The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4126 Jin Yi

Gradually, the prototype first went to the place where the abyment is very close.

Here is the location of the past gold.

The prototype was stopped, and the eyes were very observed.

Here is countless .

Release cold breath.

"Be careful, Long Shao said, there are two horrible monsters among this abyss, one is a vampire, there is a invisible pepper, the former is bloody, the latter eats meat." Jin Yu took a notes and tied to Jin Yi, reminded that the terrorist ability of these two insects was also said.

Invisible deceps are not large, and the ants are so big, good at invisible, and you can't see it with your eyes.

It is also induced by using the knowledge.

But it is a great pole, likes to eat metal, magic, artifact.

Even the defensive ability is not comparable to the horrible god, can't resist, will be bitten.

Also like to eat meat.

But it doesn't like to eat bones.

Of course, if it is super hard, they eat.

The more hard things, the more you like it.

Invisible deceps, from hell, beast gods and gods are very afraid.

Because you have no way to sense.

It is basically finished on the body.

As for the vampire, the same is very horrible, the same is very small, and the dust is almost the same, but it is a horrible soul attack, which can break the gods, and they like to take blood, especially fresh blood, but also like it.

The blood river in the abyss is full of vampire.

If it falls in, it is almost no living path.

The only way is to be loaded, do not post any life.

And it can't move.

Therefore, Jin Yi fell in the blood river, and it was directly killed, and it looked like a stone dropped.

But it still alarms countless vampire, attached to his skeleton armor.

Crazy bite.

He does not resist, it is moving.

The Shen Bangmail was bite the pothole.

In the end, the bloody worms judged that this is a weird bone.

No blood.

I was scattered.

But he still dares to move.

Just stay in the river like a stone, secretly absorb the attribute cultivation of God.

If you move, then you will die.

Because it will be discovered by a vampire.

"Two of the two kinds of worms, to rescue the long, it is difficult."

The face of the prototype No. 1 is full of jealous and fear.

Although there is a powerful god, it is not safe.

Be will die.

"Long Shao said so like this ..."

Golden said seriously.

"Well, try ..."

After the protection of the law, he climbed a distance from his silence and hopping.

Then he took out the body of tens of thousands of beasts and threw it directly.

Hey ...

Many sea beasts have fallen in a hurry to form a mountain.

Suddenly, countless invisible deceps are covered with a sky, rushing on the corpse, crazy.

The sea beast is the disappearance of the meat.

Blood is also rapidly flowing.


Although it is not a blood, it is very fresh.

Therefore, countless vampire sputum rapidly flutches, crazy.

The prototype is rapidly traversed immediately, and he went to the other of the golden position, and throws tens of thousands of beast corpses again. It also piled up a hill.

Take the nearby invisible beetle and vampire in the past.

The place where King Yi is there, there is no suction.

"Milong, throw a hundred thousand beast corpses on both sides ... you can do it."

Golden Han said through the notes.

Jin Yi did not answer, he waited for a moment quietly.

I started to carefully move.

Of course, it is also a stealth ability.

It was found that there was no movement, no vampire cotadus came to attack him, and his face floated with strong ecstasy.

You must know that the blood-blood sell is too small, in the blood river, you can't find them at all.

Therefore, Jin Yi did not dare to move.

Even, even any fluctuations don't dare to issue.

Even letters are also afraid.

Because there will be space fluctuations.

He worked hard for more than 400 billion years, a lot of powerful.

2950 pathways have been blended now.

Since it is in the blood river, the blood river shields the heavens, and it can be said to be hell.

So, it is also not necessary to rob.

Even, if he has never appeared, the heavens and the earth will judge him falling, and even the era Wars will not participate.

Because of so much, the fit of the soul and the body is also almost perfect, so he dares to use the notes, because there is almost no space fluctuated, will not be discovered by the insects.

So he only contacted the golden.

Let them come to save him.

It is also very simple to save him.

But only he has to take the sky.

He began to carefully charge the god blood, and he took thousands of kilograms and stopped.

He slowly went to the blood river.

The gravity is too large, there is no way to float.

The rock in the bottom of the river is hard, because it has been moisturizing it, there is a variation.

Even Jin Yi has no way to sneak into it.

Finally, he came to the river and climbed up.

He narrowed his body and slowly moved forward, his face was full of tension.

The forehead is also a fine sweat.

Because of the great gravity, he is moving quiet. If you step on the bones, the bones will become a powder.

Stepping on the ground, the ground will also appear deep footprints.

Therefore, there is no invisible pepy in the rapid, and it is still very dangerous.

After all, the two meat mountains are not too far away.

Countless invisible deceps are eating meat.

It is also possible to find him.

Like a vampire demonium worm.

Slowly, he went about a hundred miles, and it was not far from the abyss.

But at this time, countless red rays broke out from the bottom of the two meat hills, and surrounded by the sky.

That is to say, the blood-blood disorder found him.

" ..."

Jin Yi is also moving.

Fly quickly.

But it was still in red, and a fine cave appeared in the gods.

More terrible is that the blanks sound.

Countless invisible deceps come to shoot.

Although I can't see it, the kind of cold murderous is coming.


The prototype No. 1 attached to the wall of the abyment is moving, and his mouth suddenly spurts horrible flames.

The overnight is shot.

Among his ears also shot a thunder, a red-hot light is shot among the eyes.

Shells on the meat mountain.

Suddenly, countless vampires and invisible deceps are angry, shooting out the horrible red light, the latter spurting the dark venom, shining the sky.

Suddenly the pressure is reduced.

But it is still very dangerous, he flies in madness ...

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