The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3976 Zhang Bin

Listening to the giant eagle, the beast said that Jin Yi said, Zhang Bin suddenly took a breath, and his face was full of shock.

Why didn't he think that Jin Yi is so strong?

At that time, only 1038 species were fused, but they could kill so many beasts, and they can easily escape the crowds of countless beasts.

More terror is Jin Yi's wisdom.

Turning 8 gods, it is too classic.

If the giant eagle in front of you has got a horrible black fire, it can gram.

They are definitely the end of the whole army.

Rotary, Zhang Bin is also secretly jealous, of course, is a black fire of the giant eagle.

If the other party is used, you can have a bone armor like Jin Yizhen, that is, it can't live.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin was afraid after darkness.

In the past, the giant eagle beast is fortunate.

If you have a war, you will be tragedious.

"There is such a horror evil devil in the world? It actually wants to kill all the beasts? That is naturally the death of our beast. We must cooperate well, fully attack, let it kill it. If he is strong We will all die without burial. "Zhang Bin put out a horror and angry look.

Switch, let him continue to play, set some of the news and secrets that take the giant eagle.

It turned out that the giant eagle beam is tail here. Once the golden, it can find it.

Because the giant eagle beast is particularly strong, the vision is also incredible.

It can be seen to see the virtual, and even wear a fog.

Plus it also mastered the horrible black fire, and not afraid of Jin Yizhen.

So it is personally tail here.

It is precisely because of its horror vision, it can also see the stealth of Zhang Bin.

However, it is also found in Zhang Bin near it in 100 meters.

Therefore, it seemed that Zhang Bin's strength is not weak.

I didn't think about killing Zhang Bin's full meal, but I thought about it.

It's so good to deal with Jin Yu.

To be honest, it's such a gods, the past, that is really a lot of emblems, and even the most powerful town of Tiantian does not put it in your eyes.

However, the last time and Jin Yi's war, it is really shocked, and the horror of Jin Yi, the sputum, the bones armor, and the randomly strained horror wisdom is scared, it is not as good as each other, there is no Grasp can kill each other.

So, for it, the more helper, the better.

"It has been closed for 150 years, I feel that it is coming out."

The giant eagle beam said, "This time, you must kill him, otherwise, there will be no more opportunities. All our beasts must be killed by him."

"Do you know where it is closing?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Although it struggled to hide and hide, it couldn't escape my eyes. I saw that it went to the valley, then no longer came out again." The giant eagle beside said, "But, then The valley is in the mountains. If the mountain is falling, it can cover the valley. I will not dare to pass. Otherwise, I have already killed him. "I will not fear him."

"That Valley?"

Zhang Bin is secretly happy, he finally knows the place where Jin Yi hides.

And the bottom of the valley, there is a blessing.

However, it is very difficult to enter blessings.

It is estimated that there is a beast to enter.

"Seniors, are you familiar with the valley?"

Zhang Bin said.

"It's a very ordinary valley, I haven't carefully paid attention before. I didn't think that there were a big secrets there. I like a valley is blessed."

The giant eagle beast said, "But even if you know that there is a blessing, if you don't have a good fortune, you can't enter."

"I don't know what is still a blessing, but I know that it is the old nest of the devil. We must put his old nest, let him not hide the place. Then he will die." Zhang Bin said, " So, if he comes out, let's don't do it, but to follow it, and let people go to the valley to see, maybe it can find its old nest, and can also find the secret of the collapse of Heaven. After we fight with him. "

He is going to have a safe entry to see the situation.

Then borrow a lot of the power of the beast, kill Jin Yi's great disaster.

Zhang Bin felt that this is a good opportunity to kill Jin Yi.

If you miss, then you want to kill it, it is almost unobs.

Even if you can, you have to play a heavy price.

Think about it, Jin Yi's terrorist is , there is also a bone armor that is growing, even the black fire is also burned.

One attack, the sky is seamless.

If Jin Yu is strong, cultivate to nine or beasts, can anyone be his opponent?

It is Zhang Bin, because there is no such a magical treasure without the other party, he doesn't have any one who can defeat the other side, but it is even more exclusive to kill Jin Yi.

"You are not bad, then, would you like to go to the mountain valley? Of course, it is the time period he leaves."

The giant eagle is looking forward to ask.

Even if Jin Yi is not in the valley, if you go to explore, it is still very dangerous.

Who knows that there is no array of law, once it finds that someone has sneaked into the valley, Jin Yizhang will use the mountain.

The person who is going to explore, the possibility of falling is too big.

Therefore, the giant eagle bears, I expect Zhang Bin to see.

" .."

Zhang Bin said without hesitation. "If it is possible, I want to arrange the array in the valley, let him enter."

"That's great."

The giant eagle is very happy. It took a notes and gave Zhang Bin. The trend of the devil. "

Of course, Zhang Bin is looking forward to. Although he has a beautiful man, it will not touch the array. However, if there is no secret, Jin Yi suddenly returned, then it is bad.

They met carefully.

Even Zhang Bin also gave a toxic tissue that killing Jin Yizhen.

"Not bad, your wisdom is very high, this is a very cattle. Maybe you can kill the devil is not necessarily."

The giant eagle beast is very happy, and Zhang Bin is an admiration.

It also immediately showed the secret law and told this toxic to the other three gods.

They discuss and improve them.

Then start arrangement of traps.

"Jin Yi, Jin Yi, I don't know if you think that Zhang Bin has also joined the Beast Alliance, and the idea is to kill you. This time, can you escape?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he also secretly excited and excited.

For so many years, Jin Yi is definitely the most exclusive opponent he encounters!

(Today, the monitor is broken, change one, delay for one morning. This is the seventh chapter, try to make a chapter one chapter. After an hour. That's still owed.)

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