The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4138 Terrorist God Dan

Just a few breathing time, the body and soul of the skysculus are strong ten times.

His understanding is also greatly improved.

However, the quantity of his fusion also has not changed.

Just only 2980.

"My God, this is amazing, there is such a magical medicinal medicine in the world?"

Yourself shocked in the sky, and his face has also floated strong ecstasy.

He began back to back.

Then he took out a rotten mud.

It seems that there is no feature.

The hole is blocked directly.

Moreover, this yellow mud is rapidly spread, and all the holes are all stuffed.

Zhang Bin felt a horrible crisis, and he hurriedly rushed to the white people sneaked into the rock.

He has a very strange premonition, that is, this yellow mud is a very horrible treasure.

It may be special.

"Hey, now it is close to the dog."

The skysclamise issued an evil laugh in the heart.

He once again went to the entrance of the cave, and his mouth was suddenly sprayed with a raging blue flame.

The overnight is shot.

The speed is too fast, and it is shot on the ground.

Crazy caught.

Many cavities were burned into ashes instantly.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yi stopped cultivating, his mouth sent a cold laugh in the cold.

At the same time, it spurted the dead cold water.

The flame is extinguished in an instant.

He stood up and looked at the flight of the flying down with the eyes of the dead, and said, "Who are you?"

Although he walked up, he did not get a memory of the memory, and naturally did not know the skysclamise.

At a glance, I saw this blue flame, he determined that this is not Zhang San.

And in the source universe, he also only looked at Zhang Lao in the eyes.

As for the rest, it is disdainful.

Look at the old three, not to value his talent or strength, but wisdom.

And today's strength is that five Zhang Lao San join hands, he also has a grasp of killing.

Therefore, he dares to continue to practice here.

He wants to integrate three thousand avenues as soon as possible, then cultivate into a beast.

The mystery of Fu Di's scriptures is only to master.

He is naturally not to look at the sky in the eyes.

"You must be one of the universe three poisons? It is very powerful, actually blending 2999 species."

The face of the skyscram has also floated the color of the game. He also floated 2980 aura, and there was a stone mill in his hand, a hang gentle, did not see the look in the eyes.

"Intercourse, who are you? Ferris? ??"

Jin Yi even did not use the magic weapon, and his face has also floated a weird smile.

They are too powerful, they think they can eat each other.

So there is no happening.

"Hey ... it is fun."

Zhang Bin took the public from the stone wall, he began watching the battle.

He cultivated to now, it is its own efforts and wisdom, and there is terrible talents.

His body's war is not enough to raise the limit.

The two are not yet.

Originally, on his strength, it can sweep everything strong.

However, the two in front of me can be said to be cheating.

It is much better than him.

However, what kind of point is they strong, he still has no exact understanding.

So, he wants to see their wars.

Understand their strength.

Even if they have no two defeats, he can also have a clear understanding of their strength. He can also know that you have to be strong, in order to defeat them.

Not enough to fight, use wisdom.

Therefore, this time, for Zhang Bin, it is an important importance.

"I want to come to you, you must get a lot of treasures, the blood of the three thousand attributes? Also master the mystery of this vetement? This is what I need." Skyscard faintly, "if you put all the treasures. I will Raising you. After all, you are one of the universe three poisons, and I am human, there is no competitive relationship with you. How? "

He is simply in the cat play.

Of course, it is also the secret of the other party.

The other party can fuse 2999 species, it is very uncommon.

And the other party is stronger than ten times, and he does not dare to be underestimated.

If the other party is desperate, he is directly self-explosion, he also has to be hit.

So, if you can intimidate each other, I will hand over the treasure.

It is ideal.

"You are just looking for death."

How horror is Jin Yi, is it horrible?

How can I endure such a humiliation?

He has gone through the momentum of destroying the earth, step by step, shooting the ice in the eyes, it is too terrible.

The skyscola is equipped with a little fear, and the body is trembled slightly.

He is showing weakness.

Want to paralyze each other.

I have a few steps, Jin Yi has already come to the scene of the skysclamise, he doesn't look at it, and the hand is taking a picture.


Suddenly, the sound is scream, hurricane whistling.

His palms have issued a dark gold, which exudes a breath that destroys everything.


The frame suddenly shouted crazy, and the stone mill in his hand suddenly spin, and then slammed in the palm of Jin Yi.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.

The impact wave rolled out and became a huge mushroom cloud.


When Jin Yu suddenly sent an angry shout.

Because he felt a horrible to the ultimate energy, he steady body, it was continuously retreating, then he hit him on the stone wall.


The stone wall is deeply caught, and a humanoid mark has appeared.

The bones armor of Jin Yizhen is broken, and his mouth is also sprayed.

Just this trick, he suffered from a heavy enemy and suffered from a huge enemy.

And the skyscide is just three steps, he will stand up.

That is a steady, it is easy.

"I rely on, the godde is too horrible? It's really rapidly to upgrade him ten times."

Zhang Bin was a complete earthquake.

He is a snow in his heart, and the goddan, even in the god, it is absolutely extremely precious.

After all, the skysclamise is blended in 2980 pathways, which has been strongly horrified.

Without improving his realm, he enhanced ten times the power, then he was too counternal.

The source universe is absolutely impossible to have this treasure.


How can I waste time? Isn't that let the other party recover quickly?

He didn't have any delays, yelling, with the sky of the sky, the past.

Golden Yi launched the same attack as the wind.

He wants to kill Jin Yi with the fastest speed.

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