"Are you a golden temple? Is this a hunting hall in the Black Sea area?"

Zhang Bin puts out a pair is a jealous and nervous look.

" ..."

The golden temple is not comparative, "Zhang Lao San, I told you that there are many mainland, which is really ten mainland, too much more than the continent. However, this mainland is our hunting God. Now you said, what do you want to die? "

"Yes, how do you want to die?"

All the disciples of all hunting halls are shouting crazy.

Their face is full of excitement and excitement.

In the past, they were forced to withdraw over the continent by Zhang Bin.

This is the most humiliating thing.

But now I can revenge, can you not be smooth?

"Oh ... do you think it is died?"

Zhang Bin touched the nose and smiled and said. "In the past, I only cultivate it to the seven layers, I can drive you out of the continent. Now I am practicing to the nine floors."

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Lao San, you this idiot. I thought you were really powerful? I told you that in my eyes, you are a crust. Originally, I want to take people to kill the mainland, put humanity All is done. Also grab you to eat. I didn't think of yourself to send it. After you kill you, we will go to the mainland to kill a blood into the river. "

The Golden Temple made a mad laugh.

The rest of the disciples are also smirking.

I really really put Zhang Bin in my eyes.

Also, they all blend so many, any one, is more than a few times more than before.

Naturally, it is very proud.

"You come together."

Zhang Bin didn't want to be with the other party, say faintly.

"Give you, I am enough."

A long and old smiled and went out, his body made a powerful momentum, and the permanent pressure of terror.

"His name is Jin Yu, cultivating the three hundred era, and the nine-level is full, blending 170 kinds. It is a very powerful elders. You have to be careful."

Tibet in a nearby mountain looks in the mountains, passing the news to Zhang Bin through the notes.

He is very nervous.

200 hunting teams, any disciples are all successful, all of which are blended in dozens of roads.

Even if Zhang Bin can defeat the golden, it is impossible to defeat so many hunting gods?

Jin Yu is really arrogant and arrogant. He raised the ax tall, and 170 cars were taken behind.

In a few steps, I rushed over and gave Zhang Bin's head. It is a force of Huashan.

I want to take Zhang Bin in half.


The sound is screaming, there is a crack.

This ax, that is a great pole.

Many disciples of the hunting hall smiled, they seem to have seen that Zhang Bin was smashed into two halves, poured in the beautiful scene in the blood.

"Hey ... Zhang Lao San is very talented. I can kill his soul, leave his body. After the Era Wars, I will win. Anyway, the distance is over, there is only more than 100 billion years. "The Golden Temple looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, and the evil is not laughing.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he didn't look at it, and he took the past directly.

I took a picture of the opponent's awkward ax.


The ax flew back and went on the door of Golden.

Directly smashed his head into two halves.


Jin Yu only sent a long-awaited scream, he turned down and didn't move.

Because his soul was completely killed by devastating energy.

He is completely fallen.

This palm sufficiently revealed that Zhang Bin's terrorist strength, the transfer and reception, and there is no more versatile energy.

Just killing each other, but there is no palm to make the body of the body as a meat sauce.

That is what you can't control the power of strong energy in your body.

The whole scene was shocked, the chop was silent.

The laughter on their face is also completely stiff.

They all shouted in my heart: "Impossible, absolutely impossible? How can I be so powerful? When I kill the golden, I will blend 170 kinds of roads, super powerful."

"I rely on, Zhang Lao San is so strong that is so much?"

Yu Wen Chengtian is also completely dumbful, and his face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

At this time, he also knew that why Zhang Bin's courage is so big, I don't want to kill the hunter disciple?

"The Golden Temple, now it is now."

Zhang Bin put the eyes of the play to the face of the Lord of the Golden Temple, said faintly.

"All, kill him."

The Golden Temple is waking up and shouts crazy.

At the same time, he immediately retreats quickly.

But where to come, Zhang Bin stepped out, and he has come to the front of the Golden Temple.

He slammed on the head of the Golden Temple.


A loud noise, the golden hall is directly overwhelming.

When Zhang Bin's palm filed, it was found that the Golden Temple has become a meat cake, and it is blood red.

Even, he didn't even have a bad call, it was completely fallen.

"My God, the Golden Temple will be killed by him by him?"

Yu Wen Cheng Tian once again shouted in his heart.

All disciples of the hunting hall are all completely dumbfounded, how can they not believe that their powerful golden temples are so easy to fall?

"Kill kill ..."

Inspiring, they are completely angry and shouting crazy.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

This is two hundred hunting gods, attacking together, naturally is extremely horrible.

Suddenly, three thousand magic, countless magic treasures, covering the sky and shot Zhang Bin.

Tiandi color color, sun and moon are light.

The murderous sky, suffocating the sky.

So attack, absolutely unmanned.

"This attack is terrible, Zhang Lao San, can you block?"

Seeing such an immersive, Yu Wen Chengdu is secretly worried, his face is also full of nervous colors, and his forehead is also a fine sweat.


Zhang Bin angry, he became three six arms, and the three hands were held, Kiuzhou Ding, cracking the sky ax, cold moon knife.

Crazy dance, chemical into a bright aperture.

In an instant, countless magic treasures bombarded on the aperture of Zhang Bin's magicized.

Dangdang ...

Like the same sound like the iron, spark splash.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also ringing.

The tiger's tiger is broken, and the magic weapon will fly half of the air. Some people are even directly exploded, and they have become a bloody.

Didn't put the explosion, the back, the face is filled with fear.

Why didn't they think that Zhang Lao San will be so strong?


How can Zhang Bin have to let them go? He shouted madly.

Kill it in ...

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