The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4105 Test Strength

"Come, Town Town, we fight once."

Zhang Bin said.

Today's town Tiandong is blending 2550 species, it can be said that it is a super horrible god.

Its strength will not be paid too much from the hunting hall.

The phase difference is also only one wire.

After all, it is the super genius.

It is integrated with so many ways, and it is not to take care of the house, the soul and the body completely fit.


Zhen Tian Dong Lord naturally understood Zhang Bin to test his war, and there is no hesitation, and there is a big machete. This is also a very powerful artifact.

He shouted, and he slammed a knife to Zhang Bin's shoulder.

Obviously, I am a little worried about Zhang Bin can't resist, I don't dare to attack Zhang Bin's key.

"Good ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his hand appeared in the hand, squatting on the other side of the knife.


A shocking giant sound, spark splash.

Hurricane is also roaring.

Ah ...

Zhang Bin and town Tian Dong Lord also felt that the power of a huge great force came.

I can't stand firm.

Rapidly retreat.

Zhang Bin retired from a hundred steps, and the town of Tian Dong retired 90 steps.

In other words, the first trick of hand, the town Tian Dong occupies the upper wind.

However, Zhang Bin's face has floated a splendid smile.

Because he has not yet shown three gods to strengthen, there is no zooming of wild.

It seems that his war is really a qualitative leap.

"Kill kill ..."

Then they were madly fighting.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

Gradually, the town Tian Dong is also used up.

2550 bright apertures behind it behind.

Zhang Bin also used the full force, and his back has a 2,900 light circles.

But it is still not a victory, even, Zhang Bin also fell slightly on the wind.

"Three gods are powered ..."

Zhang Bin raised the ax on the high place, and the body was blamed and the power and momentum.

The world is shocked.

"Town sky ..."

Of course, Zhang Bin, the town of Town, one of course Zhang Bin, is to use the most horrible trick, he also does not dare to have anything. The most horrible ban can have an incomparable terrorism.

In an instant, they rushed together and slammed together.


Sound shock. Sparks.


Zhen Tiandong issued a painful voice.

Fly in the air and then turn down.

Blood fog is sprayed in your mouth.

Zhang Bin is just a ninety step, and it is like a mountain to stand, and his face is not angry.

Obviously, Zhang Bin uses all the magics and uses three gods to strengthen.

The war is terrible, it can be easily dressed up to show all the best town.

"You come together."

Zhang Bin is still a bit unhappy, yelling.

"Kill kill ..."

Ten beasts shouted in madness, danced with magic weapons to attract Zhang Bin.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly shouted.

Ten gods were stunned.

Zhang Bin rushed to the past and turned out the Ten ax in an instant.

But it is just on their magic weapons.

Dangdang ...

The sound continuously sounds continuously.

Ah, ah ...

The magic weapons in their hands flew to the half space, the body is also back.

Their faces have floated on the face.

If Zhang Bin just didn't attack their magic weapon, if they were their head, they may fall.

In other words, if Zhang Bin is the most horrible magic, you can be a pair.

It can even be victory.

This strength is really a horrible.

Zhang Bin This progress is really too big.

"Yu Shao, you are too powerful ..."

Ten gods almost squatted on the ground, and looked at Zhang Bin with a very admirable.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin also sent a laughter of joy.

It is only 300 billion years old.

Even if you encounter a skyscide who takes God Dan, you have the ability to save life.

Of course, the premise is that these hundreds of thousands of years, the strength of the ferris is not greatly improved.

However, this is a bit unlikely.

Zhang Bin has a strange, and the flight may also have.

"Can you kill the sky?"

Zhang Bin's sputum suddenly flashed such a thought.

If it is arranged, with ten gods, even if the domineering of God Dan, it may not be able to resist it.

And he has a touch of the alarm.

But you can deceive the skysclamise and then kill.

However, Zhang Bin Si is half a day, or there is still an idea.

He also expects that the skysco can find it, continue to deal with him with him.

Zhang Bin has a very bad sense. Today's strength is the strongest, and may even be far more than him far away.

It is the most horrible enemy.

Dealing with the Ango is more important than dealing with the flight.

Moreover, it is a great possibility of the era of firing, and the possibility of two fire fights in the future.

He can even be a fishing.

Of course, it is also very dangerous.

Therefore, killing the Field in front of the Era Wan, Zhang Bin is still not good now.

Fortunately, there are more than ten billions of time, he can weigh well.

"Let's go, let's go to the hunting hall again."

Zhang Bin said.

"Hey ... this time, you must do it all."

Ten gods also laughed and confident.

Also, they are strong, and the protection of the hunting hall is not far from the god.

And Zhang Bin's strength increases more.

Plus Zhang Bin's wisdom, can you succeed?

Many continents, or the secret cave.

Zhang Bin and Yu Wencheng once again met here.

"Brothers, don't you come innocent?"

Yu Wen Cheng is very excited and excited, giving Zhang Bin a bear hug.

"I am very good, I have a lot of big, this time, I must take the caregiver team and be killed by many people. Just only the fish of the net." Zhang Bin said.

He also taking care of Yu Wenfei, his strength is not much.

But it is more confident, and the eyes of wisdom are shot.

"It is not easy to kill them."

Yu Wen has said seriously.

"It's amazing, it is very powerful."

Zhang Bin's face has paid the color of admiration.

That is invincible for the strength of the members of the approach.

Zhang Bin attacked even with ten gods, it could not be an opponent.

Even if you add the Qin Emperor, Ye Lian, the Devil God, Jian Di, there is no grasp.

Nowadays, these four are very powerful, blending nearly two thousand ways.

But compared with any of the carefur, or the gap is very large.

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