The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4128, nine dead

The face of the protection of the law and the face of Jinyu floated the color of the doubts, they all suspected that Jin Yi was blowing oatty.

After all, the genius again, it is impossible to practice only four billion years, you can understand the secret law of the rapid fit of the body and soul.

However, Jin Yi did not explain, and he took two of them quickly to the sky.

Just for about half an hour, they arrived at the valley of the collapse of the mountains.

He gently greened on a stone, and he suddenly became a big sound.

Out of a channel.

The pen leads to the following blessings.

"Not good, Jin Yi is coming."

Ten gods that cultivated here have changed.

Zhang Bin made them cultivated here, of course, also told them, it was once the blessing occupied by Jin Yi.

Moreover, Jin Yi did not fall, he was only trapped in the blood river.

So, they also do some ready.

The array is arranged, and the transfer array is also arranged, and it can be transferred to Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower.

"Array start ..."

They don't have any delays, so I will start the array.

However, it is arranged here, but it can only be placed on the ground.

Therefore, the array is easy to break.

In an instant, white fog is confused, covering everything.

"court death……"

But what is Jin Yi? When I saw the white fog, I knew that some people were cultivating.

Moreover, the array is arranged.

In his strength, of course, there is no fear.

He has become a black ray, which is bursting down.


Behind the prototype No. 1 is also a 2815 cavity, with a murder of the sky.

Only golden, the speed is slower, but still rushed.

"Fast, it is Jin Yi and Protecting the Authority."

Ten gods have seen it clearly. If only Jinshan is only one, they are not too afraid.

But there are two horror masters, they are not opponents.

Therefore, they immediately rushed into the transfer array.

Start the transfer array.

Suddenly, the transmission is brightly lighted.

"Death ..."

Jin Yi's speed is too fast, and the blink has come to the cave.

The horrible to the extreme light in his eyes, the ear of the ear can be burst into the thunder.

With the momentum of destroying the earth, we are rushing to them.

The prototype is also rushed over. His forehead floated too much of the sky, bursting countless gray light, and slamming the head of ten beasts.

"Kill kill ..."

The face of ten gods changed, while showing the gods, space, time, virtual ... Resisted this horror attack.

Give the transfer time.

Unfortunately, they have overestimate their ability.

The enemy's attack is broken in an instant, bombards in their body.

The soul attack is also on the head.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming, nine gods fly away.

There are eight scenes to fall, and only the town of Tiandong has not fallen.

Only the fox beast did not suffer from attacks, because its body is not big, and it is behind.

So it is not shocked.

The transfer array is also thoroughly launched.

I saw that the white light flashed, and it has no trace.


The soul suffered a heavy scream of the trendy town.

His face is also full of desperate colors.

He is bright in his heart, this time is completely finished.

" ..."

The town of Town Town is coming, and his right hand explored, and he grabbed the neck of the town of Tiantian.

Start search soul.

Of course, he knows these ten gods and is Zhang Bin's subordinate.

I used to help Zhang Bin hunting 10 care in Black Mountain Mountain.

If you can read the memories of each other, you must know where Zhang Bin is hidden.

"Bang ..."

However, he is still a small look at the town of the town.

The town of Town Town naturally knows that there is no possibility of any life.

So, he didn't hesitate to explode.

Suddenly, I sent a giant ring.

His body burst, bones, broken meats into sharp weapons, bombarded all sides.

Containment with horrible shock waves.

He is a true beast, and it is blended 2550 pathways.

That is exceptional, not on the wealthy law of the hunting hall.

Therefore, his self-explosion is incomparably horrible, and the real power is endless.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming.

The first-handed prototype No. 1 is flying away, blood in his mouth, the face is pale.

If it is not his body wearing god, there is super defense ability, it is this, you can make him into a powder.

The most unlucky or golden, he screams only half of the sound, and burst the shock wave and broken bones, and the devastating energy directly killed his soul.

It is impossible to even resurrect.

Even Jin Yi is also not yet.

He is also bleeding in his mouth, fly, and his face is full of angry.

Not an angry town of Tiandong, but the stupidity of the anger:

He is the first to go to the cave. He didn't grab the neck of the town of Tian Dong, and did not think that the memory of the other party was worried that the other party would be self-explosion.

Therefore, the best way is to continue to show the soul attack, let the other's soul lights extinguish most, no longer have self-explosive ability, and then read the memory.

However, the protection of the law is directly to grab the other party's neck.

The result caused self-explosion and let the gold are flying.

Their hunting hall lost a super genius again.

" ..."

They brought almost simultaneously on the cave wall.

Two loud noises were issued.

However, here is a blessing, the rock is hard, almost unsatisfactory.

Therefore, the cave is still not broken.

Only all of the balls, including the transfer arrays into a powder.

"Golden ..."

The law-climbing is difficult to climb, he sent a big shouting.

His face has also been regretted.

"Protecting the law No. 1, I don't know how you live now?"

Jin Yi is also a terrorist defense ability with Shen Bang armor, and the dead escape. He climbed up. He looked at the prototype No. 1 with the eyes of disappointment. If it was not to grasp the other party, if it is not to borrow his terrorist strength, He hated himself not to fight the other party.

Multi-family people are the royal family, and there are many geniuses.

However, super genius is still very rare.

Therefore, they like to win the genius.

In the god community, multi-person nationality is still very limited.

That is a multi-purpose multi-class family that can give birth to a super genius in the future.

These hundreds of comrades, there is only an extraordinary genius of Long Shao and Jin, and Jin Yu, of course, no need to win. Just relying on your own super talents, cultivation into a god beast, if it is in Fuiti to practice so hundreds of millions of years, it will definitely integrate the three thousand avenues, become a super powerful beast, will go to the beast in the beast, so you can play a huge role. .

However, because of the stupidity of the protection method, let the gold have fallen.

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