The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4144 Mysterious Mainland

As long as you find this place, Zhang Bin can collect a massive soul energy even if there is no adventure.

Then you can cultivate black mushrooms, improve the strength of four , and improve the strength of Yu Wen into the sky.

That is also equal to improving your strength.

He showed a stealth magic, rapidly in the black sea.

The pen goes deep away.

Three years later, Zhang Bin went deep into the depths of the black sea.

The magic sound has become extra loud.

If it is not the soul of Zhang Bin, the strength has also improved too much. He may not be able to travel without anything else.

And Zhang Bin's eyes shot the brown rays, and the face was also jealous.

Because he knows, the location of the Lord of Magic is not far away.

And the power of the magic, Zhang Bin is too knowledgeable.

Suddenly, a continent appeared in front of you.

This is a very wide continent, the upper white fog, the mountains come, the trees are especially huge, and there are many cities.

Even, you can see countless human monks living above.

A shared blood is rushing to the sky, like numerous light columns.

This is the breath that God can exude.

That is to say, in this continent, there are many powerful little gods.

If it is not sure this is among the Black Sea, Zhang Bin must doubt that he came to the gods.

The sound of the magic is quickly passed in the void.

Exploring and thoroughly packaged by this continent.

Ordinary people can of course have no way to find it.

However, Zhang Bin is because he is too powerful, and it will naturally find it.

Anyone wants to come out from the mainland, and must pass this horrible sound wave.

This is a horrible volatile sound wave.


Perhaps it is a feeling of human beings. A huge beast is jumping out from the water, and the lightning is like to go to the mainland. I want to have a good time.

However, in the shaking range of the horrible sound wave, its body broke down, and chemically became countless fragments and blood fog, and then fell into the Black Sea.

"I rely on ..."

Zhang Bin took a breath, and his face was full of taboo.

To be honest, he is not truly believed that the voice of the Magic Sound is better than him.

After all, he can also compete with the sound and the magic sound, protect the million people.

But now he is a bit a bit.

The main energy of this magic sound is blocked with such a huge continent.

Let the beasts can't enter, and can kill any beasts that want to enter.

This is what Zhang Bin does not currently.

If he blocked a city, it can do it.

But the blockade is obviously the top ten mainland, but it is far from being can't do.

Unless he can cultivate into god.

"It is a big horror that exists before countless era, never been annihilated. Sure enough, it is a bit."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart. Now he is in the heart, and the current self can basically invinciate, but want to deal with these obvious horror beast gods from the beast, but it is still not enough.

"Is it a powerful power of the magic sound, or is Jin Yi to be strong? Is there any connection between them? And why is this continent to block the main sound wave?" Zhang Bin caught deep Deep thinking.

Suddenly, the horrible voice rang from Zhang Bin's back, "Black Day, Black Sea, Black Boat, takes you to hometown, the dark is home, the emperor is bones, come, you go to the hometown ..."

Zhang Bin woke up, he suddenly turned back.

Then he saw that a huge black ship sailed from the distance.

The sound is floating from the black ship.

"Ha ha ha ... finally arrived at home ..."

"God, I see my hometown, here, don't worry about falling, there is no evolution ..."

"Here is a happy paradise ..."


Thousands of people are a super genius of the human monk flew out from the ship's cabin, standing on the deck, and looked at the hometown continent excited.

Yes, this mainland is the hometown of the hometown of the legend, the real ten mainland.


The mouth of the stealth Zhang Bin is a surprised voice.

Because he saw acquaintances.

And there are two.

These two acquaintances are hungry and kill pig old ancestors.

They are now not very powerful, only cultivating the four layers of the shackles.

However, their body is a breath of a peerless life.

Even, there is a very familiar momentum that is emitted from their body, which is a peerless genius.

Before, Zhang Bin is very difficult to find.

But now Zhang Bin, I don't know how many times.

Naturally, it can be easily induced.

His eyes also swept away from other humans.

He also found that these humans are not very powerful, and they are very small.

However, any one exudes a genius atmosphere.

In other words, they are more rare geniuses.

It is obviously a long time to catch a long time.

Today is to send them to our hometown.

The black boat with a strange breath, broke into the sound wave.

That is safe.

It quickly arrived in the mainland.

These thousands of people have jumped, and they have entered the mainland.

As for the black boat, it is once again sailed.

Through the sound wave area, the pen is straight to the distance.

Zhang Bin did not go to the black ship.

Because he has found the old nest of the black, you can deal with it. Now he doesn't want to fight the snake.

He just stood on the sea, and his face floated.

The black ship is indeed a terror.

Capturing many human genius, but they did not kill it, but sent to this continent.

Let them probilize, cultivate.

The purpose is very simple, that is, they are looking forward to breeding a rare genius in the future, and the Lord of the magic is good.

Of course, this is just that Zhang Bin's own speculation.

This is not the case, and it still has to be certified.

In fact, Zhang Bin himself also felt something wrong.

Because there are countless era, such a wide continent, it is impossible to have a unusual genius.

Moreover, the black ship has been capturing the genius of humanity.

Even the magic sound is still tempting to mankind to come here.

The demise of the Magic Sound is not so high.

So, maybe there is something else.

After a while, Zhang Bin began to act.

He is controlled with a beautiful man, floating on the water.

Slowly enter the sound wave.

The shocking frequency is very terrible. Zhang Bin in the umerail felt a touch of threat.

The cells of the body began to resonate.

"Trial ..."


Zhang Bin Shi Zongxiao, reducing the attack of the magic sound.

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