The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4103 is crazy

It is naturally very powerful, but because in the array of law, the speed is impossible to be too fast.

There is no way to avoid the flame of Zhang Bin.

In an instant, the flame fell crazy on his body and burned it.

However, this guy only issued a cold laugh in his mouth, and continued to go out quickly.

As if, the flame is not burning on his body.

Obviously, it is because he has played the role of defense.

It is also not afraid of black and fire.


Zhang Binqi went in and slammed in the back of the other side.


A loud noise.

This guy falls almost.

But if you don't have something, continue to smile.

Zhang Bin once again lurked past, and there was a syringe in his hand, gently tied to the back of the other party.


A loud noise.

Spark splash.

The needle is actually not tied.

The 50th anti-hand and one ax almost .

Fortunately, Zhang Bin returned quickly.

The ax is emptied, falling on the ground, and I have a big sound.

Suddenly rock crushing, there have been a three-meter deep pit.

This is simply too big.

You know, it is arranged here, under the blessing of the array, the rock is extremely hard, better than any pseudo artifact.

But it didn't stop the attack of the other's ax.

Gets 2700 treasures, which is strong to soland?

This far beyond Zhang Bin's estimate.

Next, Zhang Bin, God, Ten Beasts, continue to attack crazy.

But there is no use, blocking the other party's footsteps.

Even them almost be killed by each other.

Finally, I can only look at the other party to escape the array.

"Come, there is an enemy ..."

The 50-year-care method will go out and immediately contact all the protection methods.


Just one moment, 50 care is flying.

Fall down.

"1 brother ..."

The 50-year-care method said that all the temperament happened.

"What? There is such a thing?"

All the protection methods are completely dumbfounded, and their faces are filled with the colors that they don't dare.

The next time the name called Zhang Lao three appeared again, but also killed 87, pretending to contact other care laws, using the array of murder?

This courage is too big.

"Kill kill ..."

They were furious, and they kill them with a murder.

However, I have already went to the building.

Even Zhang Bin's ghost shadow was not seen.

Rotate, they found that the additional 49 guards did not appear.

I have been investigated some of them and found that they have been missing.

There is no reaction in contact with the correspondence.

"Not good, they may be assassinated by the bastard."

Their face became iron, and their amount is also a fine sweat.

There are no number of era, have never happened, and a loss of 49 care is lost.

After all, any protective law is very powerful, you can sweep the world, and it is invincible.

"You must find him, kill him, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable."

They all have horrible wisdom, they feel the situation.

Because Zhang Bin kills 49 care, it got more of the blood, which may integrate more.

Moreover, the other party is only cultivated to the nine layers of the close, and there is still not cultivating the gods. It is strong enough to be so horrible. If the wisdom is also horrible, if the other party chooses to become a god in the black sea, it is really a threat Go to the hunting hall, let the hunting temple are not impossible.


They began to discuss it in detail.

Start all the best to Zhang Bin.

Among a hidden cave.

Zhang Bin and Yu Wen Cheng are negotiating.

"No. 50 is really too strong, there is no success. However, we have already done 49 care. I have got a lot of God. Moreover, maybe the soul and the body did not completely fits, so they did not come. Destroy the body of the body, so it is also a 49 gods. It is also a lot of gains. My plan is to upgrade the strength. When you come back, you will have a big ticket. And Yu Wen Cheng you, please continue to listen to the news and secrets. Waiting for them, I will take you to the mainland. I have a way to make you quickly integrate ... "Zhang Bin said.


Yu Wen Cheng is deeply sigh. "I won the beast, although I am very satisfied. But I still have a regret. If you know that you can get so many people, I will win a body, better "

Anyone can only win once.

Therefore, Yu Wencheng wants to win again, but it is completely impossible.

He is naturally unfortunately seen in this way so many powerful vodes.

"Ha ha ha ..." Zhang Bin laughed, "You are a big thing, don't make it, if I gave you a gentle and a genius, I believe you will still choose the beast. Your ambition is to relieve the crisis of the gods. Once it is completed, you can create a praise era, and you can also get extraordinary status and the benefits of the gods. "

"But I can only be beasts in the future."

Yu Wen Chengtian is still a bit.

"I deeply believe that in the gods, there is a way to let you restore the human body, and there is a treasure to enhance your tachips. Of course, the treasure is very precious. But you have a big merit. It can be obtained. Even if you can't, I will also find ways to provide you. "Zhang Bin said confidently.

"Then thank you in advance."

Yu Wenfei floated a splendid smile on his face, he would want to get Zhang Bin's commitment.

Today is finally got, can he not happy?

He is very optimistic about Zhang Bin, the members of the protection team cultivated tens of thousands of era, and also the son of the universe, than Zhang Bin, but some are not Zhang Bin's opponent.

It can be seen that Zhang Bin's talents are good.

Moreover, Zhang Bin's wisdom is not less than him.

Top heroes, top wisdom.

In addition, it has been cultivated to so much.

Zhang Bin's future is unlimited.

"I estimate that it is necessary to turn off around 100,000 years ..."

Zhang Bin said seriously. "At that time, I should be a lot more. Right, you have to help you see the origin of the niche, why do they only ten each person, there is no extra? Is them to draw it? Is someone drawn? Or is it ancient inheritance? "

"The protection method is too strong, many secrets are more difficult, I didn't know that I didn't know if I had such a horrible god, otherwise I can kill some protection laws." Yu Wen Cheng said, "I will try to listen." , Will also develop new plans again ... "

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