Zhang Bin took a foot, I felt a breath of cold cold.

There is also a feeling that is incomparable.

Let him very uncomfortable.

Even, he even breathed.

I am flustered, as if it is a big disaster.

Zhang Bin stopped and his face has been vigilant.

And at this time he suddenly found that he was in a rich black fog.

Looking back, the entrance of the valley is gone.

It is a black pressure jungle everywhere, and a dead breath is distributed.

At the foot, it is a tired white bone. Of course, it is the white bone of the beast and the beast.

However, these bones have lost special energy.

If you are defeated, you will have cracks on top, and even it is a fragment.

Zhang Bin also found that his head is also covered with dark clouds.

That seems to be a dark cloud.

"Hey ... The dragonfly, you are too ignorant, I dare to enter the valley, stepping into the death of the black forest. You have to be all gave me, give me your body, I can only accept it. "

Jin Cong's crazy laughter is still ringing.

However, Zhang Bin did not feel the position of the other party, as if he was eight squares, as if he was around, as if he was in an infinite.

"Good evil place."

Zhang Bin said dark, on his wisdom and strength, stepped into it, but did not find any clues.

Is this a array? Or is there a natural horror?

Zhang Bin is going to leave here, go to the black sea area, one is looking for it, to capture the height of the gods, two is to eliminate the horror of the Black Sea area, such as the horror temptation, black boat, magic painting.

Nowadays, I have encountered a big horror in Baiyun Mainland. I still don't know whether it is human or natural.

He is also absolutely explored well.

By the way, Jin Cong is killed.

The reason why there is such a big gut, natural is the gentleman.

The most important thing is that he has a trial of trial, and it can trial everything, and it is any road.

Even if it is an array of horrible, that is also the embodiment.

That is also the decline of Zhang Bin's trial.

What's more, he has a treasure of the defensive power in Jiuzhou Ding.

He really doesn't believe that he will fall in this place where you can survive.

If the disaster beast is not falling, Zhang Bin also worry about the other's sneak attack.

But the disaster beast has fallen, it can be said that it is blinded by Zhang Bin.

Just only Jin Cong, Jin Cong only only wisdom, the strength is not worth mentioning, how can he be afraid?

"The universe is crushing ..."

Zhang Bin did not be busy forward, his feet were crazy.

Trample in the earth.

... ...

The horrible voice sounded. The white fading under the foot became a powder.

Below is the unparalleled rock, no matter how Zhang Bin is hard, there is no way to break.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

Because of his heart, this is the result of array blessings.

Otherwise, the rock cannot be so hard.

After all, as Zhang Bin is now the strength, any rocks any rocks in the source are also can't bear the crush of the universe.

And since it is a mailing, there is really a terrible thing.

"Come, kill me, I am in front of you."

Jin Cong's voice suddenly sounded.

Jin Cong really appeared in front, his face was full of arrogance, and it was full of proud.


Zhang Bin still did not move, but his mouth spurted out the raging flame, swept crazy.

Package Jin Cong in an instant.


Jin Cong made a scream, then it was chemically formed into a smoke.

Complete disappearance.

But the horrible thing happened, outside the flame, also sounded Jin Cong's voice, "I am here, come, continue to kill me ..."

"This is a magic ..."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face was also vigilant.

What is powerful, what is the powerful, want to confuse him, it is very difficult.

However, the array here is done.

It can be seen that the array here is incomparable, perhaps it is from the beast of the beast.

Such a horrible big array is really killing any powerful beasts.

You can't have any underestimation.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin roared.

Libra is also roaring.

The horrible pressure swept, and the strange force farm is also covered around the surrounding area.

Under the role of the trial of the three gods, the power rose to the extreme.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

Black fog dissipates quickly.

Jin Cong also completely disappeared, and he still stands in the valley entrance.

The misader Black Forest is about ten meters in front.

The dead black fire he just sprayed out, was still crazy, and the white bones on the ground became ashes.

The flame is also spread to the bad forest.

However, this black forest is not burnt, no matter how the flame is burning, it will exist.

As for Jin Cong, Zhang Bin also saw it, and hidden in the depths of the forest.

He stood on a mountain bag, looking at Zhang Bin with the same eyes as the dead.

"Yu Shao, are you okay?"

The affection of the fox beast is coming.

They have a nervous color on the face of ten gods, because Zhang Bin has not moved, and it is not a little in the case of no reason.

"Don't worry, I can kill him."

Zhang Bin's face has floated strong confidence.

The array here is very horrible. I have lost it just now. If there is a super powerful beast sneak attack, I may have a big loss.

However, I have to fully show the trial of the trial, and I have to give three gods.

But it is confrontation.

After that, he stepped forward, and his pen was straight to Jin Cong's direction.

Finally, he walked into the bad forest.

The plants here are dark as ink, but look carefully, it is not a plant, but black rock.

No wonder the dead god black fire burning without any use.

The face of Zhang Bin became serious because he found that these plants were made.

It is the key to the array.

That is, there is no display in the depth of the ground.

There is no cave.

Terrible is that these rocks and rocks are the same, it may not be destroyed.

Zhang Bin took out the Jiuzhou Ding, and he was full of bombardment on a stone tree.


Unparalleled sound, spark splash.

However, this tree is not damaged, and there is no trace.

Even, there was no shake.

Sure enough, as Zhang Bin's guess.

Zhang Bin took a closer look, and then he found that the trunk was densely covered with countless natural texture, which constituted a weird.

Then countless trees constitute a horrible array.

It can make people get lost, and maybe it can make people's mildew, even falling here.

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