The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4100 Attack

This is a wide giant city.

It is also a Turkish Town.

The nest of the hunting hall is here.

And this city also has a name - hunting city.

Array an incomparably, the array of the beasts, basically no need to protect the corners, just hunting the gods, can kill.

Therefore, any beast basically dares to invade the hunting city.

The most dare to peak in the city.

Of course, in the retraining continent, not only this city. There are still many cities.

Living in countless beasts.

Other race beasts, basically dare not come here.

Outside the hunting city, there are several luxurious mountains.

At this moment, Zhang Bin appeared outside of a mountain.

Of course, he has an invisible ability, and it is extraordinary, no one can find him.

"Jianyue Mountain Villa, this name is good ..."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face floated a strange smile.

According to the information heard by Yu Wen, the owner of this villa is a member of the protection team, the number is 87th.

The 2510 species is blended, which is very powerful.

However, this hunting is the farthest city.

Suitable for dark.

Even if the movement is static, it will not be heard.

Therefore, this guy became Zhang Bin's attack target.

Zhang Bin observed for a while and found that there was nothing to move.

He didn't have any delay and started to act.

He was able to sneak into the ground.

The following is that there is a natural cave, which is arranged in many cavities.

Moreover, the method is to start the state, so the above rock is extremely hard, and gravity is also a particularly horrible.

Anyone invading is discovered.

This is also the reason why the other party dares to live here.

In fact, the 87th is integrated with so many ways, strong, in addition to the legal team members, he will not fear any strong enemy, even if it is a gravity continent and Baiyun continent, he can sweep everything.

Therefore, don't say that the array is arranged, it is not arranged, and he is not worried about what happens.

They have such a giant, cultivating too long years.

The place where you live, of course, it is to be clean.

And his special chart is the clearest.

Zhang Bin was able to arrange the black American in the blast.

He also made his congenital spiritual tree, and there is no vitality and noise, hidden here.

And the method of the beast that was previously attacked in the Gravity Mainland is the same.

Then Zhang Bin took the public and slowly lurked.

And it takes out from the ground.

He glanced at his eyes detailed.

Slowly move.

Since I have been in the umers, there is no movement.

Gradually, Zhang Bin came to the garden.

Then he saw that No. 87 is sitting under a tree, is being cultivated.

His cultivation is quirky, and has no powerful momentum.

But it is like a stone without life, and all things are completely fit together.

"He seems to have worked hard to make the soul and body, there may be a little disorder. So he didn't dare to go to the gods, worried about being seen." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

His patience is very good, I have been hiding in the entrance to the garden, I can't move.

He has absolute grasp, if it is slowly moved, it will certainly be induced by the other party.

It has been waiting for three days and three nights.

No. 87 finally stopped cultivation.

He stood up and stepped in the garden.

The mouth is also muttered: "Let's refine a furnace medicine, improve the soul and the body's fit ..."

Obviously, it is also a huge price, and you need to make the soul to fit the body with a long queue.

If you can't do it, you may have a big problem.

He slowly walked to the garden entrance.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin's voice suddenly sounded.

Almost at the same time, he also showed the trial of the monopolism, scalescence, and three gods.

In an instant, I can't stop the footsteps of 87.

Obviously it is.

Zhang Bin will also be polite, a flash, a needle, taking into this guy's heart, crazy to extract God blood.


This guy is very powerful and wakes up in an instant.

He rapidly retreat.

But I still have time to move, and a ax is crazy on his neck.

This is of course God's shot.

When Zhang Binzhi, I have already put it out.

Moreover, his horses are also thoroughly exploded, and all the blasters are fried into a powder.

His divided lightning is placed below the blade.

In other words, Zhang Bin's purpose is not a blood, but to hunt each other.


A shocking day.

Spark splash.

The neck of 87 is good, still there is no scar.

However, he also received a giant impact.

Directly dropped directly.

"Hey ... don't move, take the needle."

Zhang Bin continued to shout, the syringe continued to crazy to extract each other's blood.

His left hand appeared in Jiuzhou Ding, with a murder of the sky, in the mouth of each other.


Brain bone crushing.

However, this guy's head is too hard, still without bursting.


No. 87 made a scream.

After the back, more than 2500 apertures were taken, and they were also exploding the warmest and horrible momentum.

He suddenly rolled up.

Skating the attack of God and Zhang Bin.

Also let the syringe take out from his body.

Then he escapes quickly.

Now he suffers from hunting, the head is almost exploded, and the force is decreased, and it takes time to hear.

Escape is the best way.

"Array start ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and all the blasts opened.

The grants of terror appear, the space is also imprisoned, and the time is also stopped.

The speed of 87 immediately has been greatly influenced, which is reduced too much.

"Killing ..."

Zhang Bin and the gods rushed up and launched this guy as an attack like the wind.

I took out the ax on the 87, and I worked hard.

But where is it?

Just a few breathing time, he once again.

The thighs of the Kyushu Dingbin of the three-arms were displayed.


His leg bone is broken.

People are also overwhelming again.

"you wanna die……"

The 87th is completely crazy, and his face has floated.

10 ,, ......

This accordion is really horrible, Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower still has not charged.

However, Zhang Bin has long prevented the opponent's horrible destruction.

After all, I have ever seen the .

Therefore, Zhang Bin's mouth suddenly opened, spurting the turmoil of the dead.

Burning in 10 pieces.

Call ...

It turns into an ax, but it is causing too many energy energy, and it is still burning on the bears.

Not rapid, but it is still crazy to see Zhang Bin.

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