The speed is too fast, and Zhang Bin has no longer react.

However, Zhang Bin's face has been laughed.

Because his trial of the trial is fully launched, it has been largely launched, and it has enlarged a lot of power.

"Review - Judgment ..."

Zhang Bin and Libra are shouting crazy.

The majesty skyrocked, swept the world.

The strange force farm is also appearing, and it is shrouded everything.

Even a model-cast court also appeared.

Zhang Bin sat on the court of court in court, and there were many judges on both sides.

Below, it is a prisoner.

This prisoner is exactly the same as the cold fish of the dead.

The Trial Court is Zhang Bin recently realized the special move.

Once used, any attack power close to Zhang Bin has a great discount.

The attack of the dead cold fish is also affected, and the speed of the tail is reduced.

This will react to Zhang Bin, and the Kyushu Dingzhong in his hand slammed in the tail of the dead cold fish.

He made full strength, not only calling the 3005 Avenue of the Universities, but also called all the strength of the inside of the universe, and even he also showed three gods.

This is the most deadly blow.

He wants to hit this cold fish from the god community.

Then he kill, he deeply believed that he could gain a huge benefit.


Amazing loudly.


The dead cold fish made a painful scream, and directly turned down.

The tail bones are broken, and the scales are burst, and the flesh is rolled.

It was also really hit.

However, this guy really is very powerful, but it is still jumping out immediately.

It rushed to the past, the mouth opened, sprayed, is a big water in the long river.

This is of course a dead cold.

And it is extremely cold and cold.

Can be frozen everything.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin roared again.

The Trial Court has also appeared again, shrouded the world.

This death, cold water has been affected, solidified in the air, and there is too much speed.

"Bang ..."

Zhang Bin's ear shot an incomparable thunder, crazy hit on the water of the dead.

Current is transmitted in water.


The dead cold fish made a painful scream.

Quickly retreat.

Its face has also floated.

It doesn't understand what it is? I didn't dare to face Zhang Bin.

Attack, fear the fear?


Zhang Bin is also polite?

He flashed to the back of the death of the dead, and the lottery is also attacked in madness.

Kyushu Ding is bombing, but the god sword is in the thorn, the crack sky ax is crazy, and the Libra is also crazy.

The time is stagnant, and the space is also solidified.

The court was in trial.

I am smashing the dead cold fish, screaming.

It is not the opponent of Zhang Bin at all.

In fact, it is much larger than Zhang Bin.

Unfortunately, it's a single attack.

Just combining the Water and Ice Tao, it also fuses the space.

Although the realm is high, the power of attack is also very horrible, but it is passed by Zhang Bin's trial.

Plus Zhang Bin also wore a cold armor, it can stop most of the cold invasion.

Therefore, the fish ice is very difficult to hit Zhang Bin.


It is also a loud noise, and the fish ice has hit Zhang Bin's cracks.

Suddenly screamed, turning over, continuously rolling.

I have to escape into the cold pool.

"Want to escape? Dream?"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and he went to the front of the dead cold fish.

His sky-eye shots the gray rays of densely numb.

Crazy bombardment on the head of the dead cold fish.

The death of the death of the dead is a long scream.

But it is not from the beast, and I have eaten too many Tianwei Di Bao.

Its soul is powerful, still there is no false.

Instead, it has aroused its fierce gas.

It jumped up and launched Zhang Bin as an attack like a windshield.

It shuts up all day and tens of millions.

The tail hit from all sides.

The teeth are also biting, and they bite Zhang Bin's slaughter sword, and they have taken the sword and swallowed them directly.

Of course, it has already blocked, and it is sealed with the squid.

"Good guy, so fierce?"

Zhang Bin was a little shocked.

He smiled, rushed over, Kyushu Ding, Tibetan Tower, hunting the sky, and crazy.

Libra is also an attack.

Suddenly one child has burst into a huge war on the island.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

The murderous, the earth is trembling.

The cold is swept.

A seat iceberg appeared quickly, but it was quickly exploded by Zhang Bin.

I can't hurt Zhang Bin.

However, if Zhang Bin doesn't have a cold armor, it may be troublesome.

War is about three hours.

Just listening to a screaming again.

The dead cold fish was split into the sky, and the head was split.

Falling into the ground, there is still no way to jump.

Kyushu Ding is in the end of the death of the dead.

The body of the dead cold fish is flat, and the bones are broken too many.

I can't climb it again.

Kill kill ...

Zhang Bin shouted crazy and attacked again.

The ax and Ding are alive.

Attacking more than 1,000.

The scream of death and cold fish will still stop.

It's completely fallen.

Zhang Bin's attack is too horrible.

It can't help it.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin also worried that the other party was killing, he continued to attack.

Put the head of the dead and cold fish.

The soul is also flying out, but the soul light is all extinguished.

Obviously it is really fallen.


Zhang Bin attacked the soul again.

Until this soul crashed completely, it was chemically not discontinued.

He stopped.

Then he sat on the ground and kept breathing.

It is very difficult to kill this dead god of the gods. He is simply means all means.

There is no reservation.

Still very tired.

However, his face has a smile that floats victory.

Because he won.

And get a trophy, that is the body of the dead cold fish.

He immediately applied his secret law, forced the blood of the dead god, and put it into a jade bottle.

Although this is only three properties, it is water, ice, space.

However, this is the blood of the real beast, which is certainly available.

And the beast of the gravity continent even even blessed a lot, but did not go to the beast of the god, only a fake god beast.

Also, the meat of the dead cold fish is also bigger.

After all, I have eaten too many days in the beast.

Maybe he will make him break through the nine layers.

However, Zhang Bin still didn't take it right away.

After all, there are not many quantities.

Also not figured out.

It also needs to be studied well.

Then Zhang Bin began to search for the Dragon Pool of Dead Coldfish. I look forward to seeking the space container, perhaps there is a genius of the gods.

(Send five chapters first, there is also new at 9 o'clock in the evening.)

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