The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4127 Jin Yizhen is crazy

Seeing Jin Yi's tragedy, I suddenly threw a rope from the abyss.

The pen is straight in front of Kingyu.

This is of course golden thrown, he tied the rope on a huge rock.

And the rope is of course a tough artifact, which is invisible, and it is difficult to bite quickly.

Suddenly Jin Yi is big, he grabbed the rope and climbed quickly.

At the same time, Jin Yu is also pulverized in the madness.

Therefore, Jin Yi quickly separated from the danger.

But it still endorses countless red light bombardment.

Fortunately, the defensive ability of Shenke's armor is very horrible, and it is more difficult to resist.

Soon, they appeared in the abyss.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally took off, Zhang Lao San, how do you die this time?"

Jin Yi is madly laughing, and his body is also blaming the horror to the ultimate percentage and murderous.

The momentum of a neutralization is also exuded.

More terrible is that there are 2950 cars on his back, thoroughly integrated.

In an instant, the horror of the robbery came.

After all, he integrates so many ways in the blood river, but there is no time to rob.

If the robbery is coming late today.

Electric flash thunder, hurricane whistling, flame appears, black light column bombardment ...

This day has two thousand kinds of magical trend.

It is simply to kill everything.

The shock and fear of the company and Jin Yu are shocking and fear, can't believe that there will be such a horrible day.

Of course, they are also particularly worried, Jin Yizhen but this terror is robbery.

Then they have to kill Zhang Lao three to revenge, it is not so easy.

They all look at the nervous eyes.

Countless attacks, crazy bombards in Kingyan.

But Jin Yi is unhappy, and the area he issued is rapidly expanded.

Eravate everything.

Any attack in the field is smoking, even if there is no, power is also reduced too much.

I don't hurt the gold.

"God, too powerful, more powerful than Zhang San, this is the super genius of our multi-person."

"It seems to be stronger than I am, but how is this possible? Long Shao is born this era, and only cultivates 300 billion years, how can it be so sleek?"

Jin Yu and Protecting the Authentic shouted in his heart, and his face was full of colors.

It took three hours in foot, and the sky robbery was also ended.

Jin Yi is no loss, if you don't have something wrong.

"" How is the length of the family, the law, how many people? "

Jin Yi looks at the two people with ice cold.

It was very unhappy when he came to save him only.

After all, Multi-family is 100 strong care, don't say all over, how can I come over?

"Multi-person family is over, just all of us, all the bastards do what is the bastard of Zhang Lao San ..."

Jin Yu and the lawmaster No. 1 black face, one of them happened.

"What? One of his districts, it is a multi-person nationality? Kill 99 care? Seize all treasures of the treasure house? Even the treasures below the treasure house are taken away?" Jin Yizhen screamed, anger The face also became iron green, and the body burst into excellent murderous.

Why can't he believe that this will happen.

This is too absurd.

"Even now, we don't know how he kills more than 90 care. That's too weird."

The prototype is not comparative.

Don't say Zhang Bin, it is his own, it is also doing this.

To sneak into the hunting city, silently silently silently killing so much powerful protection law.

May only have the beast to do it.

"You are just a rice barrel." Jin Yizhen is in a hurry, "You clearly committed a clear mistake. If you have never been separated, you can't happen this kind of thing. Zhang Lao San's wisdom is terrible. He is all breaking. First I have diven all the cave, I observed your virtual truth, I started to start, first a kill. Then take a care of the law, divide the twenty prototypes one by one, but it is not too difficult. "

Jin Yi's wisdom really scar, instantly understands the key.

If Zhang Bin heard, then it is necessary to secretly admire.

"Maybe it ..."

The face of the prototype No. 1 became pale, and it was also the sweat of beans on the forehead.

At this time he understood his mistake, too small to see Zhang Bin's wisdom and terrorist power.

So, only one defeated.

"But how can he be made to explode the ball at the same time?"

Jin Yu is hesitant to say.

If it is not a blast explosion, Zhang Lao is still can't escape.

"Maybe he silently sneaked into, and arranged under the blast. On his strength, he wanted to find him, it was very difficult."

Jin Yi bites his teeth, "We must have to kill him. Go to the Black Sea to call the sea beast, rebuild the hunting hall, and the inheritance will definitely not disconnect."

After finishing, he smiled and started to contact the treasure box.

The treasure box is indeed that he stayed there, there is his soul imprint.

He is ready to induce position.

But his brow is deeply awkward, because he can induce that treasure box, but where is where, it is induced, as if it is blocked.

"Is it, Zhang Lao San also seals my treasure box with beauty map? Oh, the hunter can quickly get rid of it quickly. Zhang Laosan, it seems that you can't get rid of you." Jin Yi Laugh in your heart.


Protecting the law No. 1 and Jin Yu respectfully promise.

They feel that their wisdom is far less than Jinchen, so I plan to listen to the directive of Jin Yi.

"Zhang Laosan also blends more than 2,900 ways, and he also got a black mushroom, I want to kill him, it is not so easy. We must raise strength quickly. Strive to make him thoroughly Kill. "Gold said," Let me take you to the blessing. I have got a lot of blood from the blood river. Various attributes have all kinds of properties. If it is cultivated so millions, we can blend three Thousands of roads. "

"That's great."

The protection of the law is extremely exciting.

"This tens of millions of years of cultivation, I also have special comprehension, you can teach you to make the body and soul fuse. Don't necessarily use black mushrooms, then your strength can skyrocket."

Jin Yi said.

He is not a lot, but a lot of Jin Yi, is one of the ancestors of the hunting hall.

Once is also the top beast god of the beast, what kind of magic does not know?

His teachings are really strong to make the law-only one and Jin Yu quickly.

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