The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3961 Jindu Wars

Jin Yi is holding with a slammer.

This slam beast is there is no hair, the body is full of scales, and his head is full of eyes.

There are four wings in the chains.

The body is like a hill.

Distribute horrible to the ultimate percentage and momentum.

It has also floated 756 cars behind.

As for Jin Yi, it is a horrible. He has a 888 cars behind him.

His hands holding a bloody ax.

I made a moment of destroying the earth.

It seems much much more powerful than before.

Even Zhang Bin has a creepy feel.

In fact, more than 100 million years, Jin Yi is cultivated in Fuzi, and cultivating the cultivation.

He killed too much beast, how many thousands were there.

So I got a lot of the blood of the attribute.

However, his attribute part is his own cultivation.

After all, it is all blended.

Because of the body of the war, his war has also arrived at an incomparably horrible.

Almost can be more powerful than the mainland of the mainland.


The tiger beasts screamed and took the lead in launching a horror attack.

Just this sound is the magic of the most cattle voice, and suddenly the sound waves swept all over.

Countless trees collapsed under such an acoustic attack, then they will become a powder.

Therefore, a huge circle without trees is also instantaneous, and it becomes more rapidly.

Even, some stones also have cracks and collapsed.

This attack is horrible to incredible.

This momentum is also shocking.

At the same time, the tiger beast is also a lightning, and the paw is also instantaneous, sharp to the extreme.

Grab the head of Jin Yi with a murder of the sky.

Countless magics are also erupt, flames, rays, thunder, space, time, virtual, death ...

It's dazzling.

Even Zhang Bin, who is watching, becomes particularly serious, because he found that this slam beast is very powerful, it may be a genius that is not like Large, and there is no golden, but the realm It is a little god, and the power is naturally extremely horrible.

He Zhang Bin is absolutely not an opponent, and Jin Yi is not an opponent.


Jin Yi is also crazy, he danced his ax, showing all the magical trend, and tiger and beasts.

Dangdang ...

The ax and the paw bombarded each other, issued a sound like the iron.

Spark is also splash.

Murderous is also rushing up.

Two of them have become black shadows that make people feel unclear, the ax and paws have wings to shot the bright cold light.

They hit the mountain from the mountain, and then the mountain collapsed.

Rumbled down.

Ten minutes of war, Jin Yi really can't afford it.

This guy is immersed, and the speed is like.


The tiger beast is that it is a lot of anger, and hurriedly chased it.

It is a pity that it is not far from the collapse of the mountain.

Therefore, Jin Yi quickly escaped in the sky.

The tiger beast did not dare to go, just scream in the mountain.

In fact, it is provocative, "What is the child? Area 8, and dare to challenge me? There is a kind of you, I will absolutely eat you, let you become stool, do my fruit tree fertilizer."

"Waiting for me to integrate some way, I can definitely kill you."

Jin Yi smiled and sneered on the mountain.

"Into, you are blending 1000 kinds of ways? I can still kill you easily. Because you have not cultivated into God. But you, you want to cultivate beast, this era is absolutely unable to do. "

Tiger beast said.

Two beasts were half a day.

Finally, Jin Yi did not do it, it seems to be embarrassed.

"Next, don't let me see you."

The tiger beast is cold and smiled and turned.


However, Jin Yi suddenly suddenly appeared behind it, crazy, ax, tiger beast.

Obviously, it has secretly lurked down, and I want to have a fierce beast.

"I rely on, Jin Yi is too delicate, but what is it used? He is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the tiger beast, the gap is too big."

Zhang Bin, who has also followed the lively, is in the heart.

His face has also floated the color of the doubts, he does not understand the intentions of Jin Yugu.

"you wanna die."

The tiger beast turned around, one of the wings became a sharp knife, and smashed on the ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


Jin Yi actually stabilized the body and continued to retreat continuously.

His two hands are also stabbed.

However, he did not fear, once again rush, launched a hunch and beast, like the windshield.

Even, he also used the soul attack.

7000 days were floated on the forehead, and the scarlet rays were not stopped.

Parallel, cover the Mammoth.

"Hey ..."

The mamberry beast was completely angry, and the screams of the earthquake were issued.

The sound wave broke out, and even the soul attack was shocked into powder.

Then it rushed to the past, paw, wings, teeth, and tails into a very sharp magic weapon.

The attack is horrible to the extreme.

Three minutes, Jin Yi couldn't resist again.

Escape into the collapse of the mountains like lightning.

The tiger beast is under the street.

However, when the tiger beast wants to leave, Jin Yu will again attack again.

Tiger beast.

"It turns out that Jin Yizhen is tempering his own war skills, which may have to stimulate potential and then break through to nine."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

His face has also floated the color of thinking, in gravity mainland, I want to fiss too much, it is a bit unrealistic.

However, there are too many powerful gods here, but it is a battle with it, tempering yourself.

Let yourself master your ability and improve your strength.

Perhaps it can shorten yourself to the time of the nine layers.

Moreover, if you can also hunt some powerful beasts, you can also fuse some.

Although it is difficult to reach the number of gold, it can be drawn.

Very good, I will do it in the future.

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

However, so that you must also find a safe place.

The manor is too remote, it is not suitable.

He didn't look at Jin Yizhen, and he left it quickly.

He wanted to kill Jin Yi, but it is not able to do it now.

Jin Yi's strength still has to exceed him.

Moreover, this is a tract of the mountains and is very dangerous.

The other party may even have another ambush.

That a slam beast, may eventually die in the hands of Jin Yi.

Zhang Bin sneaked with no sound, and his pen was deeply in the mainland.

Gravity is also sustained.

Even he is a bit struggling.

While he is looking for a suitable place.

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