The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4155, please

"You see, what is the identity of this person?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"He should be human beings, not hosted, but he may be brainned, or it may be controlled by the Lord of the Magic Sound. Anyway, it is an enemy." Yu Wen Cheng said, "Now a little Trouble, the gods of this continent are successful, they can be said to be our enemy. But they are all hardships, killing. Only the many of the Magic Lord can kill. "

"What is the trouble now is how the Lord of Magic knows how my own is?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

"It is estimated that it is not an estimate. But there is another means. So, I can know if I read the soul memory."

Yu Wen Cheng Tian said that "" Gao Lao is a good candidate. "

The next day, Zhang Bin came out of the cave, and directly visited the high-rise.

The elderly, there is a cave, and it is speculated that Zhang Bin is speculated that since the other party is responsible for taking him testing the heavens, then he will not leave easily, it will be in this base.

Also, among this base, there are still many powerful gods, which can be said to be the Lord of the Magical Sound.

Soon Zhang Bin entered the high-rise cave.

"Bow Wu, are you not in practice? How come here?"

The old and old face is confused.

"I have a thing to help you."

Zhang Bin looked forward to it, at the same time, his gods released it out, and glanced in detail.

Did not find someone else, his heart is in the heart.

At least, here is more secure than Zhang Bin's cave.

After all, the other party will never think of, Zhang Bin will come here.

"whats the matter?"

I used a very quirky gaze to look at Zhang Bin.

"I have two kinds of gods, and the fruit may still need a long period of time to mature. I hope that the wood can help it quickly. If I take these two kinds of gods, it will get a certain improvement. The strength will also be improved. "Zhang Bin said," Then I test the talents, it will get good results, naturally, I can get the whole effort to organize. "

"Do you have two kinds of gods?"

Amazing color is surprised on the face.

It seems that I can't believe it.

Zhang Bin did not have two words. He took out the beauty map, pointing to the trees in the top: "You look, it is the two gods."

Yes, last night he had transplanted this two gods into the space of the beauty map.

It can be seen from the outside.

The elder look also treated the past, and his face has been excited and excited.

Because he found that it is two kinds of gods, and the branches are covered with fruits.

It's ripe.

"Old, you can make them mature faster, if you can do it," Zhang Bin said with the temptation.

This is to induce.

He believes that the other party will move.

And I will help it immediately.

After all, if Zhang Bin's body was taken by the Magic Soundhouse, all the treasures of Zhang Bin belong to the Lord of the magic, and his soldiers are not qualified to get so many gods.

Tall old is absolutely not afraid of Zhang Bin, after all, Zhang Bin wear a necklace.

As long as he makes a heart, Zhang Bin will fall.

"These gods have to be mature, but they still have hundreds of millions of years, or even hundreds of billions of years."

High and old say, "If I fully show wood attributes, let the fruit ripe quickly, and it takes three days, and it is necessary to consume many of the blood, and more need to consume a lot of gods."

"I have a lot of gods here. There are also many gods in this space. You don't need to worry." Zhang Bin said, "Three days, nothing." Afterwards, God's fruit. "

"I promise you."

Tall old, no temptation, finally agreed.

He first uses the notes and contacts some subordinate and the boss.

Only with Zhang Bin, I entered the space of the beauty map.

"So many gods?"

He has entered it, and he discovered that this space was extra large, the soil is God.

He is very shocking, his face has floated greedy colors.

At this moment, he can't wait to knew Zhang Bin, and captured the beauty map.

But but still don't dare to destroy the master's plan.

After all, he is just the future generation of the Lord of the Magical Sound.

But the wisdom is very extraordinary, plus him is the way to use wood.

I received the reuse of the Lord of the Magic Sound.

And he will be able to go to the gods with the Lord of the Magical Sound.

Naturally, the Lord of the Magic Sound.

"Please ask the elder to show up."

Zhang Bin said.

"Soil ..."

Tall is also unambiguous, he yells.

Suddenly countless soil comes from nearby, it is stacked below the god tree.

"You pour it with God ..."

Tallful said faintly.

Zhang Bin certainly took out the blood, pouring it on the dirt.

"Wanmu Spring ..."

The elder body burst into the green light, which shrouded these two gods.

It was originally arranged here.

Therefore, the trees are rapidly changed.

Being branched, vital, the fruit on the branches is also slowly maturing.

Evan a faint fruit.

"It's amazing, it is very powerful. It is a wooden god, which makes the gods can be fast and mature, it is simply against the sky. It seems that in the gods, all kinds of gods have special use."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face also floated a brilliant smile.

Can make two kinds of gods mature in advance, this is huge harvest.

Because his war can improve it right away.

What's more, the elder body may also take a space container, which may have a god tree, his little god, is best suited to cultivate God.

So, he will soon be a lot.

It can also spend the horror crisis.

He also thinks with an from toe, this master is like a cloud.

Near thousands of guards, even more brainned little gods.

It is his enemy.

It is also not possible to start the human formal transfer array, or even the ordinary transfer array cannot be started.

Moreover, the rock is also extremely hard, and even the American people cannot sneak into.

Because it is arranged in an incomparable array of array.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is equal to the Long Tan tiger points.

If it is not his body with God Dan, he did not dare to enter this place.

Entering is equal to death.

There is basically no possible possible.

If it is not the Lord of the Magical, I can take a closer to test the Tianbin's tachips, and I have already broke out the horror war.

So many gods, Zhang Bin even if there is God Dan, there is no grasp to be able to deal with it.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can also want to cultivate two gods.

I get some god fruit from the elder body to improve my strength.

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