The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4097 is scared to death

"Oh ... for the son of the universe, we are of course after the Evjil Wars. Otherwise, he will also participate in the era of the event, and it may even fall. After our hunting, the disciple of the gods, cultivated into the state, and formed a lawfaster team There are not many one hundred people. If it exceeds 100 people, it will make it fly. So, the gods are also a lot of our people, the gods can also be said to belong to our hunting hall. For yours, We will arrest at any time. "Jin Yu said with a smile.

The reason why Jin Yu dared to say such a secret is because he has already dispatched a lawfaction team and let Zhang Bin have seen it.

As long as Zhang Bin is not a fool, it is natural to speculate these secrets.

So, he said it is also.

"God, my estimation is really right."

Yu Wen, who is watching in the distance, shouted in the heart, "the boundaries may be extremely dangerous."

"You really think that you have these people to grasp me?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of the game.

"Take you? Hahaha ... that of course, there is 100% grasp."

Jin Yu smiled and said, "You know, how difficult it is to bring together hundreds of little gods? How long is it? Do you tell him how many era are you living?"

"I am 3 million era."

"5 million era."

"Nine million era."

"10 million era ..."


Members of the caregiver shouted, the longest one, actually cultivated the 100 million era.

Zhang Bin is a face, completely dumbfounded.

He really can't believe his ears.

"Hahaha ..."

Jin Yu is madly laughing, "Zhang Lao San, one of them is the child of the universe, talent, but they are cultivating hundreds of millions of million, even more than 100 million era. That's how. Long annual month? And you only cultivate the time of the district's 300 billion years. And a era, that is a trillion. Do you think you can be any of their opponents? "

"Food, this time is really finished, Zhang Lao is dangerous, and even flee can't escape."

Yu Wenfei's face became paleble, and his forehead was also a fine sweat.

At this time, he understood that he had not heard the core secret of the hunting hall.

It is harm Zhang Bin.

He immediately passed the news to Zhang Bin. It's hard to find you. "

Here belongs to the edge area of ​​a multi-continent.

It is very close to the Black Sea.

It is possible to escape from the Black Sea.

This is also Zhang Bin to choose the enemy here.

After all, unattainable, first abuse.

Be careful, you can live for a long time.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin did not answer the question of each other, just shouting shocked.

His face is also filled with fear.

"Is this impossible?" Golden said with a smile. "Why is our hunting hall why there is no number of era, it is because it has built a horrible approach.

"In this case, why do you retreat from the continent? You can send a little god in the past, you can sweep everything." Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

"I see your wisdom is not very good. I didn't want to clear the mystery now until now."

Jin Yu is looking at Zhang Bin with a contemptuous gaze, "said that" the protection team will not go to the human world, once it goes, it is to go to the gods. If it is to kill human beings, is it secret? Of course, we do not send Going to the law, can also sweep the mainland. But there is no such thing. At the end of the era, the universe won't get super genius. Retreat to try to cultivate, the next era will go to the mainland. Look for genius. It is most cost-effective. "

"It turns out." Zhang Bin suddenly realized, "Come come, is there anyone dare to fight with me?"

"Single alone, this is the opportunity to escape."

Yu Wenfei is in his heart.

"I will kill you."

A small gant stepped out, he went to Zhang Bin's in front of him, holding a giant sword in his hand.

His back also has a 2,400 ..

It constitutes a field of God.

The body made a horrible to the ultimate percentage and momentum.

"Integrate 2400 ways? And is a small king?"

Yu Wen Tiancheng and Zhang Bin almost simultaneously pumped a cold.

The front of the front of the front floated the color of fear.

Zhang Bin's face is also extraordinary.

The other party is also the son of the universe, cultivating into a state, blending 2400 roads, absolutely much more powerful than the last and Zhang Bin's war.

I really don't have any grasp of each other.

Today is true to fall into the most horrible crisis.

In the heart, his heart has packed a strong doubts. Since the hunting hall has so many powerful little gods.

Why is Jin Yi to go to the mainland to improve strength? Is its purpose to go to the blood river?

He can use the blood in this hundredth of the body to cultivate.

Is it because they are too powerful, I don't want to put the blood to Jin Yi, Jin Yi does not have a way?

Because they are more powerful than gold.

Also perhaps Jin Yi got their blood, but there were not many quantities, and we must go to the gravity of the mainland to cultivate, in order to quickly understand.


It is a bit wrong.

When Jin Yi went to the mainland, he fused more than two hundred ways.

Still very weak.

He mastered the secret law of reading the scriptures, and the coordination is very fast.

In this case, how can he just blend more than 200?

It has only blended a thousand directions in the gravity continent.

Perhaps, after the wake, what sequelae is there.

The speed is slow.

It may also be the way to fuse this hundred, and many of them are not good at.

Also perhaps, there is a special secret among the blood rivers, that is the black shadow of the Baiyun continent.

Therefore, Jin Yi is so anxious to gravity in the mainland.

The heart is very powerful, I think so much in an instant.

Zhang Bin looked at each other with a jealousy gaze, and did it ready to escape.

"My code 100, that is, I am the weakest little god."

This guy looked at Zhang Bin with the same gaze, said, "But, dealing with you is enough. For me, you are even less than the antity."

"Nima, is it the weakest little god?"

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, and the eyes are also looking at each other's chest, and there is a 100 number.

And the rest of the small gods, the numbers on the chest range from 1 to 99.

The momentum is really strong than 100.

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