The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4139 Brutal Wars

"It's impossible ... Do you have such a horrible strength?"

Jin Yi sent a crazy roaring, and his face was full of not a letter.

But he is surprised, but there is still no fear.

He is crazy, the rock is broken, he rushed out.

His hands also appeared a sharp ax.

Full force, ax, grinding.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash, air wave emptying.

Ah ...

They both felt that a horrible giant force came up and stabilized.

I fly off, then hit it on the stone wall.

Two loud noises were issued.

They are deeply inlaid in the stone wall.

The mouth flows out of the mouth.

This trick, they spare autumn.

Have hurt.

"Others, the skysculosis is traged."

Zhang Bin's face is slightly changed, secretly sighed.

In fact, Zhang Bin expects that the skyscles can win, and kill the gold.

After all, today's ferris, strength is hard to improve.

However, Jin Yi has been quickly powerful because of the beast god, almost no bottleneck.

After all, the past is cultivated once.

His soul is also a real demon.

It's just that I have not completely fed well, it is difficult to explode too horrible war.

Moreover, if the gold is falling, the hunting god is no one thing.

He is also able to refine, he naturally has a horrible bottom sign.

However, from now on, the skyscide is a tragedy.

Because Jin Yi has too many bottom cards.

His hand also has horrible hunting god.

The bones helmet just broke, but now it has been repaired.

What's more, Jin Yi has a lot of destruction.

Of course, if it is falling, Zhang Bin is also beneficial, he has a terrorist enemy.

"Give me ..."

The frame makes it hard, and the stone wall is broken.

He walked out, there was a set of dark-ink armor.

His body is also a sharp pressure and momentum shooting horrible.

He looked at Jin Yi from the stone wall, and said that he smiled and said: "I didn't think that you are so powerful, but you will die today."

He felt that he had some upper wind.

In fact, today's skyscositide is indeed better than Jin Yi.

Jin Yi's strength is five times that of Zhang Bin.

It is certainly not Zhang Bin's opponent, but Zhang Bin is no longer twice as much than him. Although Zhang Bin has two borders, the two are only cultivated to the top of the nine-story peak. Any strength is only one tenth of the body, not only a realm, but also a lot of talented.

Nowadays, I took the goddan and improved ten times.

It is more than five times more than Zhang Bin.

"I will die, hahaha ... I have a few years in the world, and I have killed too much than your strong hundreds of millions of times. There is a crust in the district, and I dare to arrive in front of me?"

Jin Yi is madly laughing, his body blasted horrible to the ultimate murderousness, and the eyes shot in the eyes, just looked at the dead.

"Death ..."

How can I believe in Jin Yi?

He shouted madly, once again rushed over, the stone mill in his hand was crazy.

"Silent gods, give me break ..."

Jin Yi smiled, his fingers gently, and his fingers were rapidly and weird.

Point on the stone mill instantly.


A loud noise.

Spark splash.

Jin Yi is not moving, and the body is not shaken.

Instead, the blood fog suddenly spurting in the mouth, the body is rapidly flying, and slamming on the stone wall.


He once again caught the stone wall.

The face also flizes the color of fear.

"Hey ... , now you know my power? I have to kill you, just like killing a antity, ridicule is, you still deliberately block the stone, now you can't escape."

Jin Yi smiled madly, and he rushed the past.

His finger lightning again to lightning the forehead to the forehead.


Skyscrapers shouted, he called full, showing all the magics, and then slammed the stone on the fingers of Jin Yi.


It is a loud noise.


The skysclamise sounded a sharp call, the stone mill was off, and the blood rogue was sprayed in his mouth.

People are also deeply fell into the stone wall.

The mountain is shaken.

And Jin Yi is also a strong force, and it has been retired after a short walk.

But his face is filled with scornful.

I really don't look at the sky in my eyes.

"How is this possible? How can Jin Yi will be so strong?"

Zhang Bin woke up at this time and shocked to the extreme.

The last rabbit is based on the energy contained in the sky, and it is strongly five times the flight.

But now, what is the powerful five times?

Even the skyscrapers can't resist him.

What is the horrible trick?

It is worthy of the top beast god from the beast, mastering countless horrible monette and trick.

If there is no other base card, today is doubt today.

Even, Jindian is not need to use.

"Anti, now you can say who you are?"

Jin Yi walked in step by step and looked at the dead in the same way.

His finger is also slowly explored, gently point to the forehead.

Cough and cough ...

The skysclamise is constantly coughing, and the bones in his body don't know how much.

Although the gods have not been scrapped, it has already collapsed, returning to Dantian.

Today, he is simply like a dead fish, almost no combat power.

He didn't answer the other party's question, and the answer was no use, the other party won't let him.

So, he is crazy to hear.

Eyes look at the head of the eye.

"Death ..."

Jin Yi is impatient, he has no patience to know who the other party is.

Anyway, it is an antite.

Kill it will kill.

His point is like lightning.

Even if he is not worried about the other party's self-explosion.

He can kill the other party before the other side.

But at this time, the mouth of the ferrous is open, and a dark gold arrow is taken out.

It has become a golden light, and the pen is straight to Jin Yi.

"Destroy the arrow?"

Jin Yi's face changed, but the finger suddenly speeded, and the place was on the forehead of the ferris.


A loud noise.

The skyscram's head exploded, and it has become a blood mist.

At the same time, the ax on the left hand is also suddenly blocked before his forehead.

In an instant, the arrow is shot on the ax.


Unbornoid sound, the destroyed arrow is even easily wearing the past.

Extremely shot on the forehead of Kingyu.

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