The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4140? Flacings?

The destroyed arrow shot on the forehead of Jin Yi, and once again issued a sound of the sound.

The skeleton armor was worn by the hole.

Then, it was deeply injected into his head.


Jin Yi sent a scream, turned over to the ground.

That is a movement.


The body of the ferrous body suddenly crashed, and it was chemically formed into a red fog.

Then combine it again.

But it has already faced a shameful and shakes.

Just now Jin Yu's silence of the gods is too horrible, almost kill him.

Even if he resurrects, there is no combat force.

However, he has made a crazy laugh, "Hahaha ... hahaha ... idiot, do you want to kill me? It's just a dream. This is destroyed to me, it contains it to destroy the sky. The energy of the land is specifically used to kill the one-time treasure of Zhang Lao San, which can kill everything. Killing you is like killing dogs. Unfortunately, you give Zhang Lusan to block a robbery. "

"I rely on, this bastard is so horrible to destroy the gods? What is the god? So the poisonous land must be removed?" Zhang Bin broke out in his heart, and his face floated.

If he thinks it is to remove the skyscrapers, even if he has the strength of Jin Yu, it will die.

Fortunately, I am wisdom against the sky, let the Field and Jin Yi fire.

Let his destroying arrow consume this, and let the skyscide take the goddea in advance.

It is not so easy to improve the strength in the future.

The flight is finally laughed, he stepped on the head of Jin Yi.

He is going to step on the brain of the milky.

After all, Jin Yizhen he used the most horrible destroy arrow.

In the future, he may still kill Zhang Bin, but he did not grasp the dry.

It is precisely because there is such a destroyed arrow.

He dared to extract the Shen Dan.

Take a look at the foot of the skus is on the head of Jinyi.

Jin Yi's hand suddenly lifted, grabbed the foot of the skysclamise.

Have a port.

A bit.

Ferris fell on the ground.

His face is filled with a colorless color.

What horror treasures are destroyed? Can you kill each other?

He immediately wanted to be self-explosion, and the other party was attributed to the same.

But where is it?

An energy that is incomparably, the energy is poured into his body.

I can't move it.

I can't even be able to do it.

He was completely imprisoned.

" ..."

Jin Yi turned over and climbed it. He looked at the skysclamise lying on the ground. He smiled and said that "the district destroyed archer also wants to kill me? You are too true."

"How can you resist the arrows?"

The ski is a despair, asked shocked.

"Hey ... The destroying arrow is very powerful. It is a great treasure for a giant god. However, the destroyed arrow shot my ax, shot my goddess armor, it has been against the sky, energy is almost After consumption. Although I shot into my head, I can't hurt me. "Jin Yizhen said," My ax and goddess armor, that is a unioneerful treasure. Defense ability is always I can't think of it. Unfortunately I haven't resumed strength. The anti-defense ability of the refining ax and the sophisticated armor is too weak. Otherwise, the destroying arrow is also a good thing. Just if you escape, there is a little hope. But now, You can only become a body. "

"who are you?"

The Field was shocked and angry.

"You don't have to know who I am. I am not interested in knowing who you are."

Jin Yi said with a smile, he stepped on the head of the skysclamise.


The head of the skysclamise is completely broken.


He sent a scream, but he was abrupt.

Because his soul is completely killed.

Even the resurrection cannot be done.

After all, Jin Yi is too horrible.


Jin Yi also suddenly fell to the ground.

The face is pale, it can't move.

Obviously, I have suffered from the devastating arrow, and he has suffered from hitting.

"Is this a trapped?"

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the Tibetan Tower.

Such a good opportunity, he really don't want to miss it.

But Jin Yi just killed once, and killing the skyscrapers.

Now it is dying again, and maybe it is to induce him Zhang Bin.

"As his wisdom, you can infer it, it is the skyscraper you attract. After all, so hidden place, I want to find it, too hard. And you killed the prototype No. 1, I escaped from here. The skyscide will come over, this is too coincident. So, the possibility of trap is very large. "Yu Wen said seriously.

"I also feel that it is caught in. However, he has also suffered from heavy."

Zhang Bin said, "I have to take a risk."

After that, he turned out.

Flying quickly picked up the stone mill, and then grabbed the body of the frame and received it in the body.

Making a pair of horse to attack Jin Yugi.

Jin Yi did not move, unconscious.

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin did not approach each other. His forehead floated many days, bursting out gray light, and shot into Jin Yi's head.

Jin Yuli will jump up and easily avoid the soul attack on Zhang Bin.

He looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, saying faintly: "Zhang Lao San, to make you really not easy. However, you can lure you, it is enough. This time you are dead, absolutely no Any live road. "

"I am very curious, we haven't had a long time last battle. How can you have a lot of power?"

Zhang Bin did not fear, he asked doubts.

"I was so powerful."

Jin Yi said.

"If you can be so powerful, then I have no way to escape."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Well, tell you the truth, the last time you sneak attack the law No. 1, I am in the sky. In order to rescue the law, I am willing to swallow the rupture, but I have suffered from heavy. So did not stay. Under you. "Jin Yi said," But now, I have all restored, so, killing the idiot, just like killing ants. As for killing you, it is easier. "

"Trial ..."

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly showed trials and sounds.

The syringe appeared in his hands, and the lightning is like.

A needle with a needle to each other's head.

"Ha ha……"

Jin Yi issued a cold laugh, his fingers suddenly spared, and the moment was in the needle of the syringe.


Like the same sound as the iron.

The syringe is not tied into his body at all.

Zhang Binnai is a feeling of horrifying the extreme power.

He fly off.

It has become a ray, which is bursting into the hole.

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