Although Zhang Bin also cultivated the zoom to the nine floors, it was not integrated. Although he is grasped, if it is cultivating such a few era, he is also able to fuse the zoom.

But he has also been able to quickly integrate the way of zoom, then his strength can skyrocket.

So he has been working hard to find the blood that blezed the zoom.

But there is no wish.

However, because it has killed too many beasts, only an ancient jade bottle in a space container, which combines the blood of the zoom.

Only Zhang Bin took the last time to scales. But it is not possible to cultivate nine floors, so it is not a big role.

But now he finally cultivated the road to the road to the nine floors.

His strength has improved a lot.

"Trial ... Zoom ..."

Zhang Bin immediately started to try, and then his face has been satisfied, because he can increase his trial power five times.

This is already horrible.

Moreover, this is sustainable.

Then he tried again, then the three gods were added.

This is even more than 15 times the power of his trial.

He didn't have any delays, immediately went to the edge of the black forest, and glanced at the eyes.

Even if he shows the trend of the trend, and uses the three gods to strengthen and zoom in the power to increase the 15 times power, but still can't see a safe route.

The array here is too horrible.

Sure enough, it is a place where death.

Zhang Bin re-uses the trial of the trial, uses the zooming of universities, and it has increased 5 times power.

He stepped in step.

What makes him secretly joy, this time does not have a feeling of rotating anything, although the black fog is rich, but it is not capable of covering the sky, can't block his knowledge and vision.

That is, the array of array here, lost the effect under the five times the power of Zhang Bin, and lost the effect.

"The trial, there is no food."

Zhang Bin excitedly in his heart, he did not hesitate, and he took it directly into it.

Perhaps it is also worried about what moth, Zhang Bin's speed is unhappy.

Because once it is inserted into the array, it is buddy.

"Hey ..."

The black forest is also blowing a strange style that is extremely horrible, and it is crazy.

There are countless ghosts, and there are countless horror whispered monsters.

Crazy to Zhang Bin.

However, once you enter Zhang Bin, the wind is stopped, the wind stops, the black shadow and the monster are completely dissipated.

Can't hurt Zhang Bin.

"It's impossible ... absolutely impossible ..."

Jin Cong also stood on the mountain bag, and the mouth made a big shouting of not credit.

He is clearly known that what horror is in the black forest.

Any beast enters, will see countless ghosts, powerful enemies attack themselves.

It can only be crazy in the black forest.

It is completely in the illusion, and finally it will even commit suicide.

However, Zhang Bin is not lost, and there is no signs of crazy.

This is simply an incredible thing.

Zhang Bin quickly accelerated speed, straight to Jin Cong, Zhang Bin's face also floated the color.

How can I deal with him on my own wisdom and strength?

"Dragonfly, you come over, come over ... See how I kill you."

Jin Cong puts out a fear, shouting on the feet.

It seems that he really looks forward to Zhang Bin to the past.

"Oh ... Jin Cong, you don't want to blunt, today I will kill you."

Zhang Bin made a scream of contempt, "people who hit my body, all dead, you will not excerades."

" ..."

Jin Cong did not scare Zhang Bin, he fled his leg.

high speed.

" ..."

Zhang Bin also accelerated speed.

However, he was also affected by the array because he was too heavy.

His speed is also only a trace of Jin Cong.

Not so easy, chasing Jin Cong.

When I fled, I quickly entered the depths of the badge in the black forest.

"The bad luck ..."

Jin Cong suddenly stopped, and smiled and shouted.

Its voice has not yet fallen.

Just listening to the ribbon, a big tree suddenly collapsed, and the speed is like electricity.


The horror is that the vines on the ground suddenly tied Zhang Bin's legs.

Let Zhang Bin can't avoid it.


Zhang Bin was anger, and his hands appeared in Jiuzhou Ding, and he was in this big tree.


A loud noise of the sky.

The sparks are empty, and the bad forests are extra bright.

The big tree is open.

However, Zhang Bin is also overfolding.

Because the power is too horrible, it is simply like countless mountains.


More stone trees collapsed, and slammed Zhang Bin.

To kill Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin's body exploded the hot dead black fire.

The vines are all cultivated.

Zhang Bin jumped up and became a stream, avoiding it.

And it is rapidly to Jin Cong.

Now Zhang Bin's heart is bright, Jin Cong can control the array of array here.

If he is not strong, it is really a tragedy.

Therefore, he must kill Jin Cong as soon as possible.

Solve any moths.

"The bad luck ..."

Jin Cong scared the soul, quickly escaped, and he controlled the attack Zhang Bin.

There is no stone tree collapse, and the vines are also crazy to attack Zhang Bin.

Even, there is room for imprisonment, horror, destroying all the Thunders.

However, Zhang Bin's body burned the flame flame and pushed the vines into ashes.

The giant tree is also flying by Zhang Bin.

It's really a blind, Buddha blocks the Buddha.

After all, he used the zooming of universities and enhanced his own battle.

As if a unbearable god, the killing of the array is completely can't be paid.

"Give me death ..."

Jincong suddenly shouted again.

Bang ...

A horrible giant ring.

Zhang Bin has a deep cave, and the horrible gravity is also active in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin fell like a meteorite.

"Ha ha ha ... this time you see you still don't die?"

Jin Cong laughed crazy, and his face has floated the color of the expectation.

Of course, I am looking forward to Zhang Bin to fall, he is so good.


Zhang Bin fell into the deep pit.

Since the following is rock, there is no other ambush.

Zhang Bin also did not enter the Tibetan Tower.

He taking care of this deep pit.

This is like a deep well.

Not too deep, just 100 meters.

But the stone wall is smooth.

And gravity is extremely horrible.

He is the ability to show the gecko wadroom.

"Hahaha ... The helody, what is your legislation you have to explain?"

Jin Cong came to the deep well and laughed.

Obviously, he believes that Zhang Bin is dead!

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