The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4098 is bloody


However, Zhang Bin did not fear, he rushed over, and slammed into the other's head.

"Ha ha……"

On the 100th, a contempt of a contempt, his huge sword in his hand turned down, and he was already in Zhang Bin's Jiuzhou Ding.


The sound of the sky is loud.

The fire is empty, the hurricane whistling, the impact wave is on the sky, and it has become a huge mushroom cloud, it is a rising.


Zhang Bin issued a scream, and the tiger is broken, and the blood fog is sprayed in the mouth.

His people are also instantly overwhelming.

Continuously rolling, rolling 99 turns.

That is the blood to dye, and the wolf is extremely miserable.

On the 100th, it is proud to stand, one step is not refundable, and it is easy to make it easy.

His body also has a perfect pressure and momentum.

"The weakest state is so horrible?"

Yu Wenying in the mountains is watching.

Shocking to the extreme.

Just now, he has seen Zhang Bin's prestige of hundreds of thousands of hunting disciples, and judge Zhang Bin's strength is not as strong.

However, today Zhang Bin's the smarter of the corners of the law, but can't help it.

This is horrible.

The hunting temple hides such a horrible strength?

this is too scary.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Lao San, did you not be very arrogant? Are you not very cattle? How did you become a dead dog now?"

Jinshen was madly laughed, and his face was full of proud and arrogant colors.

"I finally understood why they didn't worry about the two opponents of Jin Wei."

Zhang Bin was lying on the ground, and it was very strong in his heart. The child of any genius can be taken by them. "

However, Zhang Bin also knows that there are many universe son to escape.

That should be places where the Era Wars, God or the beast cannot pass.

Just only allow the nine-stage beasts.

Still have the ability to escape.

Moreover, sometimes there is no need to happen, such as the son of the two universements.

Therefore, it is not the child of every universe.

However, Zhang Bin's mouth is a big shouting: "I am not willing ..."

"Hey, you will go to the road."

On the 100th, smiled, rushed over, and stepped on Zhang Bin's head.

He wants to step on Zhang Bin's head.

"Be careful……"

Yu Wencheng is a good time to get a clever and shout in the heart.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy, Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly issued an incomparably charming voice.

It has become an impact wave, all impacted on a head of 100.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

No. 100 will not move.

As if it is imprisoned.

This is because Zhang Bin is a terrorist attack of three gods to strengthen, zooming in craftsmanship, trial of the gods, ¨ imitation nurses sister's terrorist attack.

It is equivalent to Zhang Bin's most horrible attack.

The effect is achieved.

At the same time, Zhang Bin's hand has a syringe, and a needle is tied into the heart of No. 100.

Helmet can't fight €

It seems to be the same as mud.

Then Zhang Bin crazy extracts the other's blood.

Extracted his God as the same as the Yangtze River.


The 100th is extraordinary, and I wake up in an instant. I have already retired.

The needle is also pulled out from his body.

He turned up again, the sword in his hands took the sky to the head of Zhang Bin's head.

He is completely angry, but he is so weak to the opponent, and many of the blood is drawn.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded again.

However, this time is not good.

This guy is not lost, just slightly, continue to take the sword to Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and it was chemically formed to go to the Black Sea in a hurry.

Just now, he was defeated, although he did not intend to use full.

But he is judging, the strength of the weak 100 is not ashamed, even strong.

This is because the other party is a child who wins the universe, the soul and the body still do not fit.

Talents have lowered a trace.

Otherwise, the opponent's combat power is terrible.

After all, the other party practiced into a little god too many era.

Therefore, it is very impossible to pick it up to the other side of the opponent.

Don't escape now, when is it?

Because Zhang Bin didn't perform too realistic, Jin Yu and a hundred lawyers did not put Zhang Bin in their eyes, and Zhang Bin has the ability to escape.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did the sound of the sound, and the blood of No. 100 was drawn. Although they were surprised, they still did not care, and they did not care, and the 100th can kill Zhang Bin immediately.

Now I see Zhang Bin's escape speed is so fast.

They will understand that it is good.


They are very furious, and the lightning is chasing.

Just one moment, they crossed No. 100 that was changing with Zhang Bin in an emergency.

It is rapidly close to Zhang Bin.

Even, there are multiple guys who have mastered the magical ability of instant movement.

When I went to Zhang Bin, I went to Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin have no time to start the human form of transmission.

Even if it is started, it will be destroyed by the other party.

The face of Yu Wenfei became pale, because he felt that Zhang Bin did not fall.

However, Zhang Bin did not fear.

His body suddenly broke the flames of the ink.

Crazy expanded.

Fierce to the extreme.

Wherever, the grass is grayed, and the rock is also chemical.

That is incomparably horrible.

"Death black fire?"

The color of many strange gods has been surprised.

Most of them have been retreat quickly.

Only a few of the most powerful, their body floated.

Continue to pounce toward Zhang Bin.

However, it is such a delay.

Zhang Bin did not see it.

Only there is a space container on the ground.

Of course, it has entered the space container, launched the humanoid transfer array inside, and the transfer is left.

"court death……"

The first roar, crazy, take it on the space container.


Space containers become a powder.

But it didn't see Zhang Bin's moving.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Jin Yu also rushed over, his hunting god was madly, and suddenly dizzy.

Death black fire is also instantaneous.

He looked at the broken space container, and he was almost crazy.

They have so many masters, any one is more than Zhang Bin.

But is Zhang Bin escaped?

How can he accept this?

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