The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4096 Terrorist Program

Zhang Bin rushed in the crowd of dense Ma Ma.

Ding became like the mountains were so big, and they often kill hundreds of thousands.

His ax is also as big as hundreds of doors. It's often a ax to sweep over, there are hundreds of thousands of beasts to become half.

His cold moon knife also became a lot of times, crazy, and any knife had to cut off hundreds of thousands of beasts.

Suddenly, the head is rolling, and the blood is born.

The body is in the same way as cutting wheat, and the harvester is used.

The hunting disciple is frightened, and if you want to escape, it suddenly found that they were imprisoned, that is, it can't move.

At this time they knew that they had a lot of power, but Zhang Binqiang was more.

Today, they and Zhang Bin, it is simply like an antite.

"God, this is too burning?"

Yu Wen Chengtian saw that it was stunned, and his face was full of color.

The heart has emerged.

Envy Zhang Bin's genius and powerful.

"I can't envy him, I can't jealize him. Because of his sake, I can get a little gods, and I will be able to cultivate into a beast, and I can go to the beast of God. Datun, in the future, recover in the future. "Yu Wen became a smart super group. He quickly pressed his heart and jealous.

He looked at Zhang Bin to slaughter 200 hunting team.


A angry to the extreme sound.

Jin Yan took the hunting god to fly, and his body burst a sharp pressure and momentum.

He wanted to crack, and the air was ruined.

Unfortunately, he is still late.

When he arrived, when he fell on the ground, the two hundred nine hunting gods have been killed by Zhang Bin, and did not escape one.

All horizontally lying on the ground.

Blood flow into the river.

It looks like hell.

But Zhang Bin is laughing, and his face is full of fun.

These hunting disciples have killed too many human geniuses and have made too much wicked.

Now that he is finally killed by him.

It is necessary to revenge a revenge of countless human kill.

"You are Zhang Lao San?"

Jin Yan raised the hunting god, and the eyes were shot in the eyes of the ice, and they were projected on Zhang Bin's body.

If you are a gaze, you can kill people, and that is dead, I don't know how many times.

He is indeed anger because the Golden Temple is his son.

These hundreds of thousands of hunting god teams are mostly his blood.

"You are golden?"

Zhang Bin did not fear, he said proudly, looking at each other coldly.

In fact, he is secretly taking the hunting god.

Hunting God is not very eye, is a banner of dark ask, there is a multi-beast pattern.

If there is no Yu Wen Cheng Tian reminded, he may not care.

"This is the most horrible artifact, returning to the truth, no powerful breath. Only when you use it, you will explode the power of terror." Zhang Bin secretly praised in his heart.

"Zhang Lao San, you are big and courageous, actually dare to kill all the many disciples of the hunting hall, I want to break your corpse."

Golden is smiling.

However, he still did not attack Zhang Bin.

It seems to be very taboo of Zhang Bin's strength.


Suddenly, the blanked sound sounded.

100 giant flying.

After blinking, it landed behind the body.

Looking carefully, they are all human beings, but any one is a little god.

The body is spread with a sharp pressure and momentum.

It is a super genius.

Obviously, Jin Yan has already seen Zhang Bin super powerful, he did not use the hunting god, and did not grasp the killing Zhang Bin.

I secretly convinced this god.

"I rely on, there is so much little god in the hunting hall?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

After all, Yu Wen Cheng Tian is not told Zhang Bin this secret.

Obviously, even Yu Wen Chengtian also does not know.

"Heaven, this is the legendary protection method. It is used to protect the inheritance of the hunting hall. But only when you have died, the lawfa team will come out. So, even I don't know their existence. Original I I thought it was just a legend ... "

Yu Wencheng immediately passed the news to Zhang Bin through a talent.

"Hey ... Zhang Lao San, now you know the power of our hunting hall?"

Golden Gaogou raised hunting gods and said.

"You are helping to be abuse? Do you forget, are you human?"

Zhang Bin put out a pair of angry look, roared.

Obviously, he wants to set the ultimate secret of some hunting halls.

After all, after today, the Hunting Temple does not exist.

And Yu Wen Cheng Tian is the only day of the beast, in the future, to go to the beast god industry to do undercover.

Therefore, you must listen to the secrets that Lievernai is not known.

"Hahaha ..."

" ..."

This hundred strange gods have made crazy laughs, and their faces are filled with color.

As if they have heard the best laugh in the world.

"Zhang Lao San, you are too true? They are just human body, but the soul is our multi-e-commerce."

Golden is smiling.

"It turns out that you hunt the god of the pastry in our human world, killing, not to get what wealth, but to get the genius body, let those wisdom is very good, but the beasts of the bee have become a wonderful beast?" Zhang Bin In angry, his eyes have to be sprayed.

Although he and Yu Wen became this secret, he saw it in your own eyes, he was still very angry.

The heart is really an angry bears.

" ..."

Jin Yu is madly laughing, "It seems that you are still less stupid, you can push the truth."

"You should die, actually wary of so many days?"

Zhang Bin bite his teeth and said angrily.

"How? What is this? You are too big."

Jin Yu smiled and said, "We are countless genius for the hunting hall. They are just nine cows. These hundred people, the past is the son of the universe, and they have achieved victory in the Epoch Wars. Tiantianshui will not be parsing you. It is even more high than you. Wisdom will not be parsing you, some of whom have far more than you. And you will soon be killed, wary, then becoming one of them. "

" ..."

This hundred little god laughed again.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

"Do you all go to arrest them after you are in the Era Wan?"

Zhang Bin's anger in the heart, and asked in an urgentity.

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