The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4104 is closed again


I have been discussing for a long time, Zhang Bin also left, launched a humanoid conveying array, and sent it in an instant.

It returned to the Fufa of the Gravity Mainland.

Zhang Bin's face was a full smile.

Because this harvest is an unprecedented, better than his previous efforts.

49 gods, any one fused more than 2400 more ways.

Even more than 2,600 ways are even more.

And the properties of these blood are also a lot.

Among them, there are 100 types of Zhang Bin without being integrated.

If Zhang Bin is fused, then he fused can reach 2,900.

However, Zhang Bin also clearly knows that even if he can do the other 51 guards, it is estimated that there is no too much of the blood attribute, and there may be only a few, or more.

Moreover, today Zhang Bin can also be judged that the members of Jin Yi and the caregiver team do not have anything, it is estimated that they have not got their blood.

Otherwise, Jin Yi just just went to the gravity of the Dangda's blessing to practice.

Not to hunt all the beasts.

Also, Jin Yi has won the collections, and it may be worried that members of the prototype.

I didn't dare to ask the blood in their body.

Of course, this is also because Jin Yi knows that there is a blood river in the abyss of gravity mainland. He has a way to get the blood in the blood river, and the property is more complete, and there is no idea to play their ideas.

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin took out 49 gods and threw it on the ground.

Also, the disciples of the Taiqing gates, the disciples of Tianlongmen, please.

Say faintly: "If someone wants the body, take it. However, there will be a very bad problem, that is, the body and soul are difficult to fit, you need to use a tens of millions of era to adjust, then Going to the gods, otherwise you will die on the road. In fact, you are also very high because of taking too many treasures, the talents are also very high. If it is cultivating millions of era, it is also able to cultivate into gods, more powerful than these gods, and there is no Hidden dangers. "

It is very regretted to make three teasings like this, and Yang Xiong, Yunfeiyang, the Lushan old ancestors, and the people of Kunlun.

That is just a bad thing.

So, if he can become God, it will definitely cross the time and space, and change this matter.

Then he can use countless treasures to enhance their heavens and let them cultivate into god.

It's too much to win, after all, the body of the hidden body is not too genius.

Plus the body and the soul are not well fit.

However, the body is the value of the victory.

At least some super masters can be rapidly cultivated.

"God ... Where did this come from the body, it seems unparallel? This kills so many little gods, let them win, this is horrible? This is the magic."

Everyone is completely earthquake, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.


Seeing that they are so similar, Zhang Bin naturally knows what they think in their hearts?

A faintly explained the origin of the body.

"My God, the hunting hall is so horrible? I have killed so many universers, and I still won it? I even set a plentiful approach to a hundred gods."

Everyone is full of shocks.

However, they are not worried about Zhang Bin.

They all thought about it, all refused.

Since I know that I need a tens of millions of era, I can take the soul and the body, and then I can go to the gods.

It is of course not willing.

"Then we can't go to God with you?"

Three teasings, Yang Xiong, Yunfei Yang, the Lushan old ancestors, Kunlun people are very depressed.

Their face is also full of regrets.

"Don't worry." Zhang Bin said faintly, "I waited for a while, I took time and space, bring you before, to enhance your tachip with the treasure, and will be god in the future, and can be more fast God. Don't worry about the era of robbery, because I will occupy a continent in the Black Sea area. Establish our base. "

"That's great."

Three invasons are excited to laugh, and their faces have also floated the color of the ecstasy.

They know clearly that Zhang Bin must pass the time and space, because he wants to save the snow.

That is the most difficult thing.

Take them back to modern times, but it is easier.

"The owner, let my future generations."

The little horns shouted in Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower.

In the past, many too clear cones were also hurting the cold tiger.

However, there is still some too clear cone, because the chips are not so much at that time.

Too cool cone is just a kind of insects, talents are not very good.

It is almost impossible to cultivate it.

Even if you take too much treasure, it is impossible.

"It is also ..."

Zhang Bin agreed.

The body is still very precious, so that the Too Qingfeng will take the house, even if tens of thousands of era fuse the soul and the body, it is better than waste.

And too clear cone is the most central pet.

Zhang Bin is also very assured.

You can have 49 powerful items in the future.

If it is a war in the initial development of 100,000 years, it is also very strong.

Next, it is easy to deal with the remaining 51 care.

Then Zhang Bin started to turn off again.

Fusion of these 100 properties.

Sure enough, like Zhang Bin's estimation, he took 100,000 years to finish it, and it also cultivated it to the 9th floor.

His strength has risen again.

Because his two borders are also integrated with this 100 kinds.

The same is much larger.

If he is a three god to strengthen.

Power is also very horrible.

Zhang Bin appeared on the mainland of gravity, his foot is on the rock.

Show the universe rush.


The broken sound rang, and the rock crashed quickly.

Just like tofu.


Zhang Bin's hand has a sharp ax, and fully axes on a mountain.


The mountain cracked is two halves.

Rumbled down.

Suddenly the dust is flying, the smoke is vacant.

The momentum is shocked.

Horror pole.

"I rely on, it seems that the amount is changed, my war has improved a lot."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face has also floated strong ecstasy.

After all, the hardness of the rocks of the gravity continent will not be parsed in the universe.

His mind is always moving, and the ten powerful beasts are also photographed.

More than 100,000 years, he has always let them practice in the blessing of Jin Yi.

Therefore, they are also powerful, and the fused road is also about 2500 species.

The reason why it is because they cultivate millions of tens of thousands of era, the foundation is very good, plus the blessings of Fuitai, there are so many blood, but also sharp.

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