The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4151, the mystery of God

The old ancestors are sitting on a futon knee.

Two 2100 cars were floated behind him.

It is very powerful to exude the momentum.

He began to pass.

And everyone is sitting below the knee, and the face is full of respect and expectation.

"The old age is only blended in 2100, this is not what? Is it true human genius, did not be taken?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, the last time, the last three hundred gods, any One is blended with three thousand avenues, the extreme horror.

That is definitely true God.

And it is super powerful.

Only the only thing of the real god, the Lord of the Magic, will be wary.

"All, we will finally have to go out, because the monk of the Lord of the Magic Sound will be all resurrected." Only two were left. "The old ancestors did not pass, but excited," and The Lord of the Magic Sound is also the goal of the hidden. He will soon can win, resurrect. So, he will leave here, go outside the universe. The magic sprite will also disappear, we can return to human beings Area, then you can go to the god. "

"It's great, it is so good, we can finally get free ..."

Everyone under the stage shouted, and their faces were also full of ecstasy.

After all, some people have trapped in numerous era.

They are hard to blend two thousand in a long queue.

But it is never there is no way to break through the horrible magic sound barrier.

They are very expensive to return to the human area and go to the gods.

"Nima ..."

Hearing here, Zhang Bin has a day of dog feeling.

I thought that these people would be a bit bloody, and they have been fighting with the principal of the magic.

But didn't expect that they had no confrontation.

Really turned into a sheep without blood.

"This era will definitely leave here, however, everyone wants to go to the gods, but it is not so easy." The old age said seriously, "It is said that there is a lot of tests on the road to the gods." A lot of trap, and even horrible creatures will deal with us, but also you can't get people in the space container and body, you can only cross the fog area with them. So, in this limited time, you To work hard, improve strength. "

"Nima is not a way?"

Zhang Bin is almost called.

His eyes turned, I can't help but say: "If you are the Lord of the Magic, you will succeed. He really will let us? You are not worried about him killing hands?"

All people and gods are stunned, watching Zhang Bin like a monster.

The old age is even in the gods, "said nonsense. The Lord of the magic sound is the big man in the gods. He is extremely kind and kind, can't bear to see countless genius falling, only to introduce them to the Black Sea area, because there is no echo robbery, Shouyuan is far more than 5,000 era. And he is still arranged in the hometown continent. The magic sound barrier is to protect us. Let any powerful beast can't kill. How can he kill us? "

"Since he is so kind and kind, there is also a controversy, why not let many little gods?"

Zhang Bin said that he said.

"That is also for us, if you just cultivate into gods, you will be killed by God." The old ancestors said, "And, the old ancestors hope that we can give birth to super genius, so that he guards and He won the resurrection. In order to protect the gods, he sacrificed too much, and he also protected our countless human. We are willing to help him. We are also unwilling to leave before the Magic Sound. Of course, there are some people who don't have a conscience. And God, I don't want to escape, but that is a fault. Everyone can. "

"You are such a defeat?"

A little god suddenly stood up, he looked at Zhang Bin, and he took the murderous murder.

He has also floated 1900 cars behind him.

"Nima ... is brainned."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but he said: "I am a loyal admirer of the Lord of Magical. You don't want to misunderstand, I just want to plan to go to the goddess so much, in order to have doubts about you. After all, The Lord of the Magic is still not satisfied. "

"He is very reasonable, we are so happy is a bit wrong ..."

Everyone is squatting in his heart, and their face has also floated the color.

The old people will soon transfer the topic. He began to teach some experience in cultivation and sense of enthusiasm. After the top 9th floor is successful, it took 100 episodes of the sentiment. This 100 era, I have worked hard, cultivate, but there is no breakthrough opportunity. In the end, I seized myself. Most of the strength, let yourself live in the mortal district, feel that the mortal life is born, grow, grow old, death, burial, change the dust ... Once again, I feel the true meaning of God. If you want to be god, we must understand the process of death and destruction. If you can understand that you don't die, you can get the truth, you can get your power and movement ... "

In the hometown continent, there is a mortal area.

Many mortals living.

After all, any future generations of any genius cannot be geniuses, and may even have a good cultivation.

And these people who have no more people who have no more increasing people will get better and better.

Finally, the mortal will appear.

Endai can't practice.

Their life is only several decades, more than 100 years.

"Heaven, there is such a thing? To seal your strength, let yourself live in mortal people, feel the life and death, die, can you find an adult opportunity?" I realized the true meaning of God? "

Some of the nine layers of the nine layers have sent the sound of exciting.

Even Zhang Bin is awkward, he is a bit dare not confidence.

"This is true, they can testify."

The God said sincerely.

"Yes, I also use this way into God."

"In fact, go to all the best, it is easier to find an opportunity to get a god. However, there is no way to go to us. But in the future, you can go back to the human world, you can try it."


There are many small gods under the table.

Such a secret, I didn't want to say it, but, I can go back to the world, then I will go to the gods. It doesn't matter.

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