The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4130 Blood River

And such a suggestion Zhang Bin is of course accepting, he does not hesitate to launch a humanoid transfer array.

I quickly transferred to the blessing.

He first controls the soul of the fox.

Let the fox beast work together with him in this blessing.

Of course, Yu Wen is also working hard here.

Zhang Bin's two borders, Jian Di, Qin Emperor, not dead, Ye Lian, is also crazy here.

These four can be said to be Zhang Bin's bottom sign.

Of course, we must cultivate.

As for 50, I won the hunting god hall to protect the law, and I also worked hard here.

Of course, most of the time is in the optical figures.

Yes, Zhang Bin only got 50 physical and protective body, and the rest were killed, or they destroyed the body of the body by themselves.

However, they have to form a powerful force, and they must practice too many era.

Unless Zhang Bin cultivates them with black mushrooms.

Unfortunately, you have to get black mushrooms. That's too hard.

Zhang Bin, but there is not so much soul energy.

He didn't think about it now to deal with Jin Yi and the Act No. 1, and there is golden.

These three people are super powerful, especially Jin Yi and Protecting, and he has 250 , even if all it is used, it can't do it.

You must know that the prototype is also mastered the defense of the horrible death.

If there is Jin Yi help, it can easily deal with the niche.

The space of the blessing is not large, and it is too difficult to absorb enough energy. It takes too much time to consume too much time.

So, now you must continue to improve your strength.

However, the pressure is also very huge.

Because Jin Yizhang is certainly the blood of the blood river, it will certainly blend three thousand avenues.

The law is also the same.

It is very difficult to deal with them in the future.

Then I can only rely on the fox beast and Yavelian.

They must also cultivate their two.

Of course, there are two borders because of the refining of black mushrooms, the soul has become a lot, but also becomes more powerful.

However, because of the reason, the war is absolutely not on the body.

Therefore, there is still a certain grasp in the future.

Time will pass quickly.

Soon I have passed 150,000 years.

Zhang Bin has finally blended 11 kinds of roads, let him fuse the Tao to achieve terrible 2926.

It is also all cultivated to the nine layers of the close.

"It's time to go to the blood river."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He took two borders.

Going to the farm of Jin Yifu.

Let the two points to throw a few tens of hhai beasts from both heads.

There are too many such bodies, after all, I have destroyed the hunting hall.

Also destroyed all the beasts and beasts of the white cloud continent.

Then he jumped for life, jumped to the center of the abyss, and he was able to control the black American people.

Silently fell.

Slowly, it is close to the bottom of the abyss.

Zhang Bin also noticed that the meat of the two meat hills quickly disappeared, and blood was also flowing out.

The blood twisted in a strange place.

It is very horrible to look.

"It seems that the two insects have attracted the past, and now they fall, they are difficult to find."

Zhang Bin is big.

Continue to let the Ume people fall under the role of terrorism.

But he is still too early, too small to see the bloody.

Vampires, there is a magical ability, which can be easily monitored for any moving things.

Therefore, they quickly discovered Zhang Bin.

In the stream of blood in the two pork mountains, I suddenly burst into the red rays of densely numbness, and the breath of destroying everything was smashed to the Meishen.

" ..."

The blanked sound sounded, murderous.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's face changed, suddenly escaped from the umers, the speed was also increased by 100 times, and the blink of an eye was falling down, and he fell in the blood river.

Of course, it is just the edge.

Countless red rays fall.

However, countless vampires, as well as invisible deceps.

Because they know, this is a living person, which is too tempting to them.

Suddenly, the red clouds and black fogs spread quickly.

That is a numerous blood-blood trencycle collection together, becoming a red fog, countless invisible somquatic worms together, resulting in black fog.

This momentum is really too horrible.

Zhang Bin entered the blood river, showing a swallowing of the gods, and swallowing thousands of kilograms of blood into a jade bottle.

Then he jumped on the shore as lightning.

However, greet him is countless red light, covering the sky.

Zhang Bin felt a rich death atmosphere.

He quickly released a space container, and he also entered it.

However, he is also a bombardment of a lot of red light.

This kind of red light is too horrible, and his godlic can't resist.

Instantly collapse, enter Dantian, starting to repair itself.

Then red light is on Zhang Bin.

Suddenly Zhang Bin has a lot of blood caves.

Fortunately, his head is wearing Jiuzhou Ding.

Resisted some red light bombardment.

Otherwise, his head will definitely explode.

More terror is that this red light spreads in his body, and it turned into the moon palace and madly slammed on his soul.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin made too much because of a black mushroom.

The soul light has changed, reaching 28,000.

Plus a cultivation for more than 100,000 years, the soul is thoroughly refining the energy of black mushrooms.

Therefore, his soul light is also extra bright.

However, with the red light attack, his soul lamp also became extra bleak, and you can go out at any time.

Fortunately, there is not much attack on him.

And this space container is that artifacts, defensive ability.

Affected part of the red light attack, but also didn't collapse immediately.

But more red light shot on the space container, the space container is cracking.

However, it is another spatial container.

Zhang Bin has an entry into the tenth space container.

Only launched the humanoid transfer array.

I saw that the white light flashed, he had no shadow.

Almost at the same time, the tenth space container is also broken.

Fundamentally can't attack the red light attack.

If Zhang Bin does not have a ten super powerful space container, it is a artifact. This time he is absolutely a tragedy.

If he did not cultivate it to such a powerful, he affected the red light attack, and the absolute continuous transmission of the human shape was not started.

The possibility of falling is great.

This time, it can be said that it is the most dangerous.

If the body is falling, Zhang Bin's two bordered in the Era Wars is also tragedy.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin succeeded.

Jin Yi used four billion years of escape approach, let Zhang Bin got enlightenment, thus got a blood from the blood river.

(There is also a chapter, the code is code, after an hour.)

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