The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4134 Chapter 1 Sad Reminder

In an instant, the soul attacks on the field of prototypes, and built his heads, then slammed on the head of the prototype No. 1.


Unparalleled sounds.


The prototype is called a scream.

His face became pale, it was back, and his head became a blank.

Although he cultivated nearly a million era, he has never gained a black mushroom, so his soul did not completely fits with his body, otherwise he had already went to the god.

The soul is not perfect, the soul is his weakness.

Of course, his soul is also very powerful, in the source universe, almost no one goes beyond.

And Zhang Bin, but the soul of the death of the death of the death of the god of the enemy, but also refined a black mushroom, and his two bordered the mushroom, now two distinct souls and his soul It is thoroughly integrated.

Therefore, this soul attack is extremely horrible.

If the other party is still there, then it can also resist it.

But God has been destroyed, and only the field and Dragona, but it can't live.

However, the protection of the law is not a super powerful little god, he still has not fallen.

Just get angry, the head is blank.

As long as an instant, you can recover.

But how can Zhang Bin like to have this opportunity?

He rushed in the past, Kyushu Ding, cracking the sky ax, and destroyed the sword, almost at the same time, on his chest on his head, neck.

Hey ...

Unparalleled sounds.

The prototype is screaming, and it is directly overwhelming.

But he is also awake, and dances with the sky, intercepts Zhang Bin's attack.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's attack is too sharp.

Horror sound, "Hey, don't move, take your needle ..."

More terrible is that Libra is also shouting in Wei, "trial ..."

Moreover, Zhang Bin's eyes continue to shoot the gray rays and shot the past.

The three artifacts are also constantly bombarding.


The prototype No. 1 issued an incomparably shout, and his face has a dark gold mask, resisting Zhang Bin's soul attack, and his mouth bursts bleeding arrow.

Fang Tian's villain is also crazy on Zhang Bin's magic weapon.


The deafening voice sounded, and the fire is extreme.

The cave also becomes exceptionally bright.


Zhang Bin felt that a huge force that had never been terrible.

He couldn't stand the body, fly in the air, it was embarrassed to the stone wall of the Dongfu.

Then fall as painting.

The mouth is also sprayed.

As for the law, I didn't want to be good, he sent a sharp scream, rolling in the ground. Then I also hit it on the stone wall.

Send a huge sound.

The Dongfu is constantly shaking.


Hurricane whistling.


The blood righteousness is sprayed in the mouth, and the face has become paleble. If the painting is the same as the painting, it is discounted, between the time, it is actually can't crawling.

This is a true two defeat.

Of course, the injury of the protection method is heavier, but not only the soul has been hurt, but because of the most horrible ban, the body suffered from heavy.

He didn't have too much war.


The fox beast and Ye Lian see Zhang Bin also can't climb it, but it is dispatched, and it is taken from the Tibetan Tower.

Like the shard, their swords are also crazy about the prototype 1 of the fell to the ground.

"court death……"

The face of the prototype No. 1 changed, he was crazy, and tried his best to dance, and squatted on two long swords.

Dangdang ...

Two loud noises.

The sparks were vacated again.


The prototype No. 1 made a miserable call, and the square sky was dropped off.

The injury is too heavy, and the attacks that can't live so horrible.

His mouth is also sprayed again.

The fox beast and Ye Lian were also shocked, but it was rapidly, and it was crazy again.

The prototype is screaming, and it quickly rolled down.

But but still avoided, and even in the body.

Chest, neck, small belly, head, eyes ...

But he blends 2999 species, the body is too strong, and the defense ability is also super.

It is just the injury of the flesh, it is difficult to kill him.

However, two of them have made him difficult to recover quickly, giving Zhang Bin time.

At this time, Zhang Bin has finally healing the injury.

He rushed over, crazy, one nine-state, bombarded his head.


Like the iron.

The head is not broken.

However, the prototype is still emitted, and the five senses are bleeding.


His head is also awkward.

It's hard to do even rolling.

Zhang Bin continued to attack crazy.

I bombard the three artifacts as the rain.

Dangdang ...

The sound continuously sounds continuously.

Spark splash.

Bang ...

The prototype No. 1 is finally unable to resist, his head is exploded.

It has been chemically produced.

And his body is also crashing at the same time.

It has become a blood mist.

In an instant, it combined.

But it is rocking, almost no combat power.

His face is filled with desperate colors.

Here is a closed cave, and he can't escape.

Is it true that I have cultivated myself, this time is it true?

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin three people will let him go?

Pulling the past and slamming the magic madness on his body.

Bang ...

He was once again exploded again.

It has become a blood mist.

This time, it is not quickly combined.


Zhang Bin greeted, his mouth spurted out the turmoil of the dead and burned madly.

To make all blood mist into ashes.

The protection of the law has to be combined again, and it is barely use to die, and the flame is extinguished.

But Zhang Bin's attack is once again hit his body.

Once once again, he was exploded.

It took nine times in a row.

He once again be a weak.

The tenth group came out, he looked at Jin Yi's pagoda, found that the voice of the Thunder, obviously, there is no end, and there is no sign of end.

His face has a desperate color.

He rushed to Zhang Bin, shouted crazy: "You will die for me."

Zhang Bin took the fox beast and Ye Lian into the treasure tower.

His sky exploded the horrible gray rays, and covered into the head of the prototype No. 1.

The protection method has exploded multiple times, and many times, the mask on his face has never lost.

Now still wear on the face.

Can resist Zhang Bin's soul attack ...

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