The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4142 Refining the beauty map

With such a godde, Zhang Bin is much safe.

If he is taking it now, the strength is ten times.

That maybe it is not far from Jin Yi.

Now Jin Yi suffers from hunting, perhaps it is a good opportunity to kill Jin Yi.

"The opportunity may have lost." Yu Wen Cheng said, "The bastard is too strong, now delayed this for a while, it is estimated that it has been treated, now you go to deal him, you can't escape, just Like the same day. "

Zhang Binnou, his face was filled with depressed colors.

Jin Yi's power has reached the point where it is extremely horrible.

As far as the strength now, even if you take God Dan, it is still far from Jin Yi's opponent.

However, over time, the other party will become more powerful.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"To say that the gap will get more and bigger, it is not necessarily." Zhang Bin's face was filled with the color of thought, "because he only had only one way, it is not integrated. More way of integration, almost impossible, after all, he only blends three thousand avenues. He is a lot of tacit, and it is impossible to cultivate into the gods in this era. So His strength improved, there is also a limit. However, you can also integrate more, crushing, resisting, raising chicken, killing pigs. Even, you still have two points. Two points can also increase ten times more The strength. Before the end of the era, then wear Shen Dan, his own strength may be almost the same. However, you must once again improve the strength again. It is best to have more adventures. "

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin horses entered the gloomy array, first refining the stone mill.

Then I work hard to take the stone mill.

Stone grinding is also getting bigger, don't know how many times, turning in madness, emits an incomparably horrible atmosphere.

Rolling the way is also very powerful.

In the past, Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the road to the road to the nine layers.

Plus so many years of hard work and feelings.

It is a certain progress.

Of course, if there is no rolling road, he wants to blend the rolling path, it is difficult.

At least there is not much hope in this era.

However, there is a direction, there is a direction.

Fusion is faster.

Just used the time in 2000, Zhang Bin fused the way to rush.

Of course, this is an external time, not the time of the light information.

Moreover, he also cultivated the role of rolling to the nine layers of the road.

This makes him integrate the Tao to achieve a terrible 3002.

His strength has once again improved.

Unfortunately, his two borders have not been able to fuse the rolling.

However, the distance is not very far away.

"I have come to the bottleneck, there is no way to improve the strength. It is time to find a contact."

Zhang Bin muttered.

However, he did not go out immediately.

Instead, I took out the beauty map. Start refining, his face floats the color.

To be honest, it is too difficult to refine the beauty.

The last time he took three black mushrooms, and he recovered two souls and tried to refine the beauty map.

But it still has no success.

Distance all the array lines are still a little bit.

However, that's a little bit, but let him be helpless, because he has little way to improve the strength.

However, today he integrates a way, both of them are equally strong.

Maybe you can refine.

His spiritual power is in the same way.

Quickly light the array lines inside.

Finally, all is bright.

The beauty map is also bright and bright.

Distribute a powerful breath.

Zhang Bin's face has also floated the color of ivory.

He didn't have any delays, immediately branded a self-printed mark in the central area of ​​the array.

Suddenly refine the beauty map thoroughly.

Original Zhang Bin was sent to the hopes of the Tibeta. After all, the Tibetan Tower had only 11 layers to his open layer. Perhaps there are more layers of array, if refining, maybe open more space, the Tibetan Tower will become more powerful. Unfortunately, the last time he carefully checked, the Tibetan Tower did not have more levels of array. The above layer cannot be opened to him, and it seems that there is no space.

However, he knows that any layer can send a treasure.

Therefore, the Tibetan Tower may still be mysterious.

But on his current strength, there is no way to know.

Therefore, the hope for the Tibetan Tower is empty.

He can only look forward to the beautiful picture.

Now he finally took the beautiful figure.

There are many information that has poured into Zhang Bin's mind.

Then Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

His mind is always moving, it has entered a mysterious space.

This is a space on the beauty map.

Good cyan green water.

The fairy tree is like a film, and the grass is like.

Dahe Tao, Ziqi Music.

In the central area, there is a square.

There is a statue on the square, which is a statue of a beautiful person.

Ufruq is like a cloud, sagins.

Beautifully beautiful, elegant temperament.

Excissible breath.

On a hand of her hand, I wrote a word-sealed.

That horror, nail, now falling in her hand.

It is crazy to struggle.


And some magic treasures that look very powerful, knife gun swords, all kinds of shapes are also spread on this square.

Any magic weapon has written a seal.

I have almost swallowed Zhang Bin into the coffin, but also on this square.

There was also a seal on it.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed and laughed, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Because the beauty picture is an incomparable artifact, you can seal any powerful magic weapon.

These magic weapons on the square are seized by the beauty map.

It can be said that it is a very powerful artifact.

However, the most powerful or beautiful statue of the hunting nail.

How can I have 300 magic treasures here?

In other words, Zhang Bin is equal to 300 artifacts.

Even, can also solve the problem that the hunting god wants to escape.

As long as you refine the artifact, release the seal, the beauty of the beauty figure will increase the ability.

After all, seal so many artifacts, let the beauty chart are exhausted.

It is difficult to seal the hunting god.

Zhang Bin didn't have any delays. He immediately walked to the face of the coffin.

Spiritual explosion, I want to sneak into.

However, there did not find a passage of mental effort.

Then Zhang Bin took a brain door, and it was also muttered in his mouth: "This is very happy. This coffin is obviously the master. So it is necessary to seal. Only the treasure without seal fonts can only refine."

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