The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4153 Terror Necklace

There are two possibilities, one is true, there is a anti-Magic Alliance.

Two is a horror that causing people to die.

But no matter which one, he will not fear.

If his identity is really exposed, so many powerful enemies, it has been to deal with him, and there is no need to show anything.

Moreover, even if the other party really knows his identity, it is necessary to use the conspiracy trick, then explain the Lord of the magic sound, it is impossible to appear here. His power of his magic is not too horrible, you can't hurt him. .

What's more, he still has a godde, ready to take it.

Then you can upgrade ten times the power.

In this case, what is he worried?

Under the guidance of the sound, Zhang Bin entered a small alley, and then entered a park, and then entered a small alley, and he was abducted, and finally entered an inconspicuous house.

There is a hole in the bed of this house.

Zhang Bin boldly drilled in.

Out of a base base all the way.

This base is not very big.

It is a small hole.

An old man is sitting on a proller.

Of course, it is a powerful little god.

The momentum exudes is very horrible.

Seeing Zhang Bin entered, his eyes opened, and smashed the same light as the knife.

Just asked in Zhang Bin, it seems to see Zhang Bin's heart.

After half a day, he said faintly: "Sitting ..."

Zhang Bin also did not fear, he sat down on the futon opposite the guy.

He has to see what is the purpose of the other party.

"Today's party, what is your question is true?"

The old man asked faintly.

"This, that is just the doubts in my heart."

Zhang Bin said, "The Lord of the Magical Blocks the mainland, take us here, obviously not a good person. If he gets the body, how can I let us get us? Even if he is from the god, it is a powerful magic God, but he It may also kill people. After all, this is a very good thing. So, I feel that danger is approaching. If you can't escape as soon as possible, then you may have no time. "

" ..."

The old man is applauding, and the face has been appreciated.

"I am over-flattered."

Zhang Bin said.

"Unfortunately, too much people and God are brainwind by the Lord of the Magical Sound. They all think that the Lord of the magic is a good person. It is a savior. Now I die, I don't know."

The old man said, "I ask you, are you willing to join the anti-Avil Alliance?"

"What kind of organization is the anti-Magic Alliance?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"It is actually a group of people who have been established with you. The purpose is also very simple, just want to join, escape. Instead of being a prisoner, don't want to be killed." The old man said seriously.

"I just cultivate it to the nine layers of the top, I haven't been god, I have no help to your organization, how can you be interested in me?"

Zhang Bin's face was full of doubts.

"We need more like-minded generations." The old man said, "Moreover, the nine layers of the right is very strong. If your tachip is very good, we can also cultivate you, let you have a lot of times. That we are The strength is also improved. "

"Cultivate me? What method used?"

Zhang Bin put out a very heart-moving look and asked.

"We can give you a blood, you can also give you the god fruit, the shadow, and even let you practice."

Old man said.

"Then I am willing to join."

Zhang Bin put out a very exciting look, and he did not hesitate to agree.

"This is a treasure of our anti-Magic League, wearing it on the neck." The old man floated on his face, and his hand had a very unfungeic necklace, staying a very vague statue. "Maybe you also saw it, many people wear such necklaces, and this statue is the statue of the Lord of Magical, but the necklace we refined, can contact each other, can instantly identify who is themselves. You look, I also wear a necklace. "

"I put this necklace, even if the anti-Magic Alliance is?"

Zhang Bin took over, and the mental power broke out, but it could not find the access channel, and there was no way to refine.

So, he still didn't wear it immediately, but asked faintly.

"You are right, you put this necklace, even if you join the anti-Magic Alliance. I will take you to the headquarters to test your talent, and then give you a corresponding cultivation according to the talent." The old man said, "this chain is If you can't refine, you don't have to try it. "

"This chain is owned by the owner."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "there may be any terrorist ability."

However, he still didn't have any hesitation, wear the necklace on his neck.

"Ha ha ha ..." The old man is happy, "Congratulations, you have added our anti-Magic League. Now I have to tell you some precautions. First, don't try to remove the necklace, second, that is Don't betray the anti-Magic Union. Otherwise, the consequence is not you can endure. "

After finishing, he pointed to a very hard statue, smiling: "Do you test the hardness of this statue?"

Zhang Bin nodded, and his hands appeared sharp swords, this is a pseudo artifact.

It is also a very good treasure.

Then he slammed his sword on the neck of the statue.


A horrible giant, spark splash.

However, the neck of the statue is no loss, and there is no trace.

"Shu ... so hard?"

Zhang Bin was a bit of cool, and his face was full of colors.

"Your strength is too weak, trying to have a power of the statue. Look at me."

The old man appeared a sharp ax, proudly said, "This ax is a very powerful artifact, which can improve eight times."

He raised his ax in the air. He also slaps 2080 cars behind him. He also burst a moment of destroying the earth, and then he was crazy on the neck of the statue.


A spark splash is splash than the sound of a hundred times before.

However, the neck of the statue is still safe, and there is no trace.

This Bin is really surprised, surprising this statue of the defense ability.

"I have used the whole force, and I have a ban."

The old man said seriously, "I can see how hard this statue is."

Then he took out a necklace, set on the neck of the statue.

His face has been laughing, saying faintly: "I let you see the power of this chain ..."

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