The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4114 Testament

"Death ..."

On the 1st, he shouted, with the murder of the sky, once again, the past, launched Zhang Bin's attack as the wind and the rain.

He turned into a dark shadow of the day and flooded the sky.

His Square is also chemical.

The cold is shining, murderous.

Zhang Bin was trying to resist.

It has been fully utilized, and even he uses the strength of the milk.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other.

Spark splash.

They have wars in the city, all of them, and cracking in the earth, building buildings become a powder.

The horrible shock wave swept the whole city.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also continuously sound.

I don't know how many sea beasts are hurt by horror, and they have become a fragmentation.

"God, that is Zhang Laosan, Zhang Lao San actually strongly so far? Integrate 2915 ways? Can you have a war with the 1st?"

The disciples of the Hunting Tiger Temple retarded from the continent is completely earthquake, and the face is full of not a letter.

Eye beads are almost dropped.

After all, it is the first to protect the law, peerless genius, cultivating nearly a million era, and only blended 2815 pathways.

However, his realm is higher than Zhang Bin, the foundation is better than Zhang Bin.

It can take an absolute advantage in the battle with Zhang Bin's war.

Inspiring, they were incomparably confused, because they have been playing so long, there is no other way to appear.

This is simply a matter of nothing.

Don't you fall?

But how is this possible?


It is a shocking day.

Spark splash.


Zhang Bin issued a painful voice, fly off, and finally he even turned down.

His arms are tall chestnown.

The mouth is also sprayed into blood mist.

At a time, he actually can't climb it.

I really suffer from hiest.

At this moment, Zhang Bin fully understood that now it is very powerful.

However, the giant huge such as the top 1, but it is still a bit.

If he wants to be invincible in the world, he must practice into god.

But to cultivate into gods, it is incomparable.

Don't see Zhang Bin's talents, but to cultivate into gods, not this era can do it.

Even, it may be difficult to do next.


How can I let Zhang Bin?

He shouted crazy and rushed again.

One side of the day, the paint, Zhang Bin.

He wants to take Zhang Bin to half.

Completely killing.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he jumped up, ax, Ding, and swords at the same time.

There is also a destroy in the hand, and it is directly thrown in the air.

The horror is that this is 250 .

In the air, all of them became an ax and began to madly swallow the energy in the world.

There have been more than two hundred horrible black holes.

Light, Xianqi, Hongmeng Purple, all being swallowed.


Zhang Bin's three magic weapons finally bombarded in Fangtian Migra.

I sent a big rang that was very horrible.


Zhang Bin screamed again.

He turned over, a left hand wrist bone completely crushed.

His mouth was bleeding again, and his face became pale.

This hit, he has suffered again.

And the 1st care method has only stabilized the body after retreating three steps.

But his face is getting extra ugly.

His hands also immediately appeared 10 lysats, throwing to the high altitude.

At the same time, his body exploded the hot black flame, and covered into the 250-curable ax.

He is really a rich experience, and it is necessary to use the flame to deal with the observatory.

Let it absorb energy in the world, reduce the power of attack.

Of course, ordinary flames do not reach this power.

However, the flames he cultivated is extraordinary, which can be said that God can practice the flame.

It is really a black fire.

"I rely on, this guy actually has a black fire? Is it a dead god?"

Zhang Bin is very shocked, but there is no panic, and his mouth spurts the death of the dead, and it has become a Yangtze River river, bombards on the flame.

Suddenly flames quickly.

"you wanna die……"

The first guardian is very angry. He pounced toward Zhang Bin like a lightning, and he was crazy to make Fang Tian's painting to Zhang Bin.

He has a grasp, and this trick can kill Zhang Bin.

Then he can still show the black fire of the dead, and depleted the ax.

After all, 250 destroyed characters, want to swallow enough energy, need a short time.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin smiled, his body was invisible.

Instead, it is the Tibetan Tower.

It is proud that it has emitted an unsteady atmosphere.

He did not let ten gods came out, nor did God coming out.

Because they all resist the attack on the 1st.

It will be killed directly.

The 1st care is genius, and the strength is too horrible.

More than ten times better than Zhang Bin's whole force.

If Zhang Bin has become three-arms, three magic weapons are super powerful artifacts, he can't resist the other's tricks.

What's more, the other party also used 10 .

Locked Zhang Bin.

Now Zhang Bin has been hurting, he can't resist it.

So, use the Tibetan Tower is the most wonderful one.


Fang Tian's painting is on the Tibetan Tower.

I sent a horrible loud noise, and the sparks splashed.

The Tibetan Tower is also shaking.

I have made a bright light.

Obviously it is a bit unbearable.

However, the Tibetan Tower still does not have any traces.

Hard to the extreme.

The defense ability of the Tibetan Tower of the 11th layer array is terrible.

The other party wants to break, not a short period of time.


The face of the 1st care method changed, and the fine sweat was taken on the forehead.

There is no further attacking the treasure tower, but again spurting the black fire, crazy burning to 250 ax in the world's energy.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a scream of contempt, and the mouth was again sprayed out of the dead cold, and broom out of the window of the treasure tower.

Strongly shot on the black fire of the dead.

Suddenly flames again.


The face of the 1st care has become iron green, he is crazy, shouting in the air.

Fang Tian, ​​in the hands, madly, to many ax.

"Dangdang ..."

Unparalleled sounds.

The ax flew away, and then broke it, it was a full day.

Dissipate in void.

Just one moment, he had already exploded 90 ax.

This strength is just horrible.

Let the many beasts are watching.

Even Yu Wen Cheng Tian is also angry.

"Hey ... Don't move, take your needle ..."

Zhang Bin's voice suddenly sounded.

This is a fatal attack!

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