The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4116 enters the treasure house

"What you mean, I can hurry again. If he really goes to the human world to kill the killing, just take the opportunity to kill him? If he didn't go, then he didn't wait after the Evil War?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Yes." Yu Wen Cheng said, "But after the end of the Epoch War, there are two strong enemies you have to face, one is a 1-care method, and the other is Jin Yi. So, if it is possible, you must Dry one, it is best to kill two. Unfortunately, they are very delicate, it is very difficult to do. You must become more quickly possible. "

"The soldiers will be shocked by the water. First destroy the hunting hall."

Zhang Bin said.

He did not delay, and 10 beasts flew out the treasures of Tibetan Tibet, "" You two, to kill any more beasts on this continent, must be all destroyed. "

"Yes, Yu Shao."

Ten beasts are excited and excited.

I will fly, I will start the madness of the beast.

And Zhang Bin is killing Hunting City.

"Escape ..."

The hunting city is that there is more than 10 million beasts. Now I have seen the Kaifeng No. 1, and the rest of the law is not moving.

Where can I be afraid?

They fly fly, escaped from all directions.

"You can't escape."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his mouth opened, crazy and sucked.

Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared.

Crazy rotation, horrible phagocytic power is also role in countless fleeted multi-objects.

"Ah ..."

These multi-objective beasts have made a big shouting.

The past was swallowed in the past, and the body was sharply narrowed.

Then I was swallowed by Zhang Bin.

More than a million beasts, it is completely fallen.

There is no escape between one.

And in other cities are also playing the same kind play.

The beasts easily broke the city and swallow the beasts.

There is almost no multi-objective beast.

"It's really to bear, the 1 Nance No. 1 did not stop it."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

He let the beast hunt into the beast, that is, I want to guide the 1st number 1.

But did not think of it, no success.

"It is not a fool, it is absolutely not coming. It is to send death because his injury is not resumed so far."

Yu Wen Cheng Tian said, "I will take you to the treasure house, take away your treasures. Leave here. Otherwise, wait for his injury to recover, suddenly attack, you may not be able to resist. After all, we are in the dark. "

"you are right."

Zhang Bin nodded and pressed the depression in his heart. His face also floated confidence.

It is also a powerful breath that exudes a nogee.

The anger of peerless genius is thoroughly showing undoubtedly.

Under Yu Wen Chengtian, Zhang Bin quickly found a treasure house of the hunting hall.

Sure enough, it is a vertical pyramid.

The top is the largest, the following is the smallest, inlaid in the depths of the ground.

And rocks are thoroughly integrated.

And the rocks here are naturally unparalleled.

There is no way to break.

The first floor has two doors, dark gold, exudes an endless breath.

"This is very special, it is difficult to push."

Yu Wen Cheng is seriously said, "The first floor, only the leader in the first-level beast can push ... The ninth floor is only the leader in the nine-stage beasts can push it, as for the tenth floor, only the beast The leader can push. "

"The tenth floor should have all the protection laws enter?"

Zhang Bin asked, and he pushed the door.

"Nor isn't all the protection, just some."

Yu Wen Cheng Tian said.

"Just only some?"

Zhang Bin is really surprised. He is clearly known that 100 care, the weakest one, but also blending 2400 pathways. That strength is really horrible, but there is only some of the protection methods to enter, and it can be found that it is placed in the tenth floor.

He walked into the first floor, this layer is also placed in many treasures, but Zhang Bin certainly can't see it.

However, he did not have any hesitation, and all treasures were put into body.

Soon, he went to the second floor, and it also easily pushed away, put away the treasure.

All the way down.

Soon, Zhang Bin went to the ninth floor, and it was also easy to open.

The treasures of this layer are more precious.

Even, there is a lot of blood in it, but the attribute is only two hundred.

There is also a lot of pseudo artifacts.

It is a pseudo artifact that is more than the prime sword.

It is no wonder that in the past, there is a treasure of the Tu God Sword. At that time, Zhang Bin took it, and he became Zhang Bin's very powerful.

In addition, there are many medicinal herbs, and even the soil.

"Ha ha ha ... not bad, I like it very much."

Zhang Bin is laughing, he doesn't have any hesitation, and the treasures of this layer are also empty.

With these treasures, he wants to cultivate the disciples in the future, then it is relaxed.

In fact, Zhang Bin has had a lot of treasures. After all, he killed hundreds of thousands of beasts.

All the treasures of all the beasts belong to him.

Therefore, today Zhang Bin can be said to be rich in the world.


Nothing to come, it is estimated that no one can have him.

He went straight to the tenth floor.

His hand is sticker on the door, stunned.

Crunch, the door was pushed open.

Zhang Bin took a step forward.

This is a small space.

Approximately a big room is so big.

There is not much treasure.

Just only has a box.

Zhang Bin looked forward to opening the box, then he saw a dozen jade bottles and 100 stabbats among the boxes.

Zhang Bin surprised, but it was a bit depressed. If you know that there is a hundred and 100 lysats in the treasure house. At that time, he took the law No. 1, he absolutely used all the destroyed characters.

He shook his head, no longer thinking more, put the destroyed day.

Open the jade bottle fine.

It is full of blood, there are two thousand eight hundred and 50 properties.

Five of these are Zhang Bin not integrated.

Plus Zhang Bin's six types of this time is 11 kinds.

If it is a fusion, the road fused can reach 2926.

This is a huge surprise.

Zhang Bin took the box.

I have quweather again, find it.

Unfortunately, there is no discovery.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in Jiuzhou Ding, crazy bombardment on the ground.

Of course, I want to ruin this treasure house.


The horrible voice sounded.

Spark splash.

The ground is even a trace is not.

"I don't believe it, I can't break."

Zhang Bin muttered, he continued to be crazy, and it was changed.

Of course, I hope to find weak places.

Dangdang ...

The sound continues to ring continuously.


When I bombarded in the most central place, the floor suddenly broke.

Exposed a black lacquered hole!

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