The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3977 Subsiting the old nest of Jin Yi

"Hahaha ... I finally bleached 100 kinds of roads, and I cultivated to eight layers. It is time to kill blood into the river."

In the underground cave, Jin Yizhen was laughing.

He stands like a mountain, and the body is blasted and the sharp pressure and momentum is incomparable.

It seems that it is too powerful, it can be scared.

However, he didn't go out, but began to crazyly refining the character.

This time, he hunting four gods.

Their skin is more suitable for drawing a destroy.

He once again extracted the essence of God, gathered together, became a blood included in 1138 properties.

Then he slowly draws the rule.

It took three months before drawing a hundred sorting characters.

His face is filled with confidence, and it is also a strong murderous murder. The mouth is also muttered: "This time the gods are too much, and the speed of the energy of the heavens and the earth has also improved double, and the power is also It has improved nearby. The powerful beast is also unable to resist. "

Then he looked down at the skeleton armor on your body.

He is more confident.

Because his armor has swallowed a lot of strong bones, the defensive ability has increased a lot.

It is too difficult to break his defense.

He didn't delay, got out of the blessed land, appeared in the valley.

Of course, he has an invisible ability, and there is no sound of interest.

This time, he is not so high, but it will take the mid way, kill the most powerful beast.

He went to the depths of the mainland.

"The devil came out, I went to track it, you can act."

The giant eagle beat, and it was still discovered Jin Yi, the sound was finished, he slowly followed.


Zhang Bin said darkly admired, telling the truth, he showed the sky of the sky, and he did not have a cash.

However, the giant eagle beast is discovered.

He also did not have any delays, quickly go to the valley.

Of course, he began to ask the giant eagle, "I am going to the valley, the location of the devil?"

"Reassured, it has been in front of the mainland."

The giant eagle is going back, "Once it returns, I will notify you."

Zhang Bin's heart is Dachan. He narrowed his body and entered the uritanity, and sneaked into the valley.

This valley is really common, can't see any mystery.

There is no cave.

However, the collapse is on the side, and this mountain is tilted, it seems to fall down at any time.

It's really horrific.

"Secret must be deep in the depths of the ground."

Zhang Bin certainly won't go out, because he felt the breath of the array.

Once he came out to search, it will be found that Jin Yi may let the mountain fall down.

Therefore, he looked at it in detail, and he did not hesitate to submerge the rock without hesitation.

Under the fastest speed.

Undoubtedly, the rock here is very hard.

If Zhang Bin himself, of course, there is no such strength sneak into.

It is the gods, and there is no such ability.

However, because Zhang Bin is strong, the strength of the umers will rise high, but it can sneak into.

Although the speed is slow.

But Zhang Bin's patience is very good, continue.

It took seven days and seven nights.

Zhang Bin finally entered a cave.

The reason why it can be so fast because Zhang Bin, no demon, Jian Di, and many giant, all work hard.

Establish a few clues.

Talented to it directly here.

This cave is very wide.

The central area naturally grows a smooth slate.

The slate is white, and the black font is pregnant.

The font and Zhang Bin's font is almost the same.

But Zhang Bin is of course not knowing.

"God, it is really a blessing. There are also magical verses."

Zhang Bin was dark and dark, and his face was also floating.

If you kill Jin Yi, you will belong to him.

He excludes two blessings.

He looked at it in detail and found it, but he did not find any array.

Didn't find any organs that control the abutment of the collapse.

Let him be a little disappointed.

But he also made him a little joy.

Because if he cultivates it here, Jin Yi can't find it.

Then he maybe it is possible to see the mystery of these verses.

He immediately started to apply the font with the blood.

It is a pity that there is no reaction in the font.

Obviously, every blessing open the scripture as if it is different.

Zhang Bin was a bit depressed, but he did not delay, printed the scriptures in the back of the beauty figure.

Yes, with paper, the beast skin expansion is useless, and the font of the expansion will crash quickly.

Zhang Bin is convinced that these fonts have known.

I will find such a person in the future.

So, he has expanded it.

" ... What is this?"

Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly issued a surprised voice, and his eyes looked at a stone seam.

There are some black beads in it.

He walked over and took the bead inside.

Take the quantity in detail, then he is like a fool.

Because this is the soul bead, and it is the soul of the super powerful beast.

This is a peerless treasure. Zhang Bin is looking forward to getting it, but it can't get it.

Last time, he kissed a lot of blood, but it did not get the soul bead.

Therefore, today Zhang Bin's body is strong than the soul.

The soul is a bit hard.

However, when you sleep, you will encounter a pillow. There is more than 100 soul beads here.

"This must be thrown, but why do he throw away such a precious soul bead?"

Zhang Bin muttered, his face also floated the color.

However, he quickly realized.

Jin Yi is less, his soul is certainly coming from the god community, which is certainly super powerful.

Taking such a soul bead, for him, there is no use.

So it can only throw it away.

"Hahaha ... This is cheaper."

Zhang Bin laughed.

He examined these soul beads detailed.

I quickly found four incomparable super high-level soul beads.

Obviously, this is the soul of four gods.

"Refining ..."

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, let the soul take the soul directly.

Started crazyly.

His body is also a powerful pressure and momentum.

And it is getting stronger.

After three days and three nights, Zhang Bin finally refined these four soul beads.

He was surprised to find that the soul lamp ignited actually reached 8800.

The released rays are also brighter and hot.

The effect of purifying the soul is also a high boat.

His manipulated body is also getting stronger.

His spiritual power has also improved a lot.

"Try it, can you refine the ninth layer of Tibetan Tibeta?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of the expectation.

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