The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3962, Wan Dingshan

"It's good here."

Zhang Bin suddenly stopped, his face also floated a touch of satisfaction.

Because this is a bare mountain.

It is a cave everywhere.

But the cave is not large, just like a mouse hole.

Of course, there are also any gods that are not seen here.

After all, there is no fruit tree.

God beast is unwilling to use this old nest.

Zhang Bin began testing the hardness of the rock.

What makes him very happy is that the rock here is very hard.

He is full of application, and he can't shake it.

After all, here is the deep part of the gravity mainland, and the gravity is horrible to the extreme.

The reason why gravity is large, of course because of the special of rocks.

Zhang Bin also sneaked into the hole and explored.

The cave has four pass, but it is not wide.

It's like a maze.

If you escape, the beast wants to chase him, almost impossible.

As long as he sneaken, change the direction at will, and the beast can't find him.

Even, he also discovered the tangle layering.

That is, there are multi-layered cave.

So he arranged some of the cavity in the bottom of the hole.

They are all very powerful batches.

After all, he killed a lot of beasts, which was obtained from their space rings.

Many of these beasts fused, and the refining fracture is of course very easy.

It can be said that it is a pseudo artifact.

"You can start ..."

Zhang Bin muttered, he went out.

Standing on a hill, deliberately leaking some special breath.

This is induction of powerful beasts.

In such a place where the beast is very cattle, if they are hidden, Zhang Bin is also difficult to find.

However, if the other party moves, he started the sky and the sky, naturally still discovered.

Just waiting for that more than ten minutes.

A beast rushed over with a murder of the sky.

This is a very quirky beast, as if a goat, but there is a hill.

Of course, there is no hair, only scales.

The angle of the head burst into the rays.

The body is also a sharp pressure and momentum that is incomparable to terror.

It is useless to be useless, just so killing, of course, there is no look at Zhang Bin in the eyes.

It is just to regard Zhang Bin as a delicious food.

After all, Zhang Bin looks like a eight-level beast.

There is still 18,000 miles from the beast.

It hasn't arrived yet, and a thorn thunder has been taken in the corner, and shoots to Zhang Bin.

The breath of death is vacant.

The rich murderous is also like the sea rising tide, swept.

"court death……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his body swayed, it has been avoided, his right hand has a knife, and the left hand has a sword.

Dancing, rushing the past, suddenly the sword, killing the sky.

The goat beasts killed.

"Give me death ..."

The goat beast is getting angry, and his face is full of smiling.

Its angle has become a cold light in the sky, and he is in the sword.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound is shocked, the spark is shining.

Zhang Bin felt the power of horrible anti-earthquakes, he actually stabilized the body and continued to retreat continuously.

And the goat beast is a step without refund, crazy attaches Zhang Bin.

Its back is also a 715 cars.

715 kinds of magics are also thoroughly launched.

Suddenly, the momentum is soaring, and the murder is also skyrocketing.

It is also anger, and the area of ​​the area is a hundred beasts. Can you resist its hit?


Zhang Bin angry, his back has also floated 805 cars.

All the magics are also started.

Fully confronted.

Suddenly, they killed a group and war in a bunch.

Murderous is also rushing in nine.

It's too intense.

In less than a minute, Zhang Bin couldn't stand it.

Because this mountain sheep beast is also very talented, strong, will not be the mamberry beasts of Jinyi Wars.

Zhang Bin's strength is also the golden, which is naturally unable to resist.


Zhang Bin was angry, his body became three-headed arm.

Six arms have held the cracks of 9 times the fight, but the sword, cold moon knife, Jiuding, Libra, Tibetan Tower.

He is this all the card.

Also, we must temper your own technological skills, stimulate your potential, improve your war, you must have the same card, you can't have any reservations.

He again waved the mountain sheep beast.

"Dangdang ..."

This battle is more intense.

At a time, the goat beast could not defeat Zhang Bin, and only the wind can only be taken.

"you wanna die."

The goat beast was furious, suddenly standing up, there was a large ax in the two claws.

It is crazy and an ax is to Zhang Bin.


The sound is not comparable, and the space has also cracks.

The murderous madness is too large.

The war is also skyrocketing.

It's too horrible to look too horrible.


Zhang Bin did not have any fear.

He shouted, the Ding, cracking the sky, and another four magic weapon, all hit it on the ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

The sparks are empty, and the mountain is shaken.

Zhang Binnai is a back, six hands are doing shuri.

The mouth has flowed a touch of blood.

Obviously, this trick is too horrible, he can't afford it, hurt.

It is said that it is proud of the mountain sheep beast, and it will not be refunded in one step, and there is an invincible momentum.

It looks like the leader in the beast.

"I rely, it is too powerful, I can't watch Mountain sheep beast."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, and truly felt the horror of goat beasts.

In fact, it can fuse the more than 700 kinds of the beasts, which are very talented, and the power is naturally a terrible.

They have been alive for millions of era, and they have been fighting.

If you want to kill them, it is difficult than the day.

They are encountering the gods that blend more than 800 ways, but also the ability to escape.

Otherwise, they have long been there.


However, Zhang Bin can not fear, he is to temper himself.

He shouted, he had rushed again, launched the mountain sheep beast, like a fan of the wind.

His trial is also fully launched.

He felt that his talent to the trial is best, if you want to break, you must also start from the trial.

Dangdang ...

They are together again.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

There were more than a dozen breathing time.

Zhang Bin couldn't resist it. Under the horrible anti-earthquake, his bones broke.

The internal organs are broken.

I don't dare to fight, and I will escape the same light.

"Want to escape? How is it possible?"

The goat beast is acknowledged, and the fastest speed is chased.

Unfortunately, it is too close to Wan Cave Mountain.

Yes, Zhang Bin took the mountain a name.

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