The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3959 Secret

Zhang Bin's eyes also looked at their fingers in death, because he found that his fingers were infected with some faint red.

This seems to be solidified.

The last time he had already checked it. This font is not written, nor is it carved. It seems that it is a native, because it is a red rock composition. The background is black rock.

In this case, there is a beast to apply blood to the font.

"Is this the secret of stimulating Fu Land?"

Zhang Bin's face has been excited and excited.

He didn't have any delays, and some of the blood was taken on one of the fonts immediately.

Suddenly the magical thing happened, the font seems to be resurrected, and the red light is bursting.

Let the cave become a red.

In the case of such red light, Zhang Bin horses discovered that the speed of fusion of heaven and earth rules has improved a lot.

"My God, I finally found the secret of these verses, it turned out to be excited with God."

Zhang Bin's face has been ecstatic.

He didn't have any delays, and all fonts were applied to all fonts with God.

All fonts have burst into red light, and the cave also became red.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also found that if it enters the light-famatusion, the effect of red light is much reduced.

Then he understood that in the blessing, it could not enter the light-fashionable.

The speed of cultivation will be much slower.

So Zhang Bin withdraws the glue, continue to cultivate.

This practice is much easier, far from being so difficult.

Tiandi rules are also rapidly melting.

Just one year, Zhang Bin fused a way, and all the way to the eight floors.

This speed is Zhang Bin who can't think about it.

So Zhang Bin continued to cultivate.

With about two hundred years, he finally integrated 150 new sexy roads, and also cultivated to the eight floors.

He fused also finally reached 382.

This is simply a sharp step, as if it is like a rocket.

"Hahaha ... I can quickly integrate as long as you get more attributes."

Zhang Bin made an exciting laugh.

And Jie Di, no demon god, and many giant, they are also very happy.

Because they have a lot to be much easier.

Of course, you must be those who are all talented.

That is, if they can practice some kind of road to the nine floors before taking the blood, they can basically fuse this.

Therefore, even the Sword Emperor and the Nothing Devil, it is now blending more than 150 ways.

Their two strengths, basically surpass the fart, not far from the little god, can also be said to be the weakest little god.

However, their realm has not broken.

That's too hard.

In fact, even Zhang Bin can not break through the nine floors.

After all, the more cultivating the cultivation, the more difficult it is.

Zhang Bin is because the time of cultivation is too short, progress is too fast, and it is not enough.

The genius of Jiuding, which is also used to break through the nine-level time.

Zhang Bin only cultivated less than 300 billion years.

Zhang Bin also tested a power.

He is slightly disappointed, the strength is not too much, no more than double.

However, this is not affordable, there is no breakthrough, and it is terrible to improve the strength.

It is difficult to practice to him.

At that time, when he fused a way, he fused a way, it could increase the strength.

However, when combining two types, we must increase the strength and must be blended.

And before, he has blended 232 pathways. To increase the strength, it must be blended in 232 pathways.

Of course, this is what the strength of the body and the soul.

In the actual combat, use all the gods and the power improvement.

But it will not go to the point of leaving.

"Every time, it is time to attack again, and go to hunt together with me."

Zhang Bin said that the wind said.

Everyone is also a sound of cheering, they already know that Zhang Bin has a good way to use the manor hunting the beast.

And personally practiced.

Nature is also full of confidence.

Nowadays, their strength has improved a lot.

Even the soul is also strong, not only because it is a lot of way, but also because they all blend some soul beads.

Yes, it is the soul bead, which is obtained in the space container of the octopus beast and the snake crocodile.

And Zhang Bin also blends the soul beads of the octopus beast.

Today, Zhang Bin's soul has a lot of power, and the number of soul lights he ignited has also reached a terrible 6,000.

He can condense 120 days of eyes, and the explosive soul attack is naturally too much.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is also full of confidence, with the array of law, is the gain of 500 ways, and he and everyone have a hunting.

Without any delay, Zhang Bin once again came to the vicinity of the manor.

What makes Zhang Bin secretly happy is that there is a beast in the manor.

Because the array is started again.

White fog is filled, the breath of death is also extravagant.

Even the manor is difficult to see.

This has a little trouble.

Because it is difficult to know what kind of beasts are.

I don't know the number of beasts.

However, Zhang Bin knows that it is almost a single horses in the gravity mainland.

Even if you bring a subordinate, it is estimated that you will fall.

I may even make food.

"Even if it is a super powerful beast, I can guarantee safe."

Zhang Bin observed a moment, just in the heart, "dry."

If he is a mannepher, he is able to control the Ume people to go into the underground cave. They are placed, ready for the recognized crystals. He also drives the Ume people 's dive, then he will see the gods in the hall again.

This is a beast like a wild pig beast.

But it is extraordinarily high, which is much bigger than elephants.

The momentum and the perpetration of the exuded are extremely horrible.

It seems that it is better than the previous one.

I found that there is no other than the beast, Zhang Bin started acting.

Like the last time.

First, destroy the crystals, let everyone replace the recognized crystals and start the array.

Then attack the wild pig beast crazy.

The wild boast is not too powerful, only 412 pathways.

Therefore, the process of hunting is a bit thrilling, but it is still very smooth, just a few minutes, just kill the wild pig beast.

Get the blood and space container of wild boar beast.

This time, the gods in the spatial container are more.

Plus 412 properties of the wild boar beast.

There are 160 properties that Zhang Bin has not been integrated.

What is even more, it is also seized a very good artifact!

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