The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4092 integrates 2800 pathways

The sky is full of satisfaction, disappearing in the depths of the Black Sea, no one knows where he went.

However, Zhang Bin is clearly known that the skyscraite is looking for aunt in the Black Sea area. If you find it, he will contact Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin rushed and kills each other.

For Zhang Bin, today's flight is a free labor.

" ... If this guy knows that I am not the Jinshen, if it is his competitor Zhang Lao three, it will definitely cry in the toilet." Zhang Bin delivered a skyscraper and smirked in his heart.

He is bright in his heart, and its strength includes the two aspects of wisdom and fighting.

The former is very difficult to improve, and it is necessary to talent and experience.

The latter can be rapidly improved.

Today, Zhang Bin and the war have a lot of war, but in wisdom, Zhang Bin is clearly to occupy an advantage.

Therefore, he can get this magical hem of the world from the hands of the skyscrapers.

He also joined the skysclamise to deal with it.

Even, he also explored the most horrible base cards, it was a goddener. After taking, the strength can be permanently upgraded twice.

However, the skyscide has not been benefited from him here.

Therefore, this time and the Meta Confrontation, Zhang Bin is a great victory, and the harvest is also a great huge.

"However, this brand is too horrible to improve ten times. I want to make my own war with ten times, it is very difficult. After all, the sky will continue to be strong. It seems that Winning the Era Wars, is not very easy. "Zhang Bin is happy, and it is also sigh in his heart.

He didn't have any delays, returned to the collapse of the sky, collected all the body of all the beasts, and also took all the blood.

Then he sent back to the blessing of the gravity mainland.

He took out the bottle of blood, and the brilliant smile was floated on his face.

This kind of blood is contained in 2,700 properties.

However, Zhang Bin's 2300-way attributes are not included in it.

There is a hundred attributes with a foot foot.

Therefore, if Zhang Bin completely fused the property of this kind of blood, he fused to reach 2,800.

This is definitely a huge gain.

It is to know that Zhang Bin has two borders, and if it is also blended 2800 species, it also cultivated to the nine layers of the close.

Further, the body is fused, and the three-arms of the three arm are displayed.

That power will also be extremely horrible.

Then, even if it is more than not taking the gods after the sky, the absolute distance will not be too far away.

Zhang Bin horses use this kind of god to apply on the verses of the stone wall.

Sudden red light, Zhang Bin and two bordered all in the rich red light.

They began to take God and started crazy.

Their mouth is also starting to read the black scripture.

Time will pass quickly.

I have passed the past 300,000 years.

"Hahaha ..."

In the Fu Di, Zhang Bin's joyful laughed, "I finally bleached 500 kinds of roads, reached 2,800 species. And all cultivated to the nine layers of the whole road. My strength has risen again."

He is proud to stand, and there are 2,800 cars behind, and there is also a sharp pressure and momentum shooting in the world.

However, his two borders are still working hard.

Because although it also fused to blend 2800, it was still not cultivated to the nine layers of the close.

"Tibetan Tower, this time I should be able to refine the tenth layer array?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he started refining again.

What makes him happy is that this time is finally refining, his spiritual force lies up all the lines of the tenth layer array, and then branded a self-destruction of his own.

Even, he did not let two souls fuse.

This is simply a miracle.

It can also be judged that more than 500 pathways, his soul has a huge change, and there is a lot of power.

In fact, Zhang Bin's soul has now ignited 18,000 soul lights, and the rays of the emitted were also bright. Too much.


The tightie of the Tibetan Tower is also open to Zhang Bin.

This layer is very quirky, and the space between Jiuzhou Ding is very similar.

That is there is a god soil, but it is only a thousand acres of land.

In addition to God, it is a horrible darkness, which exudes a rich death atmosphere.

Even Zhang Bin did not dare to explore the darkness, because he had a bad feeling, if it was deeply dark, it would be completely fallen.

"I can only cultivate some gods, there is no other place."

Zhang Bin is a bit disappointing. He is still looking forward to what horror of the Tibetan Tower.

But didn't think of it, just a small piece of god.

However, Zhang Bin also found that after the tenth floor of refining, the defense capabilities of the Tibetan Tower have also improved, and the ability to charge the magic will also get a huge improvement, but can you charge Jin Yi's destruction, still Any grasp.

He didn't hesitate, moved the three gods in Kyushu Ding to the godspace of the tenth floor of Tibetan Tibet.

Undoubtedly, Tibetan Tibet is more advanced, and the defense ability is also stronger than Jiuzhou Ding.

And these three god trees can be said to be one of Zhang Bin's largest topic.

One of the gods was obtained from the Hand of Ji Ding, and I have already made a god fruit, and I have already matured. Zhang Bin also took it.

And the other two trees are Zhang Bin's own, and it has been working hard.

Nuring the god tree is very uncommon, not only need to use God soil, but also need to use God.

Most of Zhang Bin has been used to cultivate these two gods.

Nowadays, God is growing up, and fruit is ripe.

It should be mature before the end of the era.

If you take these two kinds of gods, although you can't break through the god, strong is totally foreseeable.

This is also the biggest expectation of Zhang Bin.

It is his most important base card for him to give a skyscoon.

But Zhang Bin is clearly known that only this card is not enough.

Because the end of the era, the ferris may also blend 2,700 pathways, and even more.

It will be more terrible.

Even, Zhang Bin is not very clear, and there is still no difference.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is expecting that the skyscola can be found in advance.

But he also wants to do the worst plan, that is, there is no way to do it.

Therefore, he must continue to be strong.

What's more, Zhang Bin has a more horrible enemy - Jin Yi.

Once Jin Yi is getting off, it will certainly be strong.

The black shadow of Baiyun Mainland said, let Zhang Bin find helmet artifacts to deal with Jin Yi's soul attack.

"It's time to go out for treasure ..."

Zhang Bin muttered, he first went to the Yun House of Baiyun Continent and put the gods.

The strength of God is terrible, not as him too much.

Bring it on the body, it is much safe.

(There is no time today, I started the code word. If I have no more five chapters today, I must make it tomorrow.)

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