.

They also take the blood cultivation.

Zhang Bin's two borders, his loved ones and children, and some talent ultraordinates, and they are also cultivated here.

After thousands of years, Zhang Bin found through a blade, because the array is started, so there is no beast to enter the manor.

"The soul is imprisoned, giving me a collapse ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Suddenly, the soul imprint among the array transes is completely broken.

The manor's array is completely stagnant.

"I don't know, which kind of beast is good luck, becoming the new owner of the manor? One of the so secure bases, it must be happy and even hunting a lot of beasts."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Because the soul is broken, he certainly does not feel there.

But he did not worry and continued to practice.

The speed is very slow.

Slowly let Zhang Bin are a little anxious.

Because cultivated thousands of years, the light inversion is tens of thousands of years, but he has not integrated a way.

"This is too slow, I don't want to practice millions of years to fuse these 150 paths."

Zhang Bin muttered, "Jin Yao can take a sharp progress in millions of years ago. "

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's eyes shot a variety of light, projected on the red font on the stone wall.

Now he has hundreds of percentage of grasp, this is a secret secret, if you can refer to it, you can't break through the nine floors, but it must also fusion this 150 path.

"In the past, Zone is also in a very long time to refresh the day, after it flew, and its children blend more than a dozen ways ... It seems that I have to think about this scripture Mystery. "

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he began to concentrate on the scriptures on the stone wall.

Time is also rapidly lapse.

Soon I have been in the past 100 years.

Zhang Bin still didn't have anything, and there is no breakthrough to this scripture.

"This verse has not issued any information. It is estimated that it is nothing to do so."

Zhang Bin stopped from the refreshment, he walked to the stone wall, slowly moved in the text, as if he was in Linyi.

Unfortunately, there is still no such changes.

" ... this is a bit weird ..."

However, Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly issued a surprised voice.

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