The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4136 unexpectedly

Take a look at the ax on Zhang Bin's head.

Zhang Bin suddenly moved, it was rolling in the same way.

And he also jumped up and became a three-headed arm.

An emergence of a sword, cracking ax and a heavens appeared in his hand.

Kyushu Ding and Tibetan Tower were exploded, and it was still not repaired.

Can't be used for wars.

Jin Yi's ax suddenly broke, it was on the ground.


A loud noise of the sky.

The rock is broken, and there is a three-meter deep pit.

Suddenly gravel, the smoke is vacant.

The momentum is horrible to have a mess.

Zhang Bin's face has changed, and he has just happened to a terrorist war, his ax is also emptied, but it is only allowed to make the rock like a large pit.

And it is still used up.

It can be seen that his own war is far more than Jin Yi.

If it is previously awarded the law, the Tiandu, the battle of the battle.

The consequences are unimaginable.

He didn't delay, launched a humanoid transfer array.

The sky on the forehead also burst into gray rays, and the air was shot to Jin Yi.

At the same time, he used the trial of the monopolism and the sound of the sound.

Time and space.

"Zhang Lao San, I have to kill you."

Jin Yi sent a crazy shout, his body swayed, and he had hid the soul attack on Zhang Bin.

As for the trial and sound, there is no significant impact.

So, he went to Zhang Bin's back, and once again, he went to Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin is three-headed six arms, and his forehead once again shot the dense gray light.

Extremely shoot to Jin Yi.

The sound of the sound and the trial of the monopol are also issued again.

Jin Yi has to avoid it again.

But it is such a delay, and the humanoid transmission is started.

I saw a white light.

Zhang Bin has no trace.

"Ah ... Zhang Lao San, I will kill you ..."

Jin Yi sent a very crazy shout, crazy put the ax in Zhang Bin just standing.


The broken voice sounded, and there was a large pit that reached three meters in the ground.

This strength is just too horrible.

On the blessing of Zhang Bin, I saw the white light flashed.

Zhang Bin appeared like a ghost.

His face became very serious, and the brow is also deeply put.

"Brothers, what is going on? Is it failed?"

Yu Wen Chengtian's face changed, and looked at Zhang Bin with incomparable doubt.

After all, he knew Zhang Bin's terrorist strength, blending 3001 avenues, absolutely definitely fighting the law, if it was suddenly attacked, and it may even be done, as he and Zhang Bin agreed, it should be successful.

"It is very difficult to kill the prototype No. 1, but it is not able to kill Jin Yi. His strength is far more than our estimate ..." Zhang Bin said seriously.

"What, can he take a three-meter pit? And you can only take out a big pit, then he is much better than you?" Yu Wen became a cold, His face is filled with a colorless color.

Jin Yi is only cultivated to the nine layers of the right.

Moreover, only 2999 species are fused, and there are less than Zhang Bin.

What's more, Zhang Bin's talent is better than that of the moon.

However, how can Jin Yi may be much better than Zhang Bin?

"I have encountered a ski, I heard some secrets, saying that he has a kind of Shen Dan. After taking it, the strength can skyrocket," Zhang Bin said, "May Jin Yi is refining such a Dan. Medicine. Improve his strength. I am estimated that it is not ten times that of skyrocketing, it may be several times. "

"Master, I have calculated carefully, Jin Yi's ax contained energy is five times that you are, there is so much that you think." Rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind.

"Is only five times?"

Zhang Bin's brow stretched slightly.

Just five times, it is not too far away.

There are still two kinds of gods, the distance is not far.

After taking, you can still improve your strength.

But of course there is no much less than five times.

"It may also be God Dan, or it is also a kind of ban." Yu Wen Chengdai said, "After all, he is from the beast of the god circle, and it will have a magical attack secret law. He used to be too strong, not too strong. Come out, but now he is only a step in practice, but it can be used. Terribness is that he can also blend a way, but also powerful. "

"Must kill him before the Era Wars."

Zhang Bin's body burst into the murder of the ice, and his eyes were also shooting the light of wisdom.

Then they started detailed and discuss how to kill Jin Yi's way.

Today, it is not far from the end of the era.

Zhang Bin's strength is difficult to improve five times.

If his two borders can cultivate the nine layers of the crowd.

His strength is doubled.

Two kinds of god fruits can also be doubled.

But it still can't be played.

"Do you want, I contacts the Field, let him and Jin Wei war?" Zhang Bin said that "the skyscium must take God Dan, there is a possibility of life. None, it is good for me. Striry, in addition to Jin Yi, and the war of the skyscrapers can not be improved. If the flight is killed, I also have a strong enemy. "

"But this is a bit less easy. Jin Yi is not a fool. Once he knows the other party is a skyscraper, not you Zhang Hanyan, they may even join hands to deal with you ..." Yu Wen Cheng Tian said, "So, to design well a bit."

Detailed discussed some.

Zhang Bin took out the notes and contact the Field.

"Fashion, you come over, I have encountered it ..."

Zhang Bin said.

"Say, where is it?"

Grand is back to the road.

"In gravity mainland, I am waiting for you in this place ..."

Zhang Bin replied.

Just waiting for less than three days, the flight is over, and there is a gravity continent.

Meet in Zhang Bin's designated position.

It looks a lot of money, and his body is spread out of powerful pressure and momentum.

Let Zhang Bin secretly shocked.

He is bright in his heart, and the flight must have a big adventure.

"You really found it? He is so strong?"

The skyscrapers have burst into the extreme murderous.

"You are absolutely dare not think, what is your strength."

Zhang Bin said, "I am fighting with him, I almost fissed, I am jumping into the abyss to start the human formal array to escape. His strength is more than 10 times more than me."

"10 times more than you? How many ways he fused?"

Skyscraper asked.

"He blends 2999."

Zhang Bin said seriously, "Now he is a blessing cultivation in the gravity mainland. The blessed land is in the mountain valley ... but I don't know the entrance of Fu Land ..."

"How many kinds do you spend?"

The skyscrapers have floated deep taboo.

"I blequet 2950."

Zhang Bin finished, his back has a 2950 aura.

"You also integrate so many kinds of ways, he is more than ten times better than you? How can this?"

The flight did not reply.

"I don't know why he is so powerful." Zhang Bin said, "I don't have to lie to you. But I will not deal with you with you. After all, he is too powerful. One is not good, I will fall at any time." "

After that, he launched the human form of transfer, and he saw the white light flashed. He had no trace.

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