The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4135, seeking self-explosion

However, that is just the power to reduce the soul attack.

The soul attack is still through, bombards on his face.

Then I walked into his moon palace and slammed on his soul.


He once again made a scream.

Continue to madly pounce toward Zhang Bin.

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin once again showed a horrible sound attack.

Suddenly, the prototype will not move.

And Zhang Bin's Kyushu Ding took out and slammed his head.

Zhang Bin has absolute grasp, this time, you can kill the law.

"Let's die together ..."

The prototype No. 1 is finally awake, but it can't hide the bombardment of Kyushu Ding. He shouted in the moment, and it was once in an instant.

Just now, he has already planned to be self-explosion, and Zhang Bin will return to the same.

This cave is not big, and it can't escape.

Last time, Jin Yu is drowning.

He deeply believed that Zhang Bin fails, absolutely dead.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

He is already worried about the other party.

For so many years of cultivation, it not only improved strength, he also read too many classics, of course, is a hunting hall. Let him know that the horror of the little gods.

In a narrow space, you can really destroy everything, kill the enemy than yourself.

This is the same as the same as the other.

Now he is here, it is natural to be extraordinary.

He rapidly retreats, and it entered the Tibetan Tower in an instant.

The Tibetan Pagoda naturally became as large.

The shock wave that the toilet is not too horrible.

Of course, it is also because the Tibetan Tower is an incomparably horrible magic weapon, with terror of defense.

Zhang Bin has also been grasped.

"Bang ..."

The body of the prototype No. 1 became a powder.

The end of the broken meat, the horrible shock wave is also appeared, first in Jiuzhou Ding.

Suddenly, Jiuzhou Ding collapsed, and three gods were rapidly entered into Zhangbin.

The impact wave is crazy on the Tibetan Tower.

The Tibetan Pagoda collapsed.

It has become a dark golden light, and it has entered Zhang Bin's body.

Then, the horrible shock wave is on Zhang Bin's body.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin has received two borders into Dantian.

I have also received the fox beast and Yavelian into Dantian.

Therefore, the shock wave is on the body of Zhang Bin.


The broken sound sounded.

His channel collapsed.

Then his godlor also crashes, and it has entered Zhang Bin's Dantian.

At this time, Zhang Bin also understood that a horrible is a horror that blended 2999 species?

This power is far more than his estimate.


Zhang Bin issued a scream.

His body fell in the air, then hit it on the stone wall.

Bang ...

The stone wall collapses.

Terrible is that horror energy is raging in his body.

That is because his skin is broken, there have been countless fine holes, and the energy of self-explosion continues to flour.

"Don't die, no destruction ..."

"Trial, virtual ..."

"Life, Defense ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and he showed horrible magic.

Do your best to protect your own head.

Only a head is protected, it will not fall.

... ...

The bones on him are broken rapidly.

His cerebral bone is also cracking.

The devastating energy is crazy into Zhang Bin's head, let his head explode.

However, Zhang Bin worked to protect his head, so the head did not explode.

He also supports for a while.

The devastating energy is also rapidly incorporated into his heart.

The heart is the most important organ of the body.

If the heart explosion, the head is not supported by the body, Zhang Bin's defense ability will naturally decline, and the head may explode.

Seeing that Zhang Bin's heart will explode.

Zhang Bin's heart suddenly lit up green light.

Of course, that piece of created fragments are in light.

Pulling any destruction of the heart into the heart.

Even, the energy that poured into the body was swallowed by most.

Let Zhang Bin's body turn to the danger.


Zhang Bin fell to the ground.

Seven bleeding, there have been countless blood caves.

Lying on the ground, that is a moving.

It seems like a dead.

However, look at it, his face has floated the smile of victory.

Because he succeeded, it was finally killed a strong to the horrible master.

Although it is very difficult, it is very difficult, I'm alive.

What didn't think of it is that this time is actually taken off in harbor.

The crestation of the fragmentation of several billions of years in his heart, there has been no movement and change.

Zhang Bin himself almost forgot, there is such a treasure yourself.

This created debris can actually deviate the destruction of the invasion in the body at a critical moment, it is simply magical.

However, even if there is no confrontation help, even if the body explodes, then the head exploded, it will not be fallen.

After all, Zhang Bin integrates no death. It is still possible to combine the body again.

But it is possible to hurt.

Of course, if his body explodes, then two of his body, Ye Lian and fox beasts may also suffer.

That may not even start the ability of the human formal conveying array.

After all, you have to start the humanoid transfer array, you have to communicate with the sky.

If Jin Yi suddenly rushed out, then the consequences were unimaginable.

Zhang Bin did not immediately start the human form of transmission, but worked hard.

The crestation is still emitting green rays, which is also helping him to hear.

Therefore, the speed of recovery is very fast.


Jin Yi finally spent the robbery, and he flew out the pagoda with a murder of the sky.

He has lapped 2999 cars behind him, and his body exploded horrible to the ultimate murder.

There is a sharp ax in his hand, and a crazy ax is to Zhang Bin.

When he was robbed, he had discovered the abnormalities.

But he can't come out, because this time is terrible, once distracted, he is difficult.

In fact, fusion the last few words, the horror of the sky is desperate.

Only the top genius such as Jin Yi, Zhang Bin, and protect the law can be spent.

It is precisely because I know that the sky is very horrible, Zhang Bin is not worried that Jin Yili can spend rapidly, and I don't worry that he dares to help protect the law.

Therefore, Jin Yi is to know the prototype one.

And such a good opportunity, how can he let Zhang Bin?

That is to knew Zhang Bin.

After all, this is equal to the good opportunity to protect the law No. 1.

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