The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4099 is again stronger

It is to know that Zhang Bin has killed their disciples of god halls, and all the nine-level is successful.

Moreover, Jindu is that he has leaked a lot of shocking secrets.

"Ah ..."

This balancer teammakers also roared in madness, they burst into extreme murderous, rushing up. It is terrible to look it too much.

"Ha ha ha ... so good, it's so good, Zhang Lao San fled."

In the mountains, Yu Wen, who was watching in the mountains, was excited in his heart, and his face has also floated strong ecstasy.

This result is also far from his estimate.

At this time, he also understood that Zhang Bin's wisdom is terrible.

It is dedicated to the weak, extracting the blood, escape, showing the horror flame, discharges the space container, and transmits the escape.

It is simply too subtle, and any step is a tragedy.

He is not known that Zhang Bin has not used all the cards. He can also show his death and cold water, and you can take out the horror of the gods.

As soon as Zhang Bin's current strength, as long as it is not a drama, he wants to escape, and more giant is difficult to do.

Unless it enters the enemy arrangement, the humanoid transfer array cannot be started.

Gravity continent, Fu Land's humanoid, only white light flashes.

Zhang Bin appeared like a ghost.

His mouth is also muttered: "It seems that I am too small to see the hunting hall, there is no number of era, it is reasonable. However, I must destroy the hunting hall. Take all the treasures among the treasure house "

At this moment, he regretted slightly, when the white cloud continent, he should not let the last thousand beasts fall.

That you can take this thousand of beasts to hustle the temple.

But he really didn't think of it, the hunting hall has such a horrible approach.

"If you get rid of the lawfaster, get their body, let too clear the door, the mediocrity of the Dragon Gate, can you set a super powerful forces?"

Rotary, Zhang Bin is extremely excited and look forward to.

But he shook his head soon, because it was almost impossible, because all is a little god, there is not a hunger mainland, so they have a way to destroy the body of the body before they are temporarily.

He no longer thinks, take out the syringe, and injected the extracted blood into a jade bottle.

Then he check it out fine.

Soon, his face floated, these 2,400 kinds of attributes, there were 80 kinds of he did not integrate.

If he integrates these 80 properties, he fused to reach 2,880 species.

Then he will be a lot more.

This time, it is definitely a huge harvest.

It is also unexpected harvest.

Originally he thought that if he didn't get a height, it was hard to integrate more.

After all, you don't get new attributes.

"Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​I took it to the idiot of idiot, I practiced a period of time, then I went to you, you have to be careful. Don't reveal any flaws."

Zhang Bin took out the notes and continuous Yu Wen Chengdu.

"Don't worry, they can't find a flaw."

Yu Wen Cheng immediately replied, "I am waiting for you to go, and then we want to take a way to kill the law."

"Sure enough, it is the truth, the courage is big. I have to take the lawfaster team."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated satisfied.

There is such a wisdom of the undercover, and it is not impossible to do it.

He closed again.

Start crazy cultivation.

Five thousand years old.

Zhang Bin finally fused the 80 paths, and also cultivated to the nine layers of the right.

His strength has improved a lot.

The soul and the body are also powerful.

He went to a major continent again.

In a very hidden cave, I met Yu Wenfei.

"Brothers, you are too busy. In such cases, you can also extract each other's blood, easily escape."

Yu Wen said Tian Qinpei.

"Mainly still luck."

Zhang Bin said.

"Is it blended with the properties of the blood? How much is the strength improvement?"

Yu Wen Cheng Tian is no longer talking to Zhang Bin, he asked seriously.

To dry the law, although you need wisdom, strength is more important.

If the strength is not enough, it is also useless.

After all, the members of the protection team are very powerful.

It can be said that the world is invincible.

"Integrate, the strength has increased a lot. If it is a single game with 100, it should not be lost."

Zhang Bin said.

"Very good." Yu Wen Chengtian's eyes shot the light of wisdom. "Ten thousand years, I have been visiting the secrets of the lawfaster. Because almost all nine-level disciples are killed by you. Now I pay more attention I also got the best cultivation. Even, I also saw members of the lawfaster team, got their pointing. In the future, I will be the Golden Temple of the Hunting Temple. So I said a lot of secrets. "

" ."

Zhang Bin extended his thumbs up against Yu Wen.

His face also floated the color of the expectation.

He also has more and more grasped for the drying of the law.

"100 caregiver members, the weakest is indeed the first hundred. The most powerful thing is the first. He blends 2800 ways. It is much stronger than No. 100. It is estimated that you are not an opponent, but you have to escape It should be no problem. They integrate so many kinds of ways, but the war is not too horrible. One is the talent of the body is still not as good as you. The two are the hidden, the soul and the body cannot be perfectly matched, talent decreased Why do you have 100 people, let them delay for nearly billion era. Not only let them guard the hunting hall, and there are other reasons, that is, after they won, the soul and the body are not perfect, and must use very long Correction, otherwise, will be on the way to the gods. And those souls and body are full of beauty, so I have to go to the gods, so the gods really have a lot of gods. And maybe super powerful After all, the soul and the body have perfect, and the talent will not decrease. It is all the sons of the universe. "Yu Wen said seriously.

"The hunting hall is definitely the biggest force of the beast, there is a very horrible ambition."

Zhang Bin said, "They are more than just a trusdom of the beast, but may want to hegearize the gods. They have rave countless era, but there is no god to make them, this is too horrible. However, I know, in the beast The gods, the hunting hall may not only cover the sky ... "

He said out the secret of Jin Yu, without any omissions.

"Jin Yi? He is indeed the third genius of the hunting hall. There is a family spectrum. I didn't expect that his soul actually hid in the hunting gods? Didn't think that he wandered." Yu Wen The face has been screamed. But wisdom is more general, because they are not the son of the past, but the soul of the beast, although it is a very wisdom of the beast, but it is better than it, so we have a chance. "

(Six chapters sent, there is also new at night. See the recommended tickets.)

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