The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4129 Silk Peeling

"I didn't think that he suffered my soul attack, and the ability of self-explosion, I saw him, sorry."

The prototype is not comparative.

In fact, he is not a big mistake, he is not stupid, he is too big, and Xiaowen looks at the town of Tiandong.


Jin Yi snorted, still very dissatisfied, very angry.

But he didn't want to explain that he was not a lot, but Jin Yi.

Because this is a lot of things.

Long is a universal super genius. If he does not take the house, it will grow into a super giant.

And he didn't think of the hosais, but it didn't have a way, and it had to win the loose.

And since he uses a small identity, it is also no qualification penalty method.

They wake the caves in two heads, and collected the bodies of the eight beasts.

The horrible array is arranged, then Jin Yi starts to draw the destruction.

Of course, it is the skin with eight gods.

He also poked his bones of eight gods to his skeleton armor.

Suddenly, his bones helmet recovered completely, and the gapped the gapped it was also gone.

And the defense capacity has improved a lot.

After all, eight gods blend more than 2,500 ways, their son is extraordinarily excellent.

"Zhang Lao San, I am waiting for you here, I hope you can come over as soon as possible."

During these, Jin Yi sent a cold voice.

His face is full of confidence.

He also plotted 200 stratigraphic characters, and it was a powerful super powerful destruction.

It is absolutely unbearable to Zhang Bin's 250 .

After all, he got the blood of the blood river, but it contained three thousand properties.

The power of the destroyed character is the most horrible.

Plus he shaped the bone armor.

Moreover, the law is also a godde with super defensive ability.

Even if Zhang Bin came to sneak attack, he would not have any fear.

Even, he has a grasp of Zhang Bin's broken here.

They both began to read the scriptures on the stone wall.

Black light shrouded them.

They began to refine the blood of the blood river.

Quickly integrate.

Strength is also continuously improved.

" ..."

Zhang Bin Tibetan Bao Tower is transmitted to the white light, the fox beast appears as the ghost.

It said horror: "Yu Shao, not good, Jin Yi came out, with the protection of the law No. 1 and Jin Yan to the blessing ... only I only flee back ..."

"Jin Yi is going to go, protect the law No. 1 and Jin Yu together to the blessing? Kill eight beasts?"

Zhang Bin's face became iron green, and his teeth were almost bite.

Originally he thought that the golden did not come out for more than 400 billion years, it was easy to come.

Moreover, the protection team has never been to save him, obviously Jin Yi has no way to contact them.

So, he let 10 beasts to cultivate, he wants to enhance their strength.

In the future, the soul is controlled, and that your power will have a huge improvement.

After the Era Wars, they together with him, for the payment of the law, Jin Yu, Jin Yi should have no problem.

But didn't think of it, Jin Yi suddenly escaped.

Moreover, and the prototype No. 1 and Jin Yu are mixed.

The terrible thing is that the other party also killed nine gods, which certainly can also use their skin to refine the monk.

"How did Jin Yu are getting off?"

Zhang Bin screamed in detail, and his eyes shot the light of wisdom.

His mind is also full of inspiration.

He immediately took Yu Wen into a blessing, with the fastest speed to the death cliff, and observed the place where the past gold fell.

Then he found two huge white bone mountains.

There is no meat now, but there is a blood flowing on the ground, all the way to the blood river.

"It turned out to be a prototype No. 1 and Jin Yu rescued him."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized that he immediately showed a stealth, slow down, and observed in detail.

Finally, I saw the traces of the stone wall.

He silently.

After thinking for a long time, he began to discuss with Yu Wencheng.

Just want to speculate on the horror wars at the time.

I want to understand how they have saved Jin Yi.

If you want to understand, he may also use the same way to go to the blood river, get some blood.

Then he can quickly integrate three thousand avenues.

In order to fight against Jin Yi, protect the law.

Even Zhang Bin also said he said about his cognition of the blood river.

"I read the countless information of Hunting Temple. It is said that this blood river is extremely horrible, entering must die." Yu Wen Cheng Tian said, "The reason why the horror is the abyss, one is invisible, use eyes and love They can't see it, they like to eat hard metal and rocks, this abyss is they split. Of course, they also eat meat. It is the defenders that are superior to the defense. It is also unable to attack their attacks. And blood In the river, there is a small creature. They like to breathe, they are filled in the blood river, you can't feel in your blood, only they fly out, can you find them. They can shoot the red light incomparable horrible, Can kill the soul, can bombard the gods ... So, even the protection of the hunting hall is also afraid. "

"If you really have the same two kinds of horror , then they rescue Jin Yi's way is very simple, throw it in two heads, attract two insects, and Jin Yi will climb it from the blood river. Lot to the abyss side, but it was still discovered by the insects. It attracted the attack of the insects, but there were two people to cooperate. He was successfully escaping. "Zhang Bin said," I can use the same way. Get some blood, integrate 3,000 avenues. "

"If you go, you have to escape, but it is easy, because you have a humanoidal array, you can transfer it at any time."

Yu Wen Chengtian also excitedly said. "However, it must not be transferred in the blood river. If you can, Jin Yizhen has already escaped. He will enter the space container. He can't be some safe place. Arrange a hidden transmission array. It may even be the most powerful transfer array. After all, he is from the beast of God. Naturally, the ability to refine the super powerful transmission array. "

"The abyss can be transferred, I have tried it."

Zhang Bin said, "So, I just want to climb the river bank, enter the space container, and start the humanoid transfer."

"But, you still enhance strength first, consume the cultivation resources, and then relatively safe."

Yu Wen said seriously.

He is very old, because he knows the horror below the abyss.

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