The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4094 will then the Golden Temple

"Cabinet look? No, no, that is an underground pyramid, it is inverted. Can make any sea beast into, even, human beings can also enter. The stronger strength, the more you enter." Yu Wen Cheng Tian said.

Zhang Bin suddenly looked at it, but it was still very happy and excited.

Anyway, this treasure house must be entered, and you must go to the tenth floor.

Perhaps you can find artifact helmet.

And this is his most important thing.

"Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​I am going to kill the ring now, all of them are all done, one will not stay."

Zhang Bin is no longer delayed, saying faintly.

"Hey? Do you say?"

Yu Wen Cheng Tian is like a fool, look at Zhang Bin like a monster.

He can't believe his ears.


Zhang Bin repeatedly repeated it, and said, "said," Is this strange? "

"Of course weird, too strange." Yu Wen Cheng Tian said, "Nothing to come, no one can destroy the column of God. If you are a single horses, it is impossible, even if I help you, that is also Not too. There is no difference between it and dying. "

"What you mean, the hunting hall is very powerful? Their old nest defense is very strong? Or what is the horror of the card?" Zhang Bin did not dare to be too big, asked.

"Yes, the hunting hall is very powerful, it is very powerful to terrible level. After all, the multi-family beast is one of the royal family, and the inheritance has never been broken, the bottom is too deep. Especially the hunting hall, more powerful Terrible level. Because the hunting god is out of terror genius, he entered the tenth floor of the treasure house. I took out a lot of disturbances inherited the blood. And I also took out the evil spirits ... "Yu Wen Chengdu is serious. Say.

"Divide? What is it?"

Zhang Bin is very curious.

"It's a black scripture, which is recorded in a special animal skin. The vete is specially refined, with an endless character. When reading the scriptures, the text can make a black light, improve the The speed of the road ... "

Yu Wen Cheng Tian said, "In the past, this reading method has long been lost, but it is called to be found. So, today's hunting hall has more masters, any nine-level grand disciples are integrated Nearly 100 kinds of roads, even more than one hundred ways. The golden hall is more horrible. He has blend more than more than two hundred ways. As for the golden, more, strong. It can be said to be the most horrible in the Black Sea area. One of the beasts, there is he guarded the hunting hall, that is, it is like Taishan. "

"What is the horrible artifact?"

Zhang Bin still did not panic, he said with a smile.

He deeply believes that the hunting hall also has a powerful base card, otherwise, the hunting hall is certainly destroyed countless times.

Because it is not only to face the attack of the human being, it is necessary to face the beast's lossity and attack.

"Of course, there is." Yu Wencheng said seriously, "The most horrible artifact of the hunting hall is a hunting god. I don't know how many gods who have killed. Secondly, it is hunting, this is used. Inserting on the roof It looks very ordinary. However, once the treasure, the horror is extremely, it is said to be swallowing the soul of God. There have been a lot of powerful beasts to grab the treasure of the hunting hall, but they are killed by hunting. Although the hunting god is not It is said that it was lost by Milong. But there is also hunting god, too horror ... "

"so smart?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up and shot a hot radiant.

He is now the most powerful magic weapon is a Libra, Tibetan Tower, Jiuzhou Ding, followed by cracking the sky ax, the Tacrodian sword, the cold moon road knife.

As for the beauty map, there is no way to refine and use it.

Therefore, he still lacks super powerful magic weapon.

Hunter God is flattering is a terrible magic weapon, and it is not necessarily refined by Jin Yi.

Because for the past, it was refined by Jin Yu.

It is used to guard the hunting hall.

So, as long as you can kill the golden, he can refine the hunting god.

In the future, I will use hunting god to deal with the hunting god nails that you can play, maybe it can play a good effect.

"Other? What? What is the array?"

Zhang Bin asked again.


Yu Wen said in detail, and said all the secrets of the hunting hall he know.

There is no omission.

Due to his wisdom against the sky, the secret of the exploration is natural is also extra extra.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's harvest is huge.

Then they settled in detail and quickly developed a plan.

Zhang Binnadi is straightforward and appears on a large continent.

Moreover, he received a beastmider armor and recovered the past appearance.

" ..."

In an instant, hundreds of hunting disciples flew.

Sizes Zhang Bin at once.

They are all powerful, and any one is the nine floors.

The body exploded into the extremely perimistical and horrible momentum.

"Are you Zhang Lao San?"

"Hahaha ... Zhang Lao San, you have come to the Black Sea? I came to our hunting god album to send dead?"

"Heaven has a road, you don't go, hell has no door to come."


After Suddenly, there were multiple hunting disciples shouted excitedly, and their faces were full of smile.

Undoubtedly, they are from the disciples that retreat from the continent.

Therefore, I know Zhang Bin.

Almost at the same time, they also immediately reported back, "The Hall, we found Zhang Lao San, this idiot came to our more mainland to die ..."

"What? Zhang Lao San?"

The face of the Golden Temple is full of surprises.

Without any delay, the Golden Temple will come with many hunting gods.

It is directly surrounded by Zhang Bin directly.

Of course, the most powerful golden horses have not yet appeared.

After all, there are 200 nine-level hunting gods in foot, and any hunting god has the strength of the hunting god, because they all blend dozens of ways, strong than the previous hunting team. ten times.

It's not a hand to the regional area of ​​human beings just cultivated to the 9th floor of the 9th floor.

"Hey ... all come over, very good, I will do you."

Zhang Bin is secretly evil, and the reason why there is no active attack is because the core area of ​​the hunting hall is arranged in an incomparable terrorism, which is terrible than the defending ability of the hunting of the mainland.

Here, it is no array.

That is to say, Zhang Bin is in dancing the hunting god of hunting.

"Zhang Lao San, you really are a universal genius, which is so fast to cultivate the nine floors."

The Golden Temple is the friend, whispered, "But your life is not good, I came here."

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