Zhang Bin's heart is moving, and the umers will take out and take it on the trunk.

Slowly sneak into it.

However, the tree is solid, there is no hollow, there is no display in the case.

Zhang Bin also made the Ume people into the underground, explored in detail, found that there is no cave in the ground, and there is no array.

The rock tree here is thoroughly integrated with the rocks.

"My God, this is a horrible big array that has been born in the world."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and his face was full of color.

To be honest, he has seen too many big arrays, even the hunting god of hunting halls.

But it has never seen such a strange array.

You can't open it.

No wonder, countless era, the array of array here is still intact.

Also, even Zhang Bin can't break, and then powerful beast is also difficult to break.

Moreover, it is not possible to get the result of causing the method of breaking here.

"Nima, this bastard does not seem to be lost? How is this possible?"

Jin Cong is now standing on the mountain bag, looking at Zhang Bin with a cold eyes, shouting in his heart, his face is full of nervous colors.

Of course, I am worried that Zhang Bin retreats. Then he didn't meet the purpose.

You must know that it is hard to seduce Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin killed by the law, he is so good.

This is related to his destiny and future.

"Hey ... Dragonfly, come kill me? Come? I tell you, you will never kill me."

Jin Cong began to laugh crazy, in fact, in the order.

The storm will enter the black forest.

The array in the black forest is too much too much too much, and any beast has to be completed.

"Jin Cong, you don't want to be lucky, I have to kill you, you must die."

Zhang Bin said that he said, he slowly stepped into the forest, but the foot behind him followed.

However, his upper half of the body has entered the hamlet of the man.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin was shocked, and the sky was turned, and the black fog was filled.

The knowledge is also blocked, and a death is full of heart.

You know, he fully launched the trial of the trial, and the three gods were strengthened.

But there is still the array of array that can't live here.

Zhang Bin didn't hesitate, and he took him in the foot of him.

"Nima, it is so deserted, is this not going?"

Jin Cong is almost vomiting blood, can't hate it, kill Zhang Bin.

Unfortunately, he can only think about it, as his strength, even if Zhang Bin does not return to his hand, any of his attacks, it is not hurt Zhang Bin.

At this moment, he hated the victims, if there was no rebellion, he would not use two destruction.

If you use it now, you can kill Zhang Bin very easy.

Zhang Bin began to retreat slowly, and after retreating, he stopped.

His mind, the Tibetan treasure tower hang on the hair will fly down, landing on the ground, turned into a hundred-meter giant tower.

When he flashed, he entered the second floor and threw a humanoid.

Then he started, wanted to go to the blessing of the mainland, cultivate a period of time.

Refinetics the lots of gods, integrate more, improve strength.

It is especially to integrate bad and disaster.

Then there is the same capability as the disaster, the estimate of the fact that this is not affected.

At that time, I transferred it back and gave Jin Cong.

However, he will not let Jin Cong, so leave a Tibetan Tower here.

That Jin Cong will sleep safely.

But there is no way.

The quirky thing happened that the humanoid transfer array can't start.

Zhang Bin's transmission did not succeed.

That is, the big array here has the ability to shield the heavens and the earth.

"It seems that I still read the array of words here."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

However, he did not panic, he did not retreat.

Instead, sit here, madly feel the way to zoom and the way.

He is still far from being cultivated to the nine floors, and does not match his trial parallel strength.

In other words, if he is full of trial energy, his scaling has no way to improve his trial of the same power.

It is difficult to enhance power.

As for the way of the array, because only cultivation of the eight floors, it is too weak, it can't see the flaws of the array here.

However, if it is cultivated to the nine floors, it may not be the same.

Focused about approximately can induce safe and out of route.

In fact, it is now, Zhang Bin also felt that it is a safe route to enter and out, but he can't find it.

Of course, Zhang Bin placed in the treasure tower.

Time will pass quickly.

Soon, it took a year, and it was two thousand years.

Zhang Bin has been taking these two attributes of the blood and the meat cultivation of the beast.

Plus the sky capital to force it.

The progress is very fast.

His body has a more rich breakthrough atmosphere.

"Dragonfly, your idiot, there is a matter of this, don't do a shortage of turtle."

Jin Cong has always been broken outside.

It's extraordinary.

"Shabi, let you live more than a period of time, you are not grateful, still swear?"

"Jin Cong, if you want to die, you will commit suicide."


The ten gods that are blocked outside are on and Jin Cong.

Today, they are completely relieved. After Zhang Bin enters, there is no loss like other beasts, and did not enter the black forest.

Instead, in the tower, it is obviously to cultivate some special magics, fight the array of the next, then kill Jin Cong.


Suddenly, the Tibetan Tower rang the sound of the horrible thunder.

The Tibetan Tower is also slightly shaking slightly.

Obviously, Zhang Bin broke through, so the horror of the robbery.

After three days, the Thunder sounded again.

Three hours later, it was completely silent.

Jin Cong has a horrkeep, and his face has become very difficult.

Because he knows, Zhang Bin is strong.

He is no way to improve strength.

At least No Zhang Bin is so fast.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin came out of the tower like a ghost.

The tower is also sharply narrowed, and I went to Zhang Bin's hair in an instant.

Zhang Bin's body exploded a horror, his face was also filled with confidence.

Because he has already cultivated the road of zoom and the road to the nine floors.

The way to zoom can be said to be the most amazing in the world.

There are countless beasts in the Black Sea area, but it is hardly blended.

Zhang Bin also killed nearly 200,000 beasts, and did not integrate the way of scaling.

In the past, Zhang Bin can understand the way of zooming because it got a pointer's guidance.

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