Zhang Bin walks, the skyscrapers are incomparable.

His face has also become very ugly.

After all, today he has cultivated to a very strong point, blending 2980 species, but there is almost no way to improve strength, because the remaining 20 kinds of roads, his talent is not very good. Even if he can get this attribute, there is no way to integrate this era.

Unless he gets a height of the gods.

Unless he finds the blessing of the gravity continent.

However, this is almost impossible to do things.

He has also been to gravity mainland, looking for blessed land, but it is not looking for.

However, he also has many adventures, got some magical treasures, making him fusion speed quickly. He can also integrate so many ways.

"It seems that my talent is weaker, weaker than Zhang Lao San."

The skysclamise sighed.

In fact, he has long known such a fact, but it does not want to admit it.

After all, he was born in his birth, but his strength is Aqian.

"Can you believe it?"

Skyscard thinkfully think.

To be honest, he can't believe that it will be so horrible to be so horrible.

However, if it is also the same as him, I get the help of God. The purpose is to kill Zhang Lao San, let him not marry the gods. It is possible.

"Since I am better than my talent, I also got a help of God. Plus now there is more than 100 billion years from the end of the era, then I must have a good one in advance." The skysclamise bite, "Otherwise," He will have a lot, even if I take God Dan, I can't be his opponent. "

Thinking of this, he interprets the stealth, straight to the sky.

He is not known, all of which falls into Zhang Bin's calculation.

Zhang Bin is to let the skyscide now go to the golden.

Moreover, the flight will be a way to take sneak attack.

As for the Field, Jin Yi is a lot, it is impossible, it will only be regarded as aunt.

Because Jin Yi is not a lot of appearance today.

The secret law changes the face, and the same is exactly the same.

Soon, I went to the valley.

He carefully explored it.

Did not make any movement.

Then he sneak into the rock as ghost.

Slowly sink down.

He is worthy of the son of the universe, so hard rock, he can still sneak into.

Zhang Bin, which is also secretly coming to here, secretly admire.

Today, Zhang Bin fused 3001 ways, the soul is also very powerful.

It is definitely a lot more than the soldier who has not taken God Dan.

So, he can see the sky, but the skyscide can not find him.

"Hey ... Now I have to see, who is more powerful."

Zhang Bin smiled in his heart. He also did not have any delays, and he was able to sneak into the public.

If there is any chance, he will definitely do not hesitate.

Of course, he most wants to see that two defeats, he will easily kill them two.

Then remove the strong enemy of two super horror.

The Era Wars can be able to deal with it.

Slowly, the floor is going deep into it.

Finally, he found a magical place, which is also sneaked.

And he has 100% of the grasp, which is really a blessing.

That is a magical ability.

At this time, he believed half of Zhang Bin's voice.

He watched this place, looking for it.

Finally, he found that channel.

Sneak into it.

Due to the virtual road, stealth Unit is displayed.

Jin Yi, who is cultivated inside, has not found it.

After all, this channel is not big, but only the finger is so big, there is no way to arrange the ball.

The flight slowly lurked past, and the speed was slower than the ants.

Finally, he came to the cave, lurking, and observed in detail.

Jin Yi once again arranged a counter, and started.

So, that is white, blocking everything.

Let the skyscide can't see it clear.

However, the skyscide is that the universe of this era, there are too many adventures, of course, there is a super good treasure.

He took out a weird mirror.

The secret law is displayed, and there is a picture in the cave.

White fogs that occlusion everything disappeared, as if there has never appeared.

"Good treasure, better than my eyes."

Zhang Bin, who came to the cave, was secretly admired.

The skyscast looks at the picture on the mirror.

Jin Yi took the knee in front of the stone wall, and there were 9999 cars behind.

His body exudes a powerful momentum and percentage.

Moreover, he reads the scriptures, the scriptures shot black light, shining on the body of Jin Yi.

"God, really is a blessing, the veteram of the stone wall, I have not seen it, naturally there is no way to recognize it. But now I have heard the secret law of reading? This is really great. If I kill It is cultivated here, maybe you can improve the strength. Even if you take the goddan, it will still improve some strength. "The skysclamise smiled excitedly, his face was also floating.

Rotary, he began to observe the gold.

His face has also flipped a faint doubt, because it is not a look at it.

It is even more quirky that he did not see the height of God.

Don't this? It is a powerful human beast? Is the universe? Or is it a little?

Dragonfly is trying to kill people?

Thinking of this, his heart beats.

If this is the case, the other party can fuse 2999 species, which is certainly because of the blood of 2999 attributes, and the opponent has a lot of treasures.

If he kills each other, he will definitely get a big benefit.

"No matter what you are, I have to kill you."

The skysclamise was laughed in your heart, he did not have any delays, immediately took the one of the gods.

He is bright in his heart, and he must take God Dan, and he will have the other party.

Today, he has absolutely larger than the "".

Take God Dan, improve ten times, naturally more powerful than the following person.

Here is the underground cave, and the other party is difficult to escape.

So, this insurance is worth it.

God Dan really magically, he used to take the stimulant.

The strength of the body and soul is skyrocketing.

Because there is a magical energy integrates his body and soul.

And the power is too fast, it is incredible.

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