"is this real?"

Zhang Bin's voice rang in the Tibetan Tower Space.

Ye Lian laughed and replied: "It is indeed true, I have not lived in the mortal, but I seal my strength, see myself as a mortal, cultivate ordinary crops, see them one year old One is a moon, and there is 100 era, and I feel the true meaning of God. If you can go to us, you will live in the mortal, it is estimated that it is much better than that. "

"Waiting for this era, the master, let's go to us life?"

Qin Emperor said.

Don't say her, even the Devil God and the Sword Emperor are also a look.

They refined too much of too many of the blood, taking the god fruit and countless genius, and the income increased.

They also give you a god.

Therefore, they all want to go to life, try it.

"Can you talk about God's experience?"

Zhang Bin is eyebrow, he asked.

Yeilian began to say fine.

It turns out that I can only break through the kind of the most good.

After breaking through, even the god.

However, between God and God, the strength is far from the distance.

It has a relationship with Tianshui.

It's better to have a lot of talents, and there is a strong battle.

For example, Ye Lian can only fuse 2930, and there is no more in other roads, and it will not be integrated.

Moreover, the talents are good, if it is true God, since it created a way, after the god, the war has greatly improved, it is said to be more than 100 times far away.

For example, Ye Lian has broken through the way of purification, she only cultivates the purification path to God's realm.

As for the rest of the road, although the integration is successful, it also cultivates the nine floors, but there is no breakthrough again.

Therefore, her power of her purification is a hundred times more than one other.

If it is possible to fuse 100 kinds, her war can be doubled.

Integrate 1000 kinds of roads, the war can be increased by 10 times.

Integrate 3000 avenues, and the war has increased by 30 times.

Also, if it is not possible to go to the gods, then after the way of excellence, after the limit of the realm, there is no way to improve the strength.

The old people are also going to pass, and some mystery and common sense of the gods.

And Ye Lian said the same size.

"If you want to go to the mortal regional cultivation, you must upgrade your strength to the ultimate, no way to enter the point, then it is the foundation. Otherwise, even if it breaks through the god, the war is very low." It looks very powerful and stood up.

"You said that the strength is upgraded to the ultimate, no way inch, what does it mean? Can you explain it?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, curiously asked.

"This is very simple, it is also integrated all the roads in the nine floors. It will cultivate it to the nine layers of the top. In fact, it is to put your body and soul to the extreme, no way to improve." The little god replied.

"Hey ... how can this be done?"

Almost at the same time, everyone put a breath.

Their face is full of not bothering.

"If it is cultivated in the human area, it is certainly can't be done. Because our life is only five thousand era. But in the black sea area, it can be done. Because there is an unlimited life." The little God said, "If you can communicate with each other , Discuss, or have a little god to give pointers, don't be too long. Moreover, there are some secret laws that accelerate the shackles, such as getting the height of the gods, such as the god blood, more attributes, more attributes Ying Dan ... even, there is a magical blessing. "

"In our hometown mainland, there is a blessing. The speed of the way is extraordinary ..."

The old people are also added, "The mainland is definitely the holy place of cultivation. In the future, the magic sound old ancestors have left, here are our human beings still can't give up ..."

"There is also a blessing here? Then I must go and see."

Zhang Bin is big, and he likes to Fu Di, because it can make too much speed can be improved, he is because of the blessing, it can fuse more than 3,000 ways.

However, his mouth is doubtful: "Just integrate all the talents of the talents, cultivating the nine layers of the right, even if it is to cultivate their body and souls to the extreme?"

"Ha ha ha ... this question is good." The old ancestors laughed, "I have teatched the magic old ancestors on this issue. He gave me the best answer. We know, more integrated The soul and the body will be strong, the universe will become a lot of perfect. However, this is not enough, there are some magical genius, can be strong, such as we use God. The cultivated godding, the black mushrooms of the mainland, the gods from the gods ... can even make people with a few hundred times a few times. Also, after cultivating the limit, you can also be extremely horrible in gravity Crazy tempering, that is needed to arrange a horrible gravity array, even in the fire, the thunder is quenched ... can also improve your limit, improve the power. Until, there is no inhamers, it is really true to the limit. That time I only started to break through the god, one would be easy, two will be strong, in the future, there are many future. "

"I rely, this time is cool, can you get this secret?"

Zhang Bin's heart is a big happiness, he felt that this time he came to the hometown, it was right.

Even if you don't have a adventure, you can use gravity, flame thunder to make yourself, improve your strength.

That Era Wars, it will become easier.

Next, Zhang Bin has asked some cultivation of cultivation.

And this time, it is also a three-day three nights.

Let Zhang Bin benefits much.

Zhang Bin was satisfied with the people.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Zhang Bin's ear, "This Taoist, I am an anti-Magic Union, we are a group of awake geniuses, all life is fighting with the magic of the magic. Do you want to join us?"

Obviously, the words of the previous Zhang Bin said, still caught the attention of someone.

I want to attract Zhang Bin to meet.


Zhang Bin snorted, he accelerated his footsteps and fled.

"You don't want to be afraid. We are really anti-Magic League. If you are willing to join us, please go to this direction ..."

The voice continued to ring in Zhang Bin.

But regardless of how Zhang Bin observes, it still can't find the position of the other party.

Zhang Bin, but the artistic people were bold, and they were equipped with a little panic. He hesitated for a while, he was in front of the other party.

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