The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4093 Goodbye Yu Wen Cheng Tian

For forty years, there is no movement in Baiyun mainland, and there is no figure of the current gold.

Zhang Bin is also a bit impatient.

Anyway, there are ten gods, and you can contact him with a talent.

Will not delay.

As for the array of haufin, there is no god, although it can't start.

There is no terror.

But it is estimated that there will be a beast dare to enter.

Therefore, Zhang Bin even took away the humanoid transfer.

If there is any discovery of the beast, contact him, he can transfer to the blessing.

Then go from the cliff.

As he is now the strength, climb the death cliff, it is easy to be confident, and the speed will be very fast.

Will not delay.

Just let ten beasts in the cliff, you can discover Jin Yu in advance.

Unborn black sea.

Zhang Bin once again walking it.

Of course, he makes makeup into a shock beast.

And stealth.

Silent, like ghost.

Just don't want anyone and beast.

Never want to let the master of the magic and the blackboard.

These four billion years, because he has explored the Black Sea many times.

Therefore, the place where he used to explore him naturally won't go.

He is now going to the depths of the black sea area.

Of course, I hope that I can find it, but he knows that it is incomparable.

Even if you find it, even if he and the skyscide are jointly, it may not kill.

After all, now, the strength is the most powerful.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's most expectation is to find a set of gods with powerful defense. Must be a artifact. Can't be a pseudo artifact.

Zhang Bin has also been a set of gods, but is a pseudo artifact.

There is not too much place.

The more deepest, gravity is also more and more horrible, and the black fog is also rich.

Even, the magic sound is also more clear.

"The magic sound is deep in the black sea area, I don't know how it is trapped? Is I going to see it?"

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated the color of thinking.

If you want to find God, it is not easy, there may be only the owner of the magic.

After all, the guy is here to come from the beast, maybe there is a god armor.

And he is now much stronger than before.

Even if he is on the black boat, he also has confrontation.

However, if it goes to the magic, the attack of the magic sound is powerful.

It is still far from dealing with your current strength.

So, look for the idea of ​​the treasure of the magic, the treasure of the Magic Sound, that is very dangerous.

Moreover, the Lord of the Magic Sound does not fall, just there is no body, its treasures, even if he gets, he has no way to erase the soul imprint, just like the hunting god.

Therefore, Zhang Bin really hesitated.

However, he continues to explore in the Black Sea area.

Continue to go deep.

Ten years later, Zhang Bin finally found it.

Because he once again found a continent.

Moreover, this continent is not among the reefs, it is in the sea.


There are countless sea beasts in life.

And all is a multi-objective beast.

"Ha ha ha ... My luck is really good, I have found a major continent? I came to the old nest of the hunting hall?"

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart, his face also floated strong ecstasy.

He knew that the nest of the hunting hall was in a large continent.

But there is no way to find it.

After all, the Black Sea area is too wide.

Didn't think of it, I haven't worry about the iron shoes, I have to come to the family.

There are countless era, no one or God can destroy the hunting hall.

Therefore, the bottom of the hunting hall is very powerful.

So, there is a lot of treasures, or there may be a lot of blood.

Maybe there may be gods.


Zhang Bin became a black light and went to the island.

Flying up, swirls on the high space.

Observe finely.

This continent is also very advanced, absolutely can be said to be ten mainland.

By boundless.

There are countless beauty beasts in life.

The nine-level can be seen everywhere.

More than seven levels of eight levels.

"All dry?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he quickly disappeared this idea.

Because it may be misunderstood.

This good person is of course Yu Wen Cheng Tian.

The genius disciple of the hunting hall, and then entered the Black Sea area.

Want to make the cultivation of the hunting temple, cultivate into beasts.

Today, he is likely to be on Mint Island.

If he doesn't divide the green soap, it is likely to kill the other party.

He didn't have any delays, he took a notes and started to contact the other party, "Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​I am Zhang Lao San, where are you?"

Didn't let Zhang Bin are disappointed, Yu Wencheng will reply immediately. "I have already entered the Black Sea area, mixed into the old nest of the hunting hall - Mont Island."

"Ha ha ha ..." That's good, now I also came to Moi Island, our sword side ... "

Zhang Bin replied.

"My God, you have also come to the Black Sea area, and I have come to Mint Island? Your courage is too big ..."

Yu Wen became the sky.

Soon, they met in a cave of a unique mountain in a shape.

They came to a close-up hug.

Then Zhang Bin gave adequate: "You have a lot of powerful."

Yu Wen Cheng is indeed a lot, and now it has been cultivated to eight layers, which is the eight-level beast.

"You are also strong, actually cultivating the nine layers of the nine floors, which is a incredible thing. It seems that your talents are good." Yu Wen Cheng Tian also said with shock and admire.

Hold, Zhang Bin, said: "Look at you, the status of the hunting hall should be good. Then you don't know, there is no most precious treasure for the hunting hall?"

"Hahaha, you really ask for people." Yu Wen became a laughed, "I mixed into the hunting hall, became the top genius, plus my wisdom, naturally stand out, got the best cultivation So, I can only cultivate it to eight billion years, and I also blended 70 ways. I naturally know the precious treasures of the hunting hall. The hunting hall has a treasure house, and all the treasures in the treasure house. Baolo It is divided into 10 layers. On my strength, I can only go to the 8th floor. But it is the eighth floor, and there is a lot of pseudo artifacts. What is the treasure of the ninth floor and 10th floor, I don't know much, But it is more precious. It is said that there are some treasures in the tenth floor.

"What kind of treasure house? Is it like a huge cabinet, can only open it?"

Zhang Bin's face made an excitement and exciting color.

He remembered the treasure house of Baiyun mainland beast door.

Perhaps the same as the treasure house here ...

(I only have these two chapters today, I will make up tomorrow, at least eight chapters.)

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