The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4143 is released

Zhang Bin horses a moment, and the umers will take out and take it on the coffin.

There is no big accident, or slowly sneak into it.

The umers are still very magical, and the treasures that the Ume is also tied, that is still extremely rare.

Soon, Zhang Bin's spiritual power passed the channel of the Ume American, and rapidly sneaked into it.

I quickly found the array, I also found the soul imprint of the array center area.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. He immediately showed the black flame of the horror, and the fighter of the horrible, and smashing the soul imprint.


The singular voice sounded.

The soul imprint is also crashing quickly.

And a virtual shadow that looks unparallel, this is an old man who is incomparable, and it has a super evil atmosphere and a powerful momentum.

He shouted crazy: "Who are you? Who is it? Can you erase my soul imprint?"

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despulk and laughed and continued to be crazy.

This soul imprint quickly collapsed, completely disappeared, as never had, there was.

However, Zhang Bin was also secretly surprised, because he found that the strength of this old man is really strong, is a real little god.

In the source universe, there is still a state.

This is a very quirky thing.

After all, this guy is in chasing scales.

Almost grab the scale.

Of course, that time, the guy was certainly not cultivated into god.

Therefore, the scale can also escape, but also seal the coffin in the body.

Permit, in the Black Sea area, there is also a human residential place, there are many powerful humans. There are some little gods. Black Sea area, it is worthy of me to explore. "Zhang Bin muttered, his face floated The color of surprises.

He didn't have any delays, and gently refine the coffin.

This coffin is indeed a artifact, which can improve eight times.

Although it is not better than the Kyushu Ding, Tibetan Tower, Libra, and the Tang Sword is also very good.

Like his expectation.

Refining the coffin, the seal on the coffin is dissipated.

The struggle of hunting gods is not so powerful.

" ..."

Zhang Bin laughed and smiled.

Slowly erase some soul in the artifacts of the artifact, and refine it.

Among them, nine artifacts were very bovine, and the 10 was warranty.

100 magicals can improve nine times the power.

The rest can only increase eight times, and seven times the power.

And so, the hunting god will not move.

It is thoroughly sealed in hand.

There is also a bloody seal.

"This is a seal success!"

Zhang Bin muttered, but his face also slanting the color.

Because the hand of the beauty statue is still tightly grasping the hunting nail, it is obviously worried that the hunting god can escape.

Such treasures are too horrible.

Zhang Bin once again tried again, just wanting the American people to sneak into the hunting god.

Unfortunately, there is still no success.

He also tried to pull the hunting god from the beauty statue.

Then he can use the death of black fire, perhaps melt.

But there is no success.

Zhang Bin also made it.

He believes that hunting gods can resist black fire of death.

After all, Jin Yi, which is awarded the law, and has not cultivated into a beast, can cultivate the black fire.

It can be seen that the black fire is in the beast and the gods, which is a very ordinary flame.

Can't deal the super powerful magic weapon.

"The beauty figure is undoubtedly more powerful than the hunting god. In the future, I can also use it to seal the powerful artifact." Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of splendid smile.

His mind, he flew out of the box that he got under the treasure house of Hunting Temple.

Falling on the square, Zhang Bin said faintly: "Sealing ..."

Suddenly, a red seal appears on the box.

And Zhang Bin sticked to the many characters of the above, but he was separated from it.

"Hey, now I don't worry about Jin Yili to induce this box."

Zhang Bin smiled.

At this moment, he was in great peace, his face also floated a strong confidence.

He walked out of the square and walked on the grass, in the mountains.

What made him surprised is that the soil here is a god.

It is a pity that there is no birth to any gods here. All is a fairy medicine.

"This treasure is better than the Tibetan Tower, especially the defense ability, it is too terrible. It is estimated to be Jin Yi, I want to attack the beauty map, it is a bit hard."

Zhang Bin muttered, but he did not transplant three gods to here.

The space of the Tibetan Tower is also good.

Here, it is his last barrier.

If it is in the place where you will die, you will hide.

That will naturally suffer from enemies' horror attacks.

It is not necessarily good to cultivate God trees here.

He once again explored some, there is no great discovery.

I will no longer delay, fly out.

However, his face has floated the color of thinking.

Is it necessary to transplant your loved ones into the space among the beauty map?

The space in this is very suitable for cultivation, and cultivation resources are not lacking.

Advanced fairy medicine has.

Even the fairy medicine in the three thousand Avenue property has.

Finally, he smiled slightly, now there is no need to put your loved ones.

Because it is also necessary to practice hard in Fuiti.

Before integrated with the three thousand Avenues, Fu Di is the most suitable place for cultivation.

Zhang Bin also concentrated on the Tibetan Tibet, and looked at three gods.

The fruits of the two trees are still not mature, but they grow up to the limit.

Even, a kind of began to turn yellow, and there is a beginning to become red.

It's not far from maturity.

"Waiting for me to eat these two kinds of gods, even if I can't break through the god, I will definitely be strong and twice. After taking the Shen Dan, then my strength is equal to a strong more than 20 times." Zhang Binji Morm muttered, he made a blessing, there is a Lei Black Sea, and the pen is straight to the darkness.

He is bright in his heart, even if it is as he estimated, strong twenty times, it may not be able to deal with the horror.

Even the skyscrapers have got this treasure, that is, it is necessary to use him Zhang Bin.

So, you can also get it, or a more powerful treasure.

It may even be a goddea, and his strength must be terrible.

So he must go to find a adventure.

He refined a lot of artifacts from the beauty map.

There is a little god, and there is a beast.

Therefore, Zhang Bin judged that in the Black Sea area, there must be another continent, and lived with powerful beasts and little gods.

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