The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4115 for the first time


The 1 Nursing Method issued a big shouting, he did not be confused, or continued to attack the ax in the crazy.

But the power of attack is a decline.

Although Fang Tian's luck is bombarded on the ax.

But the ax is not broken, just flying off, and also swallowing the energy in the world.

Waiting for him to show the role of horror, resisting Zhang Bin's attack.

160 ​​has been swallowed into sufficient energy, and it has become 160 huge ax.

Take a murder of the sky to the 1st.


The sound is scream, murderous.

Tiandi color color, sun and moon are light.


The 1 mark is crazy, and the aperture from behind is also extra bright.

It constitutes an unparalleled field.

Then he danced in the sky, posing a bright aperture and shrouded himself.

In an instant, all the axes have entered his field, and the power has dropped a lot.

Then just on his hood.

Dangdang ...

Like the same sound as the iron.


The mask is broken, and his square is in the sky.

Many ax are also at the same time.

Dangdang ...

The sound is sound like the iron.

On the ground, he squatted on the ground, and his mouth spurted his blood and sent a scream.

The ground is also smashed a big pit.

However, he still didn't die.

Just suffered from heavy.

Even, his godlim is still on the body.

This strength is really a horrible.

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin was greatly angry, he once again throwing 100 families.

Of course, it is throwing out of the window.

"Hahaha ... Zhang Lao San, you are idiot, you absolutely kill me."

The 1 mark was madly laughed, jumped up, and he fled his way and fled.

However, because the destroyed is locked, the

As shaped.

In accordance with the truth, he can't escape.

However, the wisdom of this guy is too high.

His pen is straight to the black mushroom mountain.

The speed is also incredible.

Just one moment, he has entered the mushroom mountain.

I stood on the hill, and his face has floated the smile of victory.

100 ax is also entered the sky of Mei Mountain and continues to devour the world energy in the madness.

Unfortunately, poison is too horrible.

Crazy corrosive ax.

The ax is not only bigger, but it is quickly reduced.

Power is decreasing.


Zhang Bin and Yu Wen Cheng Tian's face have become difficult, Zhang Bin is interrupted, shouting.

Suddenly, 100 axs were crazy.


The prototype No. 1 issued a crazy shout, and he danced to the sky, showing the field, just as previously confronted.


A loud noise.

Fang Tianqiao, who took the protection method, flying out.

His people are also overfold, and they spurt their blood in their mouths.

Then, the ax is on his body.

Dangdang ...

Sound is extra-dense.


The Tuice No. 1 once again issued a scream.

Lying on the ground, that is, it is not moving, and the blood has emerged from his five senses.

However, look carefully, he still didn't fall.

"Dangdang ..."

At this time, the Fu Fu, the Raffle 1, also swallowed into enough heaven and earth energy, and it was on Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower. Issue a sound like the iron.

But it didn't hurt the treasure tower.

Just issued a bright light.

Zhang Bin flew out and put away the treasure tower, he fately.

Flying into the Mei Mountain in the blink of an eye.

He slammed a trip to each other.

"Death ..."

The 1st number 1 is jumping. He has a few hundred days, bursting the scarlet rays, and covered into Zhang Bin's head.


Zhang Bin is spit out of the black fire, and the sky is burning.

The soul attack bombards among the flames, the power is reduced too much, and then bombards on the head of Zhang Bin.

Not at fundamental threats Zhang Bin.

At the same time, Zhang Bin crazyly attacked the past.

He is bright in his heart, and the other party suffered from heavy.

It is now a good opportunity to kill each other.

Unfortunately, the 1st of the Protecting Method is not to be a war with Zhang Bin, but to show the speed space, it has become a black light, take a blaze, and the blink of an eye has not been shadow, his grievance is left Down, "Zhang Lao San, you are waiting for me, I will definitely revenge, I will kill the continent, kill the human world, let the human beings are all."

"Nima ..."

Zhang Bin screamed, his face became iron.

Hunting Protector No. 1 has failed.

He has committed two mistakes, if he started with 350 , or you can kill each other.

If he uses the compliment to deal with the other party for the second time, he uses all the destroyed characters, and you can also do it off the other party.

He is a bit reluctant to destroy the character, and want to stay to the Epoch War as a bottom sign.

As a result, the other party fled.

The most important thing is that this hunting method is 1, he did not take into account the special place of Mushi Mountain.

The last time he killed the enemy in the special environment of Mei Mei Mountain.

But this time, the 1st, but it escaped with Mei Mountain.

In the black mushroom mountain, Zhang Bin can't use the . Once used, it will be corrupted.

Therefore, he can only look at the researchers, almost no war, escape.

This is a super strong enemy.

If Zhang Bin, if it is not able to cultivate into god, it is difficult to deal with each other.

Moreover, the other party issues such a terrorist threat, and he really makes him hands.

" ..."

Zhang Bin flew out of Mei Mountain.

Suspend in the void, starting with Yu Wen into the sky.

"This time is you mistake, did not take into account this special place in Mushi Mountain. Of course, this is also the wisdom of the 1st to protect the law is too horrible." Yu Wen said seriously, "However, this mistake is taken." If I am you, it will also make this mistake. Because there is more than 100 , as a base card, maybe it can twist the Qiankun in the Era Wan. This is a lot more than killing the law 1. "

"But I am a little worried that he will really go to the human world to kill."

Zhang Bin said.

"He is just a threat." Yu Wen Cheng said, "If he did this, his identity is completely leaked. The god of the gods will not let him. After all, this is also equal to violation of the rules made by both parties. If he sneaked back to the human world, then no sound will go to the gods, then it will not be discovered. Of course, he may also dare to do this, and go directly to the beast in the future, rather than going to the god. But no matter how he wants to do it, you have to wait until healing. And, he is also very taboo you, because you still have 150 . If it is re-arranged, it is not necessary to kill him. "

(In the next update, put it at 9 o'clock in the evening. There is still one chapter today, is being code, wait a moment.)

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