The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3983, Dead Water

Zhang Bin took the blood and the body of the dead and cold fish.

Then there was a Tibetan Tower in his hand, and the heart was once, and the layer of water had a singular change.

In fact, there is a new area.

Then he put the secret law and put all the water and the fish in the death of the dead.

Let the water here are not left here, and a dead cold fish is not left.

Then he was surprised to find that in the lake, there was an incident of angle, there was a spring eye, and the death of the dead and cold rose.

Zhang Bin saw a while, he narrowed his body, and there was no cold and cold armor.

Not very deep, just ten meters.

There is no special mystery in the rock, just only one snow-white bead.

Death cold water is taken out from the surface of the bead.

"Lying in the trough, there is such a treasure? This time, it is really making a fortune. It is easy to do ice cream in the future. Hey, I have to make Jin Yi into ice cream." Zhang Bin was excited in his heart.

His face also floated ecstasy.

Undoubtedly, this is a treasure from the beast, the real artifact.

He received a powerful basement.

In fact, Zhang Bin has also got such a bead, which was obtained in the universe.

It can be chemically formed into a cold mountain.

However, the power is still not big.

Is it possible to hurt top beasts and beasts.

However, this bead may be in line.

Zhang Bin horses a grabbed beads and laid out quickly.

This bead is like white snow, crystal clear.

Selling is extraordinary, tentacles.

If Zhang Bin is not cold and cold, then he may be frozen.

After all, the beads have been in the past.

Zhang Bin's heart, his spiritual power broke out, and poured into ice beads quickly.

Soon, his face floated.

Because he found that it is densely linen.

Obviously, this is an artifact of a world or a refining, it is possible to refine.

Moreover, this bead currently has no owner.

He is going to refine it is very easy.

Soon, Zhang Bin refines the beads, in fact, only refines the front nine-layer array.

Brand your own unsteady.

As for the tenth layer, Zhang Bin is currently unknown.

And he quickly got some special information, of course, the bead passed to him.

This bead has a name - the dead cold water droplets, can take the death of the dead, and everything is frozen.

It is also possible to extinguish the hot flame.

There is no other purpose.

But Zhang Bin is already very excited and excited.

Because in the past, he killed a lot of beasts with death cold.

That is just that the death of the dead and cold water is put out for a long time, the power has fallen a lot.

If it is the water that is discounted directly, that power is too horrible.

It may be able to deal with very powerful beast kings, and may even deal with the wilderness.

With this bead, Zhang Bin also does not need to fear the death of the giant eagle.

Also perhaps, you can also deal with the terrorist rule of Jin Yu.

Let Zhang Bin are more joyful. After he refines the water of the dead, the water from the beads is hard to threaten him.

Because the beads can quickly absorb the cold in the invading body.

"Don't, this death, cold water is the black cat beast god from the beast god circle? What is the purpose? Is it used to cultivate the dead cold fish, will go to the beast in the god of the gods in the future?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face was full of doubts.

If this is true, why does the black cat beast do not take the death of the dead?

Is it because of special rules?

God can't put into the source universe in the artifact of yourself?

Even if you can, the soul imprint will crash quickly?

Zhang Bin shook his head. He no longer thought, but his heart, he took a biggest death cold fish from the Tibetan Tower. He asked: "Say, after I left, I have no one. Or is the beast? "

"No, no one and beasts enter. Of course, do not include the king."

This deceased cold fish fear.

The king she said is of course the death of the death from the god of the beast.

"Don't you?" Zhang Bin's face has a strong doubt of puzzle. In this case, Jin Yi is the death of the dead? Does he have a dead cold water?

He didn't delay, his heart, there was a transfer array at his feet.

I saw a white light, he has returned to the Zhen Tiancheng his own cave.

He now doesn't want to return to the mainland.

Now Jin Yi is still hide and seeping with many gothings.

Jin Yi does not have enough food, and the beast is prepared.

This time, the winning and hide of the hide is expected.

However, Jin Yi killed so many beasts and supported a period of time.

Therefore, the time to kill Jin Wei is still immature, but also need to wait for a while.

Zhang Bin went out to find the baba sea, he said: "Do you know how to use the flesh of the beast? Is it possible to break through the bottleneck? Cultivate to nine?"

The baba sea is quiet, looking at Zhang Bin with a niche's eyes, at this moment, it even suspected that " " is stupid, and even ask him so simple?

However, he quickly woke up and said, "Is the flesh and blood of the beast not used to take it? Just make people feel some of the way, breaking through the bottleneck, you taking a lot of gods of the beast? "

"No, you are talking about the fake god, is not a real beast." Zhang Bin said, "The so-called false beast is still not going to the beast of the god of the gods. As for the real gast, it is the beast of the beast, I The latter asked. "

"Do you have you got the flesh and blood from the beast of the beast?"

The face of the baba sea is full of shock, and the eyes are also shot.

His heart beats.

"I just went out to kill a beast from the beast, I got its flesh. However, this beast just blended three kinds of roads, and it is water, ice, space. Both I blend. I don't Know, can you make me benefit? Is there a special way to take it? "Zhang Bin said.

In the end, it is the beast from the beast. Its flesh and blood may be a tonic, or may be a horrible poison. It is not a fairy magic to bear.

Therefore, Zhang Bin still wants to ask clearly.

The earthquake beast is the royal family of the sea area, the source of origin, maybe in this regard.

The heaven is like a fool, my day, he actually killed a beast from the beast god? is this real?

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